Remove role lock

Everything you have listed, besides achievements, are problems with the players and not the game mode. QPC and “Pre-Role Q QP” are the exact same thing. The game mode has not changed.

I don’t understand how you have trouble reading what I said, I explained it quite clearly

Here it is again, take your time so that maybe this time you can decipher the the hieroglyphs.

It’s funny how you just contradicted yourself by admitting the difference of one having achievements and the other not.

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You gave me a list of things that is “different”, but the only thing is the achievements. So am I too assume that your problem is QPC doesn’t award achievements? This is why people tell you to go to QPC because, besides achievements, nothing has changed.

If the player base doesn’t take QPC seriously then that is a problem with the players and not the game mode.

Now, for the 5th time, you simply cannot say that something is different to something else because of such an external factor, such as the fact that a certain independent equivalent of the first one is different or doesn’t exist.

That’s a ““problem”” with Competitive, if anything, not Quick Play in any way and it’s the same thing as me saying that a whole new line of products is not good because their advertisment isn’t good.

To see how ridiculous this sounds? It’s not the new line of products’ fault, but the advertisement’s in this regard.

That’s what we call a huge stretch of an argument, as I already said multiple times.

Once again, there are more things than just achievements that differ between the two.

You must be ignorant to think people treat Total Mayhem the same as Competitive.

I’m not saying it’s a problem, I’m saying that it’s a difference.

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But. It’s. Not. A. Difference. With. Quick. Play. Classic. Just. Competitive. In. General.


They won’t implement “Comp Classic” because they know a majority of the players, despite saying 2-2-2 is fine and desired, would play it in a heartbeat over role locked comp.


This isn’t that hard to understand…
Pre-Prison Q had a ranked system that copied its system, right?

Now stay with me here

QPC does not have a ranked system that copied its system. See the difference yet?

They don’t like to admit their mistakes that’s for sure.


You got to understand what this game audience pampers too. This is the only team shooter game that has gone to appease a certain crowd and still fail. Sure they like it, but that’s the minority instead of the majority. Only players left are mostly true fans while casual already left. When they try to come back they’re reminded how bad the game become.

The game is silly fun, but it could only hold a little amount of interest. Players perform badly on purpose in a lot of matches just to get a giggle. Newcomers sees that behavior, refund the game and uninstall. A game that could still be gross top pay is hardly recognizable and forever viewed in a negative way.

Remember the Smash Bros article about inviting one of Overwatch heroes in the game. The reaction to that was more negative than positive, but that’s because that’s all what the game provides.

To a small crowd maybe. Crowd isn’t large anymore. Nevertheless it’s a narrative just to promote the game, but people aren’t falling for those tricks when they know the result.

How about no? The game is much better with it.


About evidence in favor of role q, i have a fairly large friendlist that have roughly 30% of people that hate role q big time, most don’t care. Through some friend connection, this ratio seems to stay true on people’s friendlist. This is in no way accurate presentation of player base, but also def doesn’t help the argument that everyone loves role q.

Side note: I personally don’t support forced role q, and will stay so until they fix both the viability of 1/3 of the hero roster, and the balance of the game, and the problem of lack of flexibility within role. After that I may start to praise the decision.

Currently the game is no different w/ role q than w/o, both in the amount of frustration and the amount of bad games in comp.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

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I already said multiple times why the role lock needs to be removed from QP, and i’m tired to repeat that here. People like to wash their hand saying there is QP Classic, yeah, who is nothing like the pre 2-2-2 qp.
Played this game for 1000+ hours in qp, never had problems, now suddently, it becomed trash. Role lock isn’t for QP. Remove it. People play QP to enjoy the game, not to stress out and being forced to do something and stay in a role.

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Ehh do you have any evidence that isn’t completely anecdotal (as always) and/or plain opinions to support any of these claims?



Play Quickplay Classic if you don’t care about your composition.

No, thank you.
QP in Chaos Q was unbearable.

Joining a Group seems to be your answer for everything.
Maybe you should try doing it yourself?

It offers a solution for most of the stuff some people don’t seem to like about Role Q.

Why should people who want Role Q have to endure Chaos Q cause you want it?

What problem do you have with role lock? You asked for this feature btw.

I wouldn’t mind comp classic, which would probably be renamed dps classic with the occasional support or tank missclick.

Other than that, nope.

I think the reason why i dont enjoy 2-2-2, it’s because overwatch doesn’t have much hero. Tank have a 8 hero, support have a 7 and dps have 16.
I’m enjoyed playing as support, but im always get bored just playing the same hero all the time. (Cause the meta didn’t want me to play ana or zen, the most hero i love, im always ended playing as moira or lucio, yaa the patch is suck)
Play another role, yaa of course im try dps cause i love that role but the game make me wait for like >20 m, for me that’s really waste my time.
Sorry for my English :blush:


Good luck knowing it’s burried under arcade if tou missed when it was put in.
Why isn’t this a sub-mode of QP? When you click QP three new windows pop up with “role queue”, “non-role queue” and “no limits”. Simple, easy to see and lets people play what they want, but I guess it was too hard to program…

And if they really wanted a “train with comp rules, but don’t lose rank” mode (cause that’s what role queue is), do what HotS did and put in an “unranked” mode and leave quick play be, you know, quick.

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I did when I played, it was quite lovely

Except, for you know the biggest problem being dps queue times. Even in a group you still have to wait.

I already wait 15~30 mins in queues for DPS in FFXIV I don’t want to that here…

If there was LFG with a better system you won’t have to endure ‘chaos Q’