Remove role lock

I’m just saying role queue could have been avoided if one tricking wasn’t supported and flexing was set as the standard. However when this happened streamers were the main source for viewers because we didn’t have a esport yet. And the most popular ones to watch tended to be one tricks. So I get in the past why they stood for one tricking however they should have placed more focus on flexing.

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Because people would realize how terrible role lock actually is and they would all switch? I know.


It’s safe to say that OP isn’t in the majority, most people seem to be more fond of the enforced roll lock than the chaotic “lol 6 DPS herp derp” comps you got before.

There’s Quick Play Classic in Arcade for those “lol 6 DPS herp derp” comps, if you like. But QP with enforced roll lock is here to stay, and thank the heaven’s for that.

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well dang. On one hand it’s one of the most requested features since launch especially among high level players, is the way the game should have been to begin with, is a massive boon to tank and support players, theoretically makings balancing and character creation easier, but on the other hand, this person and their wife don’t like it.

Do you have any valid data to support such a claim?

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Well, no duh.

DPS is the most played role so of course people won’t be playing tanks or supports much. Which is why you run with a group.

Then you should of asked for a better LFG system instead of forcing comp to being role Q and 2/2/2…

One tricking was fine to Blizzard cause it wasn’t throwing or sabotaging the match which is fine.

Role queue is here cause of the community not cause of Blizzard. The community doesn’t play how the game is supposed to be played. Flexing was always better but people still played how they want and what they wanted. Look at this very forum for that mentality.

Good luck finding a group that accepts a Tank Main as DPS who is completely underperforming in that role at his rank :joy:

I was basically trapped in Tank/Support role and separate SR fixed that.

Why should I ask for LFG when I want a Role Q though?

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It’s almost like 2-2-2 is the how the best comps are played and more than likely were designed around since long before it came into the game.

If you were that bad then play QP or FFA to work on your mechanics then join a group or join a group and play some QP matches.

Why should people who don’t want Role Q have to endure Role Q cause you want it?

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When people look back at how OW sank to the bottom of Twitch and left behind, Role Lock will be mentioned as one of the nails in the coffins. Screenshot this.


I think this is the fear and why they aren’t doing the easiest and fairest solution to this issue which would be giving us a comp classic mode. Everyone realizes it and that’s why there are so many people against even trying it to finding out.


How about we keep RQ for Competitive but delete it for QP? Would be a WONDERFUL change.

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People got mad at having 4-5 DPS “in every game”.

2-2-2 has done nothing to get rid of this. Now you just get 2 actual DPS, 1 or two Tanks that DPS, and 1 or 2 Support that DPS.

The title of the role doesn’t matter… you’re still getting 4-5 people playing in the style of DPS, but they’re just using characters less well suited for it.

To top it off, it’s much more frustrating because it limits the rest of the team’s ability to swap to fill the needs of the team when you get these players.

I’d much rather have 4 or 5 actual DPS than DPS tanks and supports. They’d at least be more effective at the style they’re playing.


I’d personally prefer that role-less queue be re-established at the same menu level as 222 for both qp and for comp, with both 222 and rolel-ess queue available side by side, as some folks do seem to prefer 222 regardless

Role queue is fine and successful. Won’t be going anywhere.

The only ones who want it gone are those who want their “”“Creative strategies”"" (Which really just means, “hehexd guys what if we like all went tanks. very creative!!!1!1!!”) or the people would swap to DPS off an important role because they lost 1 teamfight, essentially throwing the match.

Quickplay classic is there. Utilize it or find a new game.

Imagine thinking twitch viewership = how well a game is doing.


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Characters required.

Role Q is needed in my opinion.

The quality of games has indeed gone down, the toxicity has increased and the smurfs have also increased (i actually have 4 smurfs myself)

so whats the problem you might ask?
The problem is DPS and Healer queues are significantly longer than the Tank queue and many impatient DPS/Healer players are queuing for Tank…

Which really shouldn’t and wouldn’t be a problem had they done an MMR/SR reset…
for example my main is around 4.1k SR and i play only DPS since season 1.
I can literally go do my promo games for healer and tank and get the same or close to the same SR when i know for a fact i play them at best probably diamond level maybe even plat.

am i supposed to go throw like 50 games in a row to get my tank where it should be by ruining my teams games?

Absolutely ridiculous how we didn’t get a hard reset with Role Q. I understand it would have been bad to do prior, but now it is indeed needed.

id say 8/10 games my tanks have no idea how to tank and they are unintentionally throwing by just wanting to get a game quicker.
Cant even blame them though, this is a big blizzard screw up like everything they do.

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The fact that you believe Goats I in any way the only reason 2/2/2 role - lock was implemented makes it really hard to take you seriously…

Because you can’t get Achievements anymore?? One of the most miniscule and of the least - important aspects of the entire game that a lot of people have forgotten it even existed?? :rofl::rofl::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

We have explained time and time again why this wouldn’t work and would cause great damage to the overall game experience. Just one of the problems that will arise is the fact that most DPS will most probably move to Comps Classic, while most Tank/Healer players will most probably stick with 2/2/2 role - lock, which means that the queue times will get seriously out of control, but this time for all 3 roles.

You can still stay entitled to your opinion, of course, but I doubt a lot of people will take you seriously…

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Well I guess our experiences differ a lot then…

The fact that there are still people in 2019 who are using the broken mess that was and still is the LFG system as an ““argument”” except 2/2/2 role - lock is simply beyond me… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming: