Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

Maybe that’s how it should be to you, but everyone has their way of play.

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Exactly, to get the most out of mercy you’ve got to learn to balance the usage of ALL her abilities, pistol included.
Not to mention, if I’m being harassed in the back line with no peel, you’re darn sure im going to take care of it myself

This is one of the stranger Mercy nerf threads I’ve seen. And people thought role queue would hurt creativity… :joy:

Ok , wtf why?

Battle Mercy is only used in Valk , why’d you nerf it? It as if you want to kill the few things that make Mercy great.

It’s not bannable to go Battle Mercy in Valk or anything. I mean sure you have to keep healing/damage boosting the team but you can pull out the pistol every now and then.

Also , Battle Mercy’s don’t need Valk to play Battle Mercy soo the point of the thread is kinda … irrelevant/makes no sense.

If I wanted to go Battle Mercy I wouldn’t wait for my Ultimate to be ready to do so. I’ll pull out the pistol and never switch to staff.

Also , Battle Mercy in Valk is great. I had this comp game the other day on Horizon- The enemy team went Pharmercy and I popped Valk , Rezzed our dead tank and killed both Pharah and the enemy Mercy who Valked because of me ANDDDDD got POTG. After killing them went back to Damage boosting/Healing.

So , you hate Battle Mercy but see the solution in nerfing Valk? Makes no sense honestly…


Such a report would be a false report and breaking the rules of the game


with this logic, anyone who decides to do damage is a dps hero.

Try again.


At least we know that the Devs will never impliment an idea that came from a brick wall like you so we’ve got that going for us…

That’s pretty funny.

I didn’t know having a pistol out for a few seconds removed a healer from the game.

You know every support deals damage all game with the exception of Mercy? You know what I don’t like to see in my games; Ana trying to take out Pharmercy and missing 10 shots in a row with our tanks dying around her.

Should these also get banned? No because they’re still a healer but they’re trying to pick up some DPS slack. You won’t be able to switch to healer but they also won’t be able to switch to DPS so it’s only fair.


I’m ok with this if I can also report every DPS with no aim or just trying to go solo for kills and die all the time. They are not doing their job.


This thread kinda screams that you got killed by a Mercy in Valk as Widow or another hero


Why the infinite ammo, why not remove the pistol itself? Also, remove Moira’s damage orb, remove damage from anti-nade, etc.
Mercy is not a heal bot.
Well she is if she’s played wrong.

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It is still allowed when 2-2-2 gets enforced, there is nothing that says it is not. :slight_smile:

Remove zen orbs, if he’s doing damage he’s not doing his job. derp

Mercy has a gun for a reason.

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Actually, I do. The developers have made 222 under the supposition that people will play their role appropriately, without 222 you could do battle mercy and have someone else play support, but now this is not the case and a reason why I do not support 222.

Sure no problem with that.

Under role lock it would not be

Because none of these abilities were implemented to cater to an audience that plays their hero as a damage only hero. The reason infinite ammo should be removed is because it was explicitly stated to be implemented for an audience which is no longer supported by the role queue, so there is no reason for it to remain.

Ana nade and moira damage orb were not stated to be implemented to appeal to a group of people that play that hero to only do damage.

Actually, there is. You are taking a healer slot without healing and a dps cannot pick healer to make up for it.

No, doing damage is Zenyatta’s job.

Self-defense. Not to play her using her gun exclusively.

Her gun is for shooting, its part of her job. She should use it whenever she wants - i’m pretty aggressive with her if i have space to be.

You’re complaining about bad players being bad, not about mercy.

Dont burn the barn just to kill a spider. You got a report button to report those so called battle mercy without healing.

You were taking up a healer slot before too, it may not be optimal, it is the same now, only difference is that we are locked to 2 of each role. So no, it is still allowed. :kissing:

Just delete her instead so we don’t even have the res ability in the game.

There was no healer slot before. There was no limitation on how many heroes in a role you could have.

WIth the explicit expectation that you perform that role. Playing battle mercy and not healing at all is not playing that role.

By the implementation of role queue, it is not.

I would just delete resurrect or do something along the lines of what is specified here.

By all means remove it, she’s a pacifist in lore and doesn’t get many sound opportunities to use it legitimately these days anyway. But, all I see in this post is another ‘nerf Mercy’ without any compensation, which I can’t support. We’ve been told for months and months, until the superjump fiasco recently which deservedly died off, that she’s balanced and fine and needs no changes. She certainly doesn’t need another nerf.

If anything she needs a little bit of a redesign and I hope this will become more obvious when 2-2-2 plays out in ‘live’ for a while.