Remove role queue

I have already clarified that i made no such statement, which includes all posts i have made

And I have already clarified that you have.

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


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There was no statement of this sort made by me

They just need to fix dps rank calculation

lol i waited 8-10 min for my dps placement games by the time the game start theres someone missing lol then wait again and get on some games gold tanks or healer or the gold players are on the verses team thats the only thing i find not fair for them or us and they make the game one sided or uneven that anyone can see it happening.


its mostly cuz the ranks are all over the place like one game its all diamonds then the next its mixed with half dia and gold and plat lol thats the only thing i see that needs to get fixed

Well, Enemy team will get the same too. And Everything will be good when everyone is placed where they belong. Maybe 15 days more. I was kicked from a mtach as i was afk due to 6m waiting and i love role Q.

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This dumbass trope of ‘you cant change from tank to DPS any more’ needs to die. Yes, a lot of dumbasses did that. No, it wasn’t the only way swapping was used.

Prior to the update, I regularly changed from DPS to Orisa when confronted with 2 tanks that were playing as DPS or playing ineffective tanks for the comp/map(after asking if either of them wanted DPS… and they almost always do).

Why didn’t I start on Orisa? It’s boring, I’d rather play DPS. But, I’d rather win on Orisa than lose on DPS, so I flexed. With role queue, I’d still rather play DPS, but now I have no option to give that up in the games where my tanks are godawful. Oh, and let’s not forget, far more of the tanks ARE godawful, because they’re just DPS players doing their placement for competitive points.

Plus, at least in my experience(gold, willing to flex, rarely playing weekends, often had friends to queue with), almost all of my games were 2-2-2 anyway. I feel like I’ve lost a lot of options and had the accuracy of the matchmaker demolished without getting anything in return.


The point is that the roles dont face the same re-wait

you are absolutly right. it wasnt the only way it was used, but it almost always was in my games. gold plat. about 85-90% of the times it was what happend. For me to belive that it was the oposite in others matches is extremly hard to belive.

what you did or did not do is kinda irrelevant because it dont mirror what most others do/did in the same situation.
the problem is not you, its what the most others did. and yeah i dont have any numbers im using my own games as example. and when it happend you mostly knew your game went from bad to worse because they commonly did it because not happy with others performance"tilted" , call it whatever you want.

i guess you talk about the beta now and thats true. Blizz"jeff" said they are working on the seperate SR system while this beta so they can make in better in season 18. though i doubt it will be semigood before season 19.

alot of us didnt have friends to queue with and almost 0% of my games where 2-2-2 from the start,middle or end. again im only using my own thousands and thousands of game as an example.
Yet yes you did lose some options, not ALOT but some.
For me before every game i had to prey i was not matched with 5tanks ,sup or dps mains. im already now even the SR are totaly wrong for alot of people more in charge of every game than i was before.

For some players this will be limiting theire “freedom” but it has shown pretty clear trough the 3 years that RQ was needed. and prob should have been there from the start, regardless of how it was marketed or whatever. If you didnt use the options to screw your team over im sorry for you but alot of others did.

by freedom i assume picking a dps hero?

dont asume this dude said or ment anything. he have a script where he just answer that he made no such statement. its some kinda 2-3 copy paste he uses for every answer that he dont wanna admit

Clarification: that is not what is meant by Freedom

Clarification: i hand write all of my posts. The only things that are copied are links and quotes

That said, i ask once again that you cease the personal attacks

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I disagree. With role queue, I can play any role I want, knowing that I am not causing my team the loss because I am already placed at that level appropriately. Also, I know that when I get in the game, my role is guaranteed, plus the other roles being filled on average at the advertised level.

Is your skill on each role the same?

this is the only legit complaint about forced role queue in the thread, but i think it’s just going to have to be that way due to it being the “least bad” end result of queueing systems. For instance, adding a map filter (so you can queue for specific maps as a specific role) would make queue times skyrocket.

my skill on each role is generally the same… and blizzard gave me similar SR for each role…

there is a video of a OW pro getting ranked as GM support, when they only play DPS… and I believe they lost every placement match?

i’m not sure what to do with 3 different SRs, but I definitely won’t be playing 3 different roles to “level up” all of my SRs… Before the role queue I would play either tank or DPS… since the SRs are all separate though I will just queue as DPS from now on

so before the change, people were flexible in the roles they would play… but with this system everyone is just going to lock the same role…

the role queue should’ve been a preference and a “here’s our best combination of people that we think will make a decent team comp, but we aren’t going to force them into 2-2-2”

They should make a 4th category: DPS role queue where the match is 6 DPS vs. 6 DPS. This would be for DPS people who don’t want to wait and can only play DPS roles. Let that player base play together.


I was Mercy a game.
Myself and the Moira kept getting killed by the flanking Tracer & Reaper.
When we asked the DPS to please take care of them, the Bastion said it wasn’t his job.
“It’s not my job to keep you alive.”
When I asked him how I was supposed to heal him if I was dead, he said that was my responsibility.

Excuse me?
You’re screaming at me to heal me, but you won’t even shake a stick at me when it comes to protecting me from the other team’s DPS?
Okay, cool.
You do that.
I’m going to go over her with the rest of the team.
You know, the people who care if I die and want to make sure I’m still there to heal them.