Yeah I said it, despite what some people may say oh “Genjiwatch!1!!@111” and that he’s oppressive, a support assassin or whatever but let’s not use opinions here lets use real facts. Guess what metas are the most viewed during Overwatch League. It is the ones that involve Genji, Genji is a fun hero to watch and to play. The only complainers about Genji are low elos who think he is a crutch. Players above the rank of like Diamond understand that he is a high skill hero who needs hours of practice to be even good with. This is especially true in this day and age with this 27 damage 24 shuriken nerf. He was given that nerf to counteract the DPS passive that they just removed anyways. Sure OW2’s October 4th release had issues but Genji was not one of the big ones. Yes, he was very good but Sombra/Sojourn/Zarya/Kiriko were all much stronger, two of which are very good counters to Genji. I’m not saying he should return to OW2’s release state but he definitely should be getting at least his 29 damage back for compensation. OW2’s release wasn’t nearly as boring as the current one-shot meta and I believe that is because Genji was meta and you wouldn’t 24/7 see Sojourn + one random DPS. That’s whats happening in this current one-shot meta. Now, one shot meta exists because of extreme burst healing that guess what, Genji can’t kill through making him effectively useless in this state of the game. He’s made for killing supports but what happens if he can’t kill them because they 1. can pocket each other or 2. have more survivability than he does. Let’s take Kiriko and Mercy because they are the most played backline comp currently, If Kiriko gets dived she can suzu herself and TP away, sure you burned both cooldowns but that means nothing when you die because you are now stuck in the enemy backline without a dash reset. If Kiriko gets dived with no cooldowns her mercy can fly to her and hold heal down and she’s nerf unkillable for a Genji until she gets her cooldowns back and then tps away and goes on with her day. Mercy is just unkillable for everyone and thats a known fact. Everything Genji is meant to do is greatly overshadowed by so many other heroes, and he can’t even do his job well. Flankers are supposed to kill supports, Tracer and Reaper both do that job better, Sojourn can kill supports more consistently by charging a rail shot with a mercy pocket and just shooting into the backline.
I agree but dear God please learn to make paragraphs.
True I just kind of wrote how I felt about Genji, no real care for paragraphs or proper formatting.
Stop people think we’re insane for asking for a revert to nerfs that didn’t even address an issue, which was the dps passive speed which isn’t even in the game anymore it’s to logical to make sense.
I figure, give him back his damage and his ammo.
And then buff Supports.
This nerf basically doesn’t do much of anything below Masters, and the bulk of the needed Support players are in Plat through Silver.
If anything nerf supports healing is way to high rn lmfao ana getting power crept instead o them actually nerfing suzu in a meaningful way.
The devs need roughly 50-100% increase in Support players in the next 3 months. So power creeping is unavoidable.
It’s either powercreep or don’t fix Matchmaking. And the devs can lose anywhere between 1-10% of the entire playerbase to fix Matchmaking.
As for in-combat heals, that’s going to be dependant on if Composition durability is too high or low.
But giving everybody out-of-combat regen, and giving out-of-combat Support healing buffs could offset some reductions for in-combat healing.
I’m going to give my completely honest opinion, and you yourself are entitled to yours. I believe that supports being too good are the reason that one-shot meta exists, the burst healing from Kiriko is disgusting. Someone gets down to 1hp from a dive just suzu them and hit 5 papers while they are invulnerabilitied, instantly back to full health. That is my believe for the cause of the meta is because you need such extreme burst damage to kill through any level of healing currently.
Also to add on the nerf didn’t fix anything either still getting dominanted by speed and blade it was never the damage or ammo it was blade which never got touched instead of them making it not stack with speed they just ignored it removed it then nerfed his damage and ammo which no bronze to plat genji can even utilize
Tl;Dr for anyone who doesn’t want to read - “I like Genji so make him meta c:”
Supports aren’t even that bad rn
Reverting one of the three nerfs a c-tier character got won’t make them suddenly meta.
LMAOO I think I qued into you on my Smurf aren’t you a mercy otp? Isn’t your hero insanely broken right now best mobility in the game actually unkillable? I digress it’s not making him op I can care less about the hero feels like trash to play only reason why he’s even decent is because MERCY ANA AND KIRKO are meta.
Genji getting 2 damage back doesn’t make him meta in any way it makes him at most a high B tier hero, that puts him along the same lines of Symmetra, Soldier, and Reaper currently which is where he belongs.
I’m very much in the perspective of “Anybody who doesn’t want them to get enough Supports to fix Matchmaking, is free to quit if they don’t like it”.
You and players like you are not important enough to justify losing 10x, 100x or 1000x more players.
I still see this not enough supports when que time in every role is less than 10 mins lol. Idk why people are afraid to admit on the forums that support is ACTUALLY strong.
The post literally asks for him to be meta.
I’m not a OTP(especially since I’ve been a dps main this season), and I haven’t played on this account for a while so I doubt you played with me.
Nah I definitely did that name is hard to forget
If you can’t see that Matchmaking Speed, and Matchmaking Quality are associated tradeoffs, then that’s your problem.
I didn’t say he should be meta, I stated when he’s good the game is good with viewership stats from when times Genji is meta to prove the fact that him being good is healthy for the game.
I mean I don’t blame my team for losing so that’s kinda irrelevant to me. my quality of games is honestly determined by who has the better tank not healer so you’re definitely not anywhere close to the actual issue.