Revert Genji Damage Nerf

Second weakest? You really do have a persecution complex, don’t you? His kit is insane. He’s a hyper mobile character with high damage 0 falloff projectiles, cooldown resets, and the ability to reflect ultimates.

You’ve got 2 free movement abilities with 0 cd: Wall climb and double jump

You’ve got a high mobility, cleave damage dash which gets a free reset on kill. Not even a kill with the ability itself, just a kill in general.

You’ve got an ultimate that cleaves for Pharah/Junkrat direct hit damage while also still maintaining all of your movement passives, access to dash, reset, and an increase to overall movement speed.

You’ve also got an ability that, as mentioned, can reflect ultimates. Not deflect, not cancel, not absorb, reflect. As in that grav the Zarya just used is now your grav. That high noon? Your high noon. That Pharah ultimate? Just kill her with it.

You can reflect Suzu and anti and gain their effects. Grenades, rockets, anti grenade, one shot headshots from Widow and Hanzo, and much much more are all fair game. And it lasts for several seconds and has a huge hitbox. Oh, and you can still double jump for free while doing it.

The fact that Genji players can and still are dominating games in metal ranks and above while you’re acting like he’s a throw pick makes you look like you’re not very good at the character and were relying on his broken state to be effective.

He’s in a solid spot right now. Not op, not underpowered. He can still be incredibly effective. There’s nothing wrong with being middle of the pack.


I got got zen that was my bad.

We have overbuff

NO DATTEBAYO (BELIEVE IT). You cringers trying to pretend to do Naruto crap while flooding my comms with racist stereotypical “asian dialoguing” can kick rocks and get good.

Yes hes the second weakest dps in the game and ill stand by it hes gotten 3 huge nerfs to him

No its less and has only 5 meters of range with nothing else so you lose all ranged options in his ult.

I would idsagree hes very much underpowers just like cass and sombra

Sound like somone just lost a game to genji lol

Unpopular opinion:

It might be better if genji stay niche.

If he’s strong, or even a bit more viable, will he become a nuisance for healers, similar to how tank counters are nuisance for tanks.

If tanks counters are intentionally kept weak, then why not do the same thing with other niches that does a similar thing to other classes/roles? This is a serious question btw. How is it good thing if flankers are dominating an already bad performing class?


Uhhh no. I’m more sick of your people pretending to be my people with very negative stereotypes. Should I play Soldier 76 and start reciting bible verses and start naming off every school under the sun? That’s exactly 1 for 1 that’s going on. Also, Can’t hear enemy comms bud! Go back to watching Elephant on repeat and reciting every word in that movie like it’s a manifesto.

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By what metric? Like literally where are you pulling this from?

Overbuff hasn’t been functioning since OW2 came out.

I regularly see Genji players being incredibly effective on every map under the sun and to the point that they force counter swaps of one or more of the team. I really think it might be a skill issue here and not a Genji issue.

If you stand by it, let’s see replay codes. Show us what it is you think makes him underpowered.


Yeah most Top 10 EU players are Ball players, does that make him a good hero? Not really.

Most popular OW streamers are usually support players with examples being ML7 and KarQ, and they both are high level support mains and guess what, they don’t complain about Genji and see him as really weak, ML7 has actually said he insta-avoids any Genjis he plays with that isn’t Shadder2k.

Unless you’re at that level of play, what happens up there has no bearing on the meta you experience. The people in the pros and top 500 are playing an entirely different game to the rest of the playerbase.


GMs and Masters, far skill range from each other but Masters is where the game comes together you can literally pick anything in the metal ranks and you’ll win people there are just that bad. We should not balance around them for that reason people can one trick like sombra to masters and then it starts to get hard, because she’s weak as hell.

I wouldn’t bother. 99.999999% of fans are cu… nevermind. Their is a very easy noticeable line of respecting a streamer versus worshiping one. Respect is where one acknowledges who they are entertaining and skill wise. It gets to worship status when the streamer is faultless and/or the c… fan thinks their streamer can do these high level feats, so the cringy fan thinks they can do it too while taking everything the streamer say is beyond gospel. That is who you’re talking with. Look how he catalogs these people and treats it like it’s fact.

Dash’s hitbox is massive, thats not really good you wanna know why? You die, a lot when dashing. Sometimes you just soak a Widow bullet sent for a teammate and die.

So like I don’t know where you get this from but blading Genji is easier to kill than neutral Genji, the blade is so weak even when he has nano up due to movement and survivability of this game.

It doesn’t make it your high noon? You can at most kill him with it but like most people don’t shoot deflect? Deflecting a grav is not even skill based it’s just something that happens with luck because again, most people don’t shoot the deflect. Pharah’s ult yeah you can just shoot it back into her.

No one is relying on his broken state to be effective, he was the lowest of all the S tier heroes in the October 4th patch, but after the damage nerf and he still had the dps passive he was solid, and middle of the pack. Without the damage or the dps passive however he is a bottom of C-Tier hero who can be considered one of the worst in the game because he doesn’t output solid damage, he barely can secure kills, and his ultimate is worse than his neutral game.

We also have a lot of private profiles.

But fine :slight_smile: lets use overbuff shall we ?

Genji has the third highest pickrate out of all DPS, and the 5th highest winrate.

INFACT, Genji is within the top 4 most played heroes in EVERY SINGLE RANK.

But no, continue to justify giving Genji more buffs because his pickrate is “dropping in all ranks”.


There are two things you should never do in gaming as represented by previous games. Balance for the low ranks and balance around pick rates, take R6S for example that game fell off the face of the planet due to a really boring meta being in the game for 4 years. Balancing around low ranks should be self-explanatory enough, extreme unbalance for the people who actually have to respect meta and play the best heroes in the game for a reason, while in low elo, who you pick doesn’t matter.

Can’t help but notice he’s one of 2 in the top 5 there with a positive winrate as well…

I didn’t know overbuff was up again. After looking through this, not only is he not down near the bottom by Winrate and Pick Rate, but he’s actually above average among DPS.


You mean like the really boring “every match is genji sojourn and everybody needs to play around this crap or die” meta we came out of S1?

Yeah you just want to go back abusing genji and putting in 0 effort.

Genji is fine, deal with it or let us block the tin man out of our games.


Also to add, while singing Naruto OPs while being hard carried by a pre nerfed genji’s kit. Dude is a meta d rider. They have no relevant opinion. Guaranteed this same dude plays mario kart and uses waluigi, wiggler, roller, cloud, and thinks he’s god tier at the game.

Yeah at least Genji has something you can do against him unlike Sojourn, who has been out since OW2 beta and is still the best DPS in the game. She’s been out for 6 months and has had a longer meta run time than Genji. I don’t want Genji to be OP and I certainly don’t want a crutch I want balance. Genji will always be an especially high effort hero. I could be queueing Sojourn in masters games for free wins because she’s just that good and has yet to be balanced due to “low ranks” but I don’t.

Like when all you had to do was get close, spam nothing but right click while jumping around like a flea on crack, then dash/melee when they were low enough?