Revert Genji Damage Nerf

So basically we’re back to

  1. Start the with the part because of the equivalent of “Because it would be vaguely Bad in some sort of undefined way”
  2. Then when asked for specifics on what that would mean, you say they can’t buff Supports because too much Composition Durability is bad.
  3. Then I say that it’s easy to balance around Composition Durability, by adjusting Tank health, Lowering some in-combat heals offset by better out of combat regen/heals for everybody, and that increasing Support firepower actually reduces Composition Durability.
  4. And then you ignore #3, and go right back to #2 or #1. Where you just spam the equivalent of “Because it would be vaguely Bad in some sort of undefined way” over and over again

Do I have that about right?

Because my overall goal is to get more Support players in Plat through Silver ELOs.
Which is the largest population group, and where they are likely to get the most bulk Support player counts.

And making Genji less effective in those ELOs would basically be an indirect Support player buff.

Do you not understand what the devs said there?


LOOOL even devs recognize genjis as the biggest whiners.

Boohoo my hero isn’t #1 why am I not owning everyone waaaahhhh also did I already mention my hero is HIGH SKILL and yours is not, spamming m2 shotgun is hard bwaaaahhhh



Now Genji players have to play a little better instead of spamming as hard. Oh nooooo.


My biggest gripe with Genji was and eill always be that his player base is toxic asf and his pickrate across them all. I just don’t want to play every single friggin match against the tin man, in a game where his counters get nonstop nerfed or like in S1 for weeks removed.

Mobility and over exposure of the tin man were and to some point are my biggest fear and biggest problem with the game.

He ruins the game because he force the match to revolve around him.

Like: better have an counter ulti for nano no skill blade
Better pray that your dps can hit their shots or get beams to counter the tin man
Hope that your team don’t let the backline open or get spammed in the face with no skill double jump rightclick.

He can play to safe and takes no skill when he does more damage. So either let me remove his existence in my matches, or rework him like sym.

When he’s op it will only lead to players leaving.


Thank you for the recap.

No. Are you new to Overwatch? Brig was developed to counter the dive meta that dominated the game, especially high level play and OWL. Brig had nothing to do with “low elo and flankers”, in fact it was quite the opposite.

TBH though I feel like they could revert the nerfs.

He feels unrewarding and underwhelming to play right now and when I’m on support I feel like I can just ignore him half the time and just swat him away with cooldowns for free if he pressures me.

His ultimate is still very strong though especially in a wombo combo.

yeah sure let’s balance everything around the OWL

No. Next question.

How about we remove his dash reset and his double jump so he’s balanced like every other hero.

Name another hero that has an ability reset and a double jump. Oh wait…

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And Genji makes the game walking simulator for supports. You don’t see the delusion in your argument because as long as you get to play your favourite cyborg ninja it doesn’t matter whether that makes the game hell for supports.

I’m not even gonna reply to the rest of your post after reading this. There is no way you aren’t purposely being this ignorant.

One thats that like saying all reaper does is spam genjis primary way fo doing damge is his right click its faster the left its is better up close where he is supposed to be how is it spam that like saying soldier is psamming you with his right click it makes no sense

Yes he feel bad to play and yiu have to do so much more work to get value like look at hanzo hes in the same boat sojourn just does what he does but better then we have Cassidy hes aslo in the same boat with ash doing everything he does yet better.

I woyld disagree its a mid ult like soldiers bit with nano its does insanely well thats why we was a blade bot for 3 years

No it dont supports at all ranks in quick play and ranked die the least and and hero can do that we have a survives biased because just like sombra only people good at the hero will do good and people will see that but wont see like the soldier main that couldnt do as well on genji. We see it even more on sombra shes only ever played by one tricks and at least in plat i find people switch of genji super fast like they will die once and nope ill go tracer or reaper or usaly sojourn

Yes it did on avrage his ttk and over all dps has plummeted because he has even more trouble securing kills that he noraml would have gotten.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind Genji’s sustain damage to be buffed even more.

I could see a world where Genji is balanced around 35 damage shurikens, allowing a triple-headshot to kill 200hp heroes.

However, he would have to be balanced around it, not just a straight buff. I still think Genji shouldn’t be able to cancel out of deflect because he can pull some BS by doing so.

No its not if one misses the head or what usaly happens that kill is now 5 metter behind you so no its not extremely forgiving it what world are you living in? Thats like saying landing all head shots as widow all the time is super forgiving sure buddy.

Hes not fine thats like saying you want all tanks at pre buff junkerqueen or all supports at moira level

Why is it a problem he can cancel deflect but no one has probiles with reaper cancling wraith or mei her ice berg or diva defence matrix or hanzo his sonic arrow why genjis deflect liek for real why

Okay. OW1 he got deflect cancel, right click rof buff, left click rof buff, deflect duration increase and a nerf to his ult so he can’t 1 shot 250hp targets while nano’d and ult charge increase. So going into OW2 he already was buffed from OW1. OW2 he got no changes despite every other flanker getting nerfed.

Genji’s counters of Mei, Brig, Sombra all get nerfs through the later years of OW1. Then come Overwatch they all got dumpstered (Sombra came with season 1 alongside the comparatively small Genji nerfs). Flashidy who’s Genjis’ biggest counter got nerfed hard too by removing the thing that countered him entirely. So that is basically all counters across DPS got nerfed to the point they don’t counter him anymore and the main one in support.

Those are facts. His counters got deleted, Genji got a slap on the wrist and you act like he is literally unplayable.
If you cared about balance, you would also advocate for the heroes that have been deleted with OW2 to actually get changes to make them playable aswell. But you don’t, because you don’t care about balance, you care about Genji being as broken as Sojourn was. Because anyone saying Sojourn was broken while Genji wasn’t all used top 500 playtime stats to prove Sojourn was broken. Even though Genji was played almost as much as she was and was seen on every single top 500 player DPS statistic outside of 1 tricks.

Guess what the viewercount of OWL is compared to the actual playerbase of OW. I’ll give you a clue, it aint big. Balancing around the viewership of a dead esport rather than the fun of the playerbase is a great way to speedrun killing a game.