Remove role lock

Because some people are actually smart and know how to play the “way it was meant to play”, but don’t like to be forced into it. I had a game where I was Ana and we couldn’t push the payload to the last point. See we lost a tank, so I switch to Hammond and knock enemies off the payload and the map and we win. Too bad I can’t do that with role queue…

I tried troll queue for a few weeks. Helped me decide to quit the game. Devs dont care or are just bad, probably both.


The people who are in favor of removing role q, the game would up worse than it was before.

You would basically have to choose between two comps, quad shield or GOATS? That’s would it be would without it.

All members of a group have the same Q time though.
Want to heavily reduce your Q time as a DPS player?
Just find 2 Tanks to group up with and you are basically getting ahead in Queue.

Role Q is the better LFG cause it fixes the 4 major problems with it:

  1. you don’t get Q’d against 6 stacks who play with each other regularly and stomp your group consisting of 6 randos
  2. your opponents also run 2/2/2 and can’t switch to other compositions to get an advantage over you, while your team is locked in 2/2/2
  3. you couldn’t play solo (be it because you simply weren’t in the mood to group up or because you just had time for 1 or 2 games)
  4. barely anyone was using it because of 1, 2 and 3 so - depending on region, rank and time - it was impossible to find a group

If there are any possible alterations to LFG which would solve those issues without turning LFG into Role Q I would be really interested to hear them though.

Unless they patched it, people reported that even grouping up they still had the DPS queue

You didn’t have to run 6 for climbing. Duos or triple should be enough.

The whole point of the game was to switch to counter what the other team was running

This game isn’t solo friendly to begin with

Which is why add incentives to using it and maybe could have auto matchmake with advance searching for groups whether they are casual or looking to climb[the searching would be like party finder in FFXIV]

||edit|| not really sure why it replied to you, Shorty… sorry about that!

These… really aren’t very good arguments lol.

Here’s the real question: are you seriously concerned about the ability to freely combine roles how you like, or are you just looking for reasons to complain about RoleQ because you stuck yourself in the mud?

The fact that these of all things are the complaints tell me the latter, because they’re items that are ultimately immaterial to the game mode itself and far more relevant to who is playing the mode (at least the first two points). Which… sorta was part of why RoleQ was implemented in the first place, because people ultimately showed that they could not be responsible with the freedom to run whatever they want. Arcade might play a part of that, true, but I also don’t really see the value in legitimizing a mode that the developers decided was no longer a valid approach to the core Overwatch experience by putting it on the home screen. Demanding as much really is just entitlement.

Also, saying that achievements are necessary to the QPC experience and that without them QPC isn’t an adequate answer to QP is… well, just silly. Old-style QP is no longer an official game mode. It does not get achievements. End of story. Expecting that it does is entitlement, especially when you consider that people who prefer QPC aren’t coming out empty-handed–they’re getting the free weekly lootboxes. If the developers deem it appropriate that QPC gets achievements, then sure, that’s fine, but there is no reasonable demand that QPC must have them. It might be different if, for example, No Limits maintained achievement gets when it switched over to Arcade, but that’s not the case. Also, last I checked, achievements don’t actually impact your ability to choose heroes in QPC :face_with_monocle:

Also, the whole “what about Comp Classic?” argument is probably the biggest head scratcher of them all. Not only is Comp not really relevant to the QP experience, this also circles back to the official modes argument. Blizzard determined that ChaosQ is not the way they want the game to be played. Why, then, should they legitimize that mode by giving it a competitive mode? Now, I’ll grant exception for temporary competitive modes. That’s whatever–all sorts of zany modes get that–but a true competitive classic? Firstly, I’d love to hear a non-totally-asinine reason as to why this would have a considerable impact on QPC, and secondly, a reason why an unofficial mode should get a permanent competitive mode?

Really, it seems to me that these arguments about QPC are digging for the most peripherally related items that differ between the modes and trying to use them to justify why QPC is inadequate. Which, as I said, tells me the concern isn’t really about freedom of picks. It’s just about entitled whining and hating on change.

If I group as Tank with 1 other Tank and 1 DPS my Q times don’t go up significantly - which makes perfect sense because Tanks are the bottleneck in the system.

Same goes for 6 stack queues which (at least the few times I Q’d as a 6 stack) was comparable to pre-role Q times.

You have to run 6 to guarantee 2/2/2 and everyone getting to play the role they want. If you want to climb you are better off staying away from LFG completely and just grouping up with 1 or 2 friends.

And it still is.

At least in my personal experience it isn’t all that bad and Role Q definitely was an improvement to the solo play experience.

I don’t believe that they could come up with any incentives that would make me want to use LFG despite all it’s major flaws.

It’s benefits & greater than its drawbacks. I love role queue.

I thought I blocked you. I’ll take care of that now.

That’s a nice way to take care of things in life… Silencing those who disagree with you… That can only mean that you have no actual arguments to support your stance, but hey… Good luck finding the Block button (even though there isn’t one, just saying…)

You’re not “silenced” as you can still make posts and communicate with others. I just don’t have to put up with the ignorance myself.

Or, it can mean that I’ve argued with you in the past and I don’t agree with your rhetoric and don’t want to go in circles, so I choose not to engage with you in the future.

It’s called “mute notifications” meaning you can reply to me all you want but you’ll be screaming at air. :slight_smile:

Have a good life.

There are teambased players on the one side and yolo dps on the other side. I don’t think, it is necessary to pander those yolos.

Ahh… The irony…

Fair enough.

You too!! :slight_smile:

There are multiple differences between QP classic and pre-222 qpp

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I am a tank main and I dislike Forced 2-2-2.

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Yes, because pre-222 qp players consisted of people who wanted to play balanced games and people who wanted to play dps no matter what. Now only the second group plays QPC. Still means RQ was a good thing. Good luck with your QPC games.


None of which has to do with role lock.

What kind of respects? Genuine question.

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I figured I trigger a defender. Yeah um evidence is Overwatch reputation and look outside of the forums of who likes role queue. Just observe who truly likes role queue is your evidence.

Why should supports/ or tanks be forced into soloing for 4 dps? Ask dps mains :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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