Remove role queue

Why do people think swapping third DPS is the magical solution?

Never have I once seen my tank or support swapping to DPS solving the problem.

“Wahhh my teammates suck!!!” Is not the attitude you should be having in Comp.

Stop being mad that you can’t switch to your subpar Widow…if you were good at DPS you would be queing for it in the first place. Have some accountability. Learn more heroes in the main role you play.


They just made game better, if you feel that when you are not playing Dps your team will lose, then test some Tank. Orisa / Rein / Roadhog / Dva maybe?

So when can we expect blizzard to FORCE team work? They bowed down to appease you players who were to lazy to use LFG to make your own 2-2-2 matches.


Who forced you to play any role??? Was it a russian with a big gun?


I had since 2-2-2 the best time in OW since, well I don’t know when the last time OW was this good

they wont “force” you to anything. you queue for what you want, you can still continue to blam everyone for your own mistakes. you can contine to dork arround every game and destroy your own Sr together with the Teams SR.
You can decide not to queue at all if thats the best for you. You have totaly freedom to do what you want and blizz aint “forcing” you to do anything.
If you however decide to be a teamplayer you gonna have a better time in the game :slight_smile:


It actually isn’t ridiculous.

It is wrong to assume that because you can play dps on a platinum lvl that you can play healer or tank on that lvl. Now it actually puts you on your own level for the right role.

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Pro-level (e-sport etc) can’t be used as an argument for normal-player comp. Since the way e-sports pro’s and comp pro’s function as a team is overal different.

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I bought a game that said you can swap roles/characters to counter your opponent. Guess what they changed that. I can’t go from support to tank or dps to support. The game is now really a crap shoot. Will your tanks tank? Will the dps kill anything? Will support heal? NO ONE FREAKING KNOWS.


you can still do within your role. and you can counter ALOT within the role you play.
But well yeah this is your opinion and you have the right to have it, you bought the game as much as me. Sadly it wont help you alot.
When thats said if going from sup to tank and from tank to sup was as common as from going tank/healer to dps we wouldnt have this problem :smiley:
The playerbase brought this on themself and it was wanted by a portion of the playerbase because its more healthy both for the game and the playerbase in the long run.
if you cant enjoy and it shows that alot cant, maybe they make a classic ladder aswell.

Overwatch will be reverted back to No Limits by it’s fifth anniversary. (I hope lol)

They are in your rank, so they are as skilled as you.

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


Sounds like a you problem.

you forgot what majority of people did. From tank/sup to dps. what you are saying almost never happend

I know of no valid data to support the claim of a majority as stated in the post quoted above


Ah I think your quote messed up. I never said what you quoted it was the other guy. Lol

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


I know of no valid data to support the claim of non majority as stated in the post quoted above

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


Clarification: I made no such statement

Clarification: You did in the posts prior

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


holy macarony is it you again with the universal answer to everything you know is true but you dont wanna admit