Remove Rez from the game

Stop asking to add any more restriction to mercy movement. They better remove rez entirely than nerfing her movement more.

Rez has place in mercy 1.0, but not in current mercy because blizzard nerf her too much because of it. It should be replaced with another interactive kit and maybe then they’ll bring back her healing.

So you think Rez is overpowered but irrelevant?

Think about that again

You know what actually doesn’t fit FPS games? Wall hacks, Aimbots. In most FPS games, that gets you banned.

In Overwatch those are ultimates. Maybe… just maybe Overwatch isn’t your average run of the mill shooter and it absolutely has room for Resurrect.


I wouldn’t mind if this rez went away.

While that may be your opinion, I am going to have to disagree. Negating someone’s kill is slimy at best. It is a disgusting mechanic that absolutely had no right to be in the game.

And killing someone with an aim bot isn’t?

Besides… Overwatch isn’t even the first pvp fps with Resurrect that I’ve seen.


sorry but there are enough gating mechanics on rez as to make it YOUR fault if you actually let it go through

Naturally talking about current rez here, on mass rez though… you’d be correct

76 and McCree don’t instantly kill you and have plenty of counter play. If every boop actually worked getting Mercy away from rez, or maintaining LOS actually worked as intended [instead of starting LOS and going around corners or falling down the building as long as you are gliding] then I would be less irrittated.

That doesn’t mean there is actually any real justification for it existing. I get unfun mechanics do exist, I am allowed to disagree with the amount of effort put into the code for that horrendous ability.

the justification are the gating mechanics, basically anything can be balanced if the numbers are tweaked accordingly, the code is also pretty straight forward so, I really don’t get what you’re trying to say here

You can disagree as much as you want to but rez has a place on this game, specially on Mercy since all of her kit has been balanced to allow for it to exist

I get it being frustrating or annoying, I get the same feeling when I get 1 shot from a Widow or worse from a Hanzo random shot.

But just because i find them annoying doesn’t mean i want them removed from the game.

Most of the time there is plenty of time to kill the Mercy, I main Mercy myself and if I get the chance I can switch from my staff to my pistol and kill her before she gets her rez off, it just means people have to be prepared and looking out for it.

I look at it the same as if the enemy has a Hanzo or widow, I need to be paying attention or I will get pasted. :wink:

While I don’t care one way or the other what they do with rez( I play Mercy because I like her character and mobility) I really feel like any more restrictions on rez would be awkward at best. Suddenly coming to a grinding halt while using it already feels odd on such a mobile hero. I get why it’s there, and it’s balanced, but those little tricks like rezzing while descending over a ledge only happen in very specific circumstances.

Even though it’s a very small radius to activate, it’s still a radius, so it makes sense she can rez within that range. And I’m ok with the movement speed reduction, as it not only helps with counterplay, but also helps Mercy not leave the radius and accidentally waste her rez.

I don’t think the ability has no place in an FPS game, but I feel like it does act as a sort of millstone around her neck when trying to balance her. Remove the hugely powerful ability, and her kit suddenly has more breathing room.

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I know Mercy is balanced, finally. I just think that the only reason I have any real tolerance for Rez now at all is because we started with Mass Rez. I think she would be a significantly better hero if the ability never existed. She is stuck with it, which will make the rest of her kit ‘bland’ as long as it exists. As a person with 140 hours on her from early in the game, I appreciate the newest version of Mercy the most though I will admit I never really liked her kit that much to begin with.

I LOVE when I get to do those, that’s why my suggestion tried to put some power into rez in the form of vertical mobility upon cast, here, take a look!

Rez will only ever work as an ultimate ability (which i know wont be coming back but its still true). In it’s current state its arguably balanced, but it feels horrible to use, is on a ridiculous cool down (if it needs a cooldown in which I could get old sym ult twice it might not be the best CD ability yeah?), and feels cheap for those playing against her (and makes dealing with mercy pockets a pain since she can just bring them back).

I know they wont remove it because it is an iconic part of her kit, but it is holding her back. I would much rather bring her healing back up to 60 and replace rez with a more interactive ability that could bring her up to Ana and moiras level

I no longer play Mercy but she IS rez, and rez is mercy. She is the most pure healer and has the least utility otherwise. What would you replace her rez with?


15 Characters.

So its fair that you can kill multiple of them in less than 30 seconds…

But not that she can bring back a single pick every 30s…

Just git gud mate…


REz in this game keeps them from being sued for Infringement, so it has to be there. SHes already too much Similar to The Medic from TF2. Even Jeff himself said he was INSPIRED by TF2. But when a person pitches a new idea to the Copyright office after everything is ready for licensing the legal teams have to look at it and say “is this just this game again, or did they change it enough”. Rez is there for that reason.

Plus Rez is kinda a cool thing that Blizzard does. They do it well. World of Wacraft was just that. “can you rez me plz”. Those words HAUNT me in my sleep, still to this very day, as a former Priest player from that game :wink:

Thankfully we don’t have that type of Channeled Cast time in this game. Or maybe a channeled Mass Rez would be fair. It silences the angry Mercy Mains, and gives us a chance to make peace. I mean they COULD just put it BACK in the game and give it a … 60 second cast time LOLZ :smiley:

Jeff can be like "WE PUT MASS REZ BACK IN THE GAME… and gave it a 60 second cast time! (afterall, high risk = high reward)

Mercy Rez timer is like an old dialup connection. Kill her