(rereedit)Just ignore everything I guess

I honestly just think they should put shield gen on alt e like it’s so easy?

They seem to want to get away from Builders in OW2 so I’d guess a assassin type with teleports or some kind of buff/debuff supp.

I like builders and would be sad if they couldn’t find a way to make them viable

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Unfortunately, the game is going in a very dull FPS route and the MOBA elements of the game are slowly dying. You know, the elements of Overwatch that actually made the game interesting in the first place.

As much as that’s been working recently on the beta.

After that OWL match, I am expecting a teleport nerf now.

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You are right.

Ditch cooldown team TP since it clearly is a design and balance nightmare that has been dragging down Sym for quite some time.

Shield Gen was allowed to be strong as an ultimate because it was an ultimate. As an E skill it could be either awful or overpowered. Broken.

I rather have her personal shield back and natural 250hp than a gimped shield gen for the sake of having it back.

I would imagine they roll something like that out post launch going by their language today, idk.

Sym Shield Gen main are the DPS main by the way.

Sym teleporter main are the Support mains.

(unless you had a certain type of close friend.)

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I say shield gen because it’s just a more natural fit than personal shield on alt e.

I personally think 25 hp would work, or just a passive Regen for shield health or something.

Besides it’s better than nothing when tp wouldn’t be needed in a situation.

Gives her back the choice of choosing which one better suits her current situation like old sym.

Which is still funny because the whole reason they gave her shield gen was because tp wasn’t always useful and that is once again the case with her

We didn’t get pick/win rates for any heroes. We got numbers relative to where they were before changes. Given that these heroes had no changes the numbers would not have shifted therefore the numbers would have been nothing.

Photon barrier was on E before tho.

Make it 275hp since she has no sustain or self-heals or insane combat mobility like every other close range dps hero.

I would stop bringing up the shield gen and proto barrier back up.

They are Brig and Sigma now.

To get around the whole key-bind problem, they could have her teleporter be a secondary “weapon” - the user hits next/prev weapon causing Sym to enter the teleporter setup pose.

My question is: what would the new E ability look like? Would it be the 2.0 barrier? A construct that acts as a personal buff machine, in a callback to Ye Olde Shield Generator? Torb’s Overload but with other buffs to set it apart? Something else entirely?

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They are both different abilities. Its like saying that only Soldier can have hitscan primary fire.

Again Healer sym can still work, they just have to also bring back the piecing orb alt fire and give it the ability to also heal allies, as well as the healing turrets. (not buggy this time)

And also buff the Ult wall to have healing or maybe even antiheal. (or change the wall completely, refering to the golden statue in Sym’s short story.)

And Sym kit would still be close to what it is now.

The idea is that you use the weapon change keybind to switch between them, with photon barrier being the default one at the start. The deployment is instant, however. It could be like Moira’s orb choose, but due to the timing nature of Photon Barrier to block crucial enemy abilities, I rather minimize the amount of delay there can be on deploying it.

0.2s was very crucial for the sake of properly blocking flashbang and pulse bomb.

Basically, yes. It can be tweaked to be slightly different than 2.0 barrier, but the idea is that you get an on-demand personal defensive cooldown like every other close range hero does.

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This conversation is starting to sound like the Genji one.

Where Genji turned into Genji and Hanzo.

But Sym already spawned Brig and Sigma.

Awful delayed healing is not viable. The only reason why Bap gets projectile primary healing and why it works its because its extremely fast AND it pops on contact and heals on a pretty big area.

Reconstructing an inanimate statue doesnt mean healing for the love of god.

You know that not only this is entirely unfounded but also Sym 2.0 and Brig coexisted tight.

Piecing orb was often overlooked back then.

But piecing multiple enemy was alot of damage.

So if the reverse also happen at the same time…

Honestly I need to focus elsewhere this morning already wasted alot of time repeating old post.

They’d never make a DPSymmetra a shield monster, tho. Imagine the salt…

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