Remove role lock

Agreed, it never happened much.

… In competitive… Yes, but even so. 3dps was extremely common.

The idea of “sprinkled” is more like the sense when you let a child decide how much chocolate syrup is going on their ice cream. Sure, it’s still a mostly ice cream, but it is still pretty heavy on the syrup.


Even if it was broken it was still a tool to use, maybe should of asked to get a better LFG system instead of forcing things but that’s just me :man_shrugging:

That wasn’t the case on console for me majority of the time was 2/2/2 with 3 dps being a bit more rare

I still don’t understand what the difference is.

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I agree 100% with this (and also it isn’t if it “was” broken, it is broken and I say this as a person who used to use it for an entire year), but at this moment Blizzard are in no way going to throw all the work and time that went into 2/2/2 role - lock out of the window… For better or for worse…

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Achievements and…

That’s Blizzard Activision in a nutshell: ‘We would rather something ruin our game than admit that we’re wrong, disable anything, or let our work go to waste.’
No other dev short of EA has that kind of arrogance.


I have already argued against all of these ““arguments”” multiple times in the past.

I’m sorry, but the only remotely valid one here are the Achievements and nothing more… Hell, one of these points isn’t even related to QPC, but a possible Competitive Classic…

Ehhh do you have any evidence to support this claim? Because currently the only remotely trustworthy one we have about this subject at official developer statements, which clearly said that the majority of the game’s player base really enjoys 2/2/2 role - lock.

Oh I see now, so just achievements then? If we moved QPC to the main screen would that increase traffic? How serious people play has nothing to do with the game mode. Even with role lock QP is still QP.

I know they won’t remove it. Reverting is not in this team’s dictionary for better or worse.

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I’ll give you some help here, no Comp Classic means that there is no Ranked equivalent of QPC, and if you didn’t know, Pre-Role Q QP had a ranked version of it.

It is likely.

So have you never heard of the phrase “It’s just QP”?

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Yeah…I said that at the end of my post. QP is QP whether it has role lock or not. People haven’t stopped saying “It’s just QP” because role lock was introduced. :roll_eyes:

Wow this is probably one of the biggest stretches I’ve seen someone made in years… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

There are three versions of “QP”. QPC and RQQP and Pre-Role Q QP.

Please explain

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Stretch (verb) --> to strain in interpretation, application, scope, etc. to questionable or unreasonable limits: to stretch a rule, to stretch the truth

There is no difference between QPC and “Pre-Role Q QP”.

So you’re trolling…

I’ve already stated multiple differences. If you want, you can scroll up to read them.

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Lmao are you kidding me? I even searched the term on Google to find a definition for what you did.

No, I asked you to explain how what I said is a stretch, not what the definition of a stretch is. Don’t be daft.

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The definition I gave you corresponds to the verb “stretch” when it is used in the main of sentence and context I wrote.

Dunno why this is so hard to understand really…