Remove role lock

My wife and I played this game since launch, we would play for hours and come up with different strats for every situation that we found ourselves in. Then, earlier this year, they released role lock. We gave it a good try, but the quality of the matches went down significantly. We both just stopped playing altogether. Every now and then, I log on because I convince myself that the role lock isn’t too bad since I normally play support anyways… but it is that bad. I play 1, maybe 2 matches at most and then feel no desire to log back on for months.

My friends list, which had been packed with people enjoying this game since launch, doesn’t ever have anyone logged in to overwatch anymore. Certain streamers riled up their audiences to want this, but it has been terrible for the game. Can we just go back to the way that it used to be? I don’t care that the top 1% of players are forced into goats, the rest of us just want the game to be fun again.


Quickplay classic


Is not the same as to what QP was before the forced implementation of 2-2-2.

Where is Comp Classic?


No thank you, I like it very much.


I don’t see a bigger reasons why to not have it like qpc.
I don’t think that it would split it too much.
It gives competetive players a place without role lock where blizzard can freely observe meta developement on a non 2,2,2 lock.

I don’t play arcade “to have played arcade” i play it when theres a mode i like.
Therefore i don’t see to much “playerbase split”

And as its no role lock and nit the real ladder, que times should actually be okayish, if ppl want to play it. Its atleast a public vote pol worth.


If we’re being honest, Forced 2-2-2 has already split the player base rather drastically.

Adding a mode where those that have been alienated by 2-2-2 can enjoy the game once again is something that I would dare say is a good thing.

Yes please, I hate it very much.


Ironically, most QPC matches end up in mirror 2-2-2, but you can also swap roles mid-match, which makes role lock redundant.

And what about competitive mode? Should it get Classic mode too? (I guess not - it will kill role lock lol).


How about no?


Role lock would be completely pointless with “comp classic.” just saying


No it really hasnt. It was described as a major success by Jeff at Blizzcon. Almost everyone loves role queue.


qp classic is different from pre-222 qp in multiple respects, and there is no pre-222 comp at all

i know of no valid data to support this statement


No it wouldn’t? It wouldn’t get rid of RQC.

Yeah, there is going to need to be some actual stats and data on this if you want to be taken seriously in this regard.


You should know there is no going back. You may not like the games, but all this “strat” play didn’t really happen for most people, so role queue was the next best thing. Most players are just wild half savages trying to DPS, don’t expect too much.

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I’m sorry role lock isn’t for you. However assuming this is only for the top players is t fair. This change is for a lot more than them. It’s for the players that got sick and tired of 4 dps. It’s for the players that hated seeing a tank picked just to lose one point and switch to dps. It’s for the players that had a strong comp going but then someone joined and now the comp is ruined. This community proved match after match after match they do not care about teamwork or compositions. Role queue fixed some of the selfishness without punishing it.


I can count the number of times I had 4 dps teams on one hand, most of the time it was 2/2/2 with a little 3 dps sprinkled in…

You guys also had LFG or third party tools for playing with like minding people.


I can’t count how many times it occurred. Maybe 100. Maybe 500. Somewhere in between.

LFG isn’t ideal for solo queuing.


How many times did you have 2/2/2?

This game isn’t ideal for solo queuing, that’s one of the cons you’re going to run into is comp problems. You can’t control who plays what comp and what heroes.

Idk. Bad games leave bigger impacts then good ones. Especially as a flex player. Usually only when I played with friends. But not in solo queue which is a majority of my time on here. After blizzard supported one tricking and the right to play whatever whenever Role queue was inevitable eventually.

One tricking and playing whatever you want is fine but you kind of lose the right to complain about losing or the comp.

Once upon a time (like 1 month ago), I’d be inclined to agree with you.

…but then I played quickplay classic and my god, we used to play in this chaos? It’s Just complete anarchy everywhere, which is kinda fun but woooosh it’s a wakeup.

It has proven to me how dire our support classes are though. if someone picks Bastille I’m essentially just solo healing which is tough.