(rereedit)Just ignore everything I guess

Look I am not the one pushing that.

I don’t what to see an entire kit deleted again and replaced with something new. (and staying within DPS for no reason.)

Sym can’t compete with other DPS options.

Specially in OW2.

Making a new DPS Sym defeats everything.

And they should just have made a new hero at that point.

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It wasnt overlook, really. It had an specific usage and was intended for specific situations, but as a healing source it could awful. Healing hypermobile targets as Ana is annoying already, slow charge slow travel time piercing orbs could make Sym literally useless as a healer unless you run an all immobile comp.

And were rarely lethal and in OW2 it could be completely useless with less barriers and people more spread.

Piercing orbs were an ult farm tool first and foremost. Kills with those were rare and using them after deploying your ultimate was literally just giving free ultimate charge to the enemy healers.


Again we used it differently.

Again we are talking two different hero again.

After a dozen nerfs no hero could compete in any role.

And there is no universal law that Sym is destined to fail as a DPS. Making her a healbot isnt some kind of magical fix. Much less with the awful and poorly thought ideas some you have.

Because a TP that only Sym can use is much better? Literally just play Reaper lol

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No we didnt.

There is no magical alternate use for them. They deal damage. Thats it.

Please stop with the ‘‘uwu I played Sym ~differently~’’ because everything you describe doing with her was literally just an utility dps.

just putting a reminder that current tp isn’t old tp just because.

I love those ill natured comments like if removing team E-TP with no compensation was the only thing I have ever said.

Sure, healer sym could work, like healer reaper could work. With substantial enough changes, you can make any hero work in a different role.

Does not make it a good idea, make a new healer at that point, leave sym alone.


We did.

Not all Sym players were the same.

That much should be clear by now

Calling people who want support Sym “morons” isn’t ill natured?

Let her rot! Good idea! :smiley:

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I would rather sym remain niche, than be turned into something unrecognizable to what she is now.

On a related note, Mercy might be finally getting her “glide” ability (removing rez)

aka giving allies flight.

(rumored ability rework for awhile)

anyway… I need to chill after this.

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Her niche doesn’t exist anymore. Not even OWL players are using her on Lijiang, or bothering to use TP out of spawn. I agree that she shouldn’t be unrecognisable, which is why they should keep TP and make her a mobility-centric support hero. We only have one in Lúcio, why not another?

That could be fun. I’d love to see a flying Bastion in action!

adding a new title on my way out.

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Always with the dramatics

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She isn’t a killer true but she also is in no way categorized as a support either. She’s a Saboteur for Corporate Espionage utilizing weaponized tools initially designed for Construction. With the purpose to advance Vishkar as the leading company in the Market.

She has a conscious because she was born in poverty and she, repeating myself here, repaired a STATUE. That is not the same as Baptiste who was a Combat Medic. Again, going by the Support Sym logic, Soldier 76 saved a girl from getting blown up by a Grenade and he has an actual team healing ability. He’s not a support.

There are no lore claims that Symmetra is a support in any capacity. Any claims are speculation at best and most likely projection or nostalgia.


We’re now preparing for Sym rework number 20 we’ll totally get it to work right this time!

New title is better.

Fine i just redit again…

Now leaving… for real this time.

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