Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

But what about those that use the infinite ammo to counter the snipers so they wont get shot down while healing or to defend themselves? That’s not really much of a battle mercy, so what about those players? Not to mention some battle Mercy’s choose to heal sometimes while also doing a side of dps.

So, If there’s a battle mercy or any support on your team not healing at all, I guess your option is to report them even though it’s kind of not a reportable offense. (The rules dont give much help confirming it, which is why support dps is a never ending arguement.)

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If you win the game as battle mercy, it doesn’t matter because everyone gains SR. If you lose the game, the battle mercy will have terrible stats for healing and will lose even more SR than normal and continue to fall until they are the correct SR. The matchmaker really will sort these people out.


Its actually not a reportable offense at all…

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Oh hey. I remember you from the last dps support topic! I know, I just didnt want to go through a whole big conversation that ends up changing no one’s mind.

I’m pretty sure nobody would want someone with your attitude on their team anyway.


Always remember that there are readers who never reply, aside from the stubborn repliers who insist that their preferences are the rules of the game

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“Someone plays character suboptimally”


Please stop, by brain hurts.


battle Mercy and healing Mercy aren’t two sides of a coin, they are both parts of Mercy and the player should use both at appropriate times


They changed Symmetra to a DPS catagory… her shields made her a support. When they removed shields… they put her into DPS catagory.

No it doesn’t. Support heroes are allowed to do damage too. Ana, Zen, Baptiste, Moira, etc. all do a lot of damage for being support heroes. Mercy has a primary fire as healing, but that doesn’t mean she can’t deal damage when she needs to. Battle Mercy means you are prioritizing damage over healing. Just because Mercy uses pistol in Valk doesn’t mean she is using Battle Mercy. She is allowed to attack other heroes.

Mate, that’s your opinion. Here is the definition of the Support role, found on the Overwatch homepage. “Support heroes empower their allies by healing, shielding, boosting damage, and disabling foes. As a support, you’re the backbone of your team’s survival.” Support is far more than healing alone, even if you think that. All healing is support, but not all support is healing.

This game is not Heroes of the Storm, though, so I don’t understand why you feel the need to bring a different game into this argument? Just because something happens in Heroes of the Storm, doesn’t mean it has to be the same in OW. Zarya is still a tank, even though she has shields. Does that mean Zarya should be a support?

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Assuming you actually kill the widow. Unless you are playing in gold, u likely will not and even if u do, its quite likely u abandoned other teammates. That being said, I do not have a problem with a Meryc using her pistol once in a while. But only playing battle mercy is and thats why the infinite ammo was added, and since its not acceptable anymore its unnecessary to have infinite ammo.

No, because Ana does not have a feature that was confirmed to be included to appeal to dps only anas.

No, because she also does not have a feature that is confirmed to be to an appeal to those who play them as damage only, u certainly could with ana and moira but it would also be reportable. The think is infinite ammo in valkyrie was done for battle mercy’s which is a playstyle that is no longer supported thus there is no reason to have it in the game anymore.

Then it would be best used to damage boost. But even then sure go for it, thats not the point. The point is infinite ammo was included to appeal to battle mercy’s and now its clear that the devs do not support that playstyle so there is no reason for it to remain.

If no one needs healing, you default to damage boost. There is never a bad time to damage boost unless its at the cost of healing, her gun is best left as a last resort or to finish off low health targets.

You can now, since no one can fill that support slot. If you queue as support you are expected to heal, if you do not then role que would be pointless beyond restricting you to certain heroes.

That is the reason, but thats why Mercy is currently being ran with another main support, so Mercy can pocket a dps and Ana can heal everyone else.

The reduced healing was done to lessen her status as a go-to for all healing. 50hps beings her niche back to being a strong single target healer meant to synergise with dps, and the lower healing incentivizes you to stay on one target since trying to heal everyone is better done with Ana.

No, because no other tank or support has an ability that was explicitly stated to have been added to cater to a community that would only use said hero to do damage and not perform their intended role.

Mercy’s infinite ammo was added specifically to appeal to pure battle mercy’s, and since role que makes that a non-supported playstyle there is no reason for it to remain.

I find its better to damage boost but sure, there is no problem with a Mercy doing that.

I am specifically talking about pure battle mercy’s which is what infinite ammo was added for: to appeal to pure batttle mercy’s and since that playstyle is not supported by role queue, there is no reason for such a feature to remain.

Right, I have no problem with that. When I say battle Mercy i mean a mercy that only dps’s and does not heal damage boost or rez.

It should be dps sometimes while doing healing most of the time. If you want to dps and heal on the side, Zenyatta is there for you.

RIght, atlthough that analogy is a bit misleading, since the divide isnt 50/50 its more 85/15.

Even with her sheilds, that doesnt make her a support. Zarya has her barriers and is not a support.

Its actually a fact that support means healer in Overwatch.

The key word is and. Meaning they healing AND the rest, but healing is first because if you do not heal, you are not a support in this game. Soldier:76 can heal but he is not a healer in the same vein that supports can dps but are not dps.

Right, because this game is different and in this game support means healer. Unless Zarya is reworked to heal, she is not a support. Supports heal and do something else, but all supports are healers in this game, there is no non-healer support. Zarya currently cannot heal at all and thus cannot be a support.

no here you miss the point… if she has to reload then switching between the gun and healing becomes even more of a problem then it already is.

If you don’t have to reload that also means you can finish up any kill on a widow or pharah faster so you can then return to healing.

Also damage boosting is really not worth it in most cases… the gun does more damage then the bosted damage in most cases…

so unless its bastion or pharah the math does not work out…

There is the ult charge aspect naturally which is why i mostly boost baby other then Pharah or Bastion.

And one tends to get sick of bastion bunkers a bit… he may like sitting there all day long but i like high mobility hero’s :stuck_out_tongue:

You have no right to tell me how to play my character. It’s for me to decide and you to accept

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Sometimes mercy is the only one that can go against the enemy widow, I sometimes use valk when there’s a teamfight and no one is contesting the widow just to swoop in to kill them.

I’m more interested in the “battle mercy is bannable” side of the debate. I’ve always thought it was testing the rules at best but knew it wasn’t bannable… now, though, you literally have someone who would be selecting a support slot, taking it from someone who would heal. However the problem with saying this is now bannable is when a Mercy goes to take care of the Pharah or Widow. You have to ask when is that ok and when isn’t it? I don’t really know, I guess I’m just raising some discussion points on the topic. Battle Mercy is definitely a different concept now than it used to be with the addition of role queue.

If you absolutely refuse to heal and have the gall to take up a support slot just to DPS all i can say to you is my report button is ready :slight_smile:


They should just take the pistol out and let her snipe with light bolts with her staff

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I would love to see this imo. Maybe Charged Shots do more damage?

low effort bait. sentences just keep repeating

No all role Que does is force people to pick said role, it’s not players fault Blizzard has hero’s within those roles who can’t do their job. I mean should you ban people for playing Sombra because she can’t do damage per second, instead doing damage per minute?

I think you’re confusing whipping out your pistol when it’s needed with hardcore battle mercy.

Do people not understand that a Valking mercy is a huge counter to Pharah? If I’m playing mercy and my team can’t seem to kill her, or I can sneak up on a Widow I will do so(unless of course my team needs my help more with heals).

Removing infinite ammo does nothing against this small small subgroup of people throwing, and only hurts those that want to use mercy to her full potential and be able to make decisions. THATS the one thing I love about Valk, you can decide on what’s better in the moment: heals? Damage boost? Pistol? Or simply escape?