Remove Rez from the game

I work hard to get picks and create space for my team. It isn’t fair that she can bring someone who died back to life, it is an overpowered ability and needs to be replaced. Without it she is still engaging and fun to play and anyone who says otherwise is biased against the other heroes in the game.

Let it be known I support the mercy main’s attempts to speak to Blizzard about the hero, but I do not think Rez needs to be in game. I am a friend to you Mercy mains.

Allow me to further iterate what I mean here, I am not trying to troll Mercy players might heart legitimately goes out to you and while I do not think a mass raid was the answer I commend what you did and your attempt. That said, I feel like many of you are far too smart to think a raid would work. Much respect to the likes of Aria Rose and other Mercy players. That said, I do think that Resurrect in its current state is far too irrelevant to serve Mercy well and should be replaced by something that can better serve her.

Ultimately I think we should all find common ground and work to help this character grow into a spot we can all enjoy




How would you want them to compensate taking out a core feature to a character? Stronger healing? A new ability?

Every hero who has been reworked has kept what made that hero unique. Torb with his turret, sym with her teleporter and turrets, and Mercy with rez.

I only think the ability is cheap as an ability, but I do not want mass rez back. Just make it so she can only rez 1-2 people during her ult.


That means your team is very passive than aggressive.

Isn’t that a little selfish?

To Mercy players: “I just tried keeping all my teammates alive and you killed them. That’s unfair.”

Of course she should bring people back to life. That’s the whole point of playing support.

Preventing Deaths :joy:


Disagree with the bold bit, but I want rez gone for a different reason: rez is why they nerf her kit hard. Remove it and we would see some proper fun, engaging changes to her.

That aside, having to stand still for a smidgen under two seconds then be slowed after you have done the rez. No other disabling skill like it. Might as well put up sign asking to be killed.


I hereby start the #DeleteRez movement. Forum raid schedule TBD

I think you’re like, 1 year and couple of months late.


It’s pretty easy to stop her rez with any stun or boop honestly, but I get that her rez is the reason she’s considered “overpowered” but instead of removing it, how about they give Reaper back his soul eating and if he eats that soul, they can’t be rez-ed, Seems like a good “offical” counter to it, though he’s had enough buffs for the moment.

Hey I already said they should just bin rez while they were reworking her. Blizz clearly didn’t want to. I will say though, that rez does have plenty of counterplay. There’s little reason someone can’t interrupt her while she’s standing still during the cast time.

But hey, if you have ideas for a new ability I’m all ears.

I prefer keeping res, Mercy’s been nerfed so many times that ressing now gives enemies a chance to shutdown easily. A good team would stalk their kill if they know a Mercy is nearby.

Yeah, if they removed resurrect, they would have to compensate in another area.


Stronger healing would work, but she shouldn’t be able to give a free life. Mercy had other abilities besides Rez.

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I agree. But, not for the same reason. It would make balancing her and the game in general, a lot easier. (My opinion.).


No they wouldn’t it’s been proven she can do well without it many people have been fine using her kit outside of rez.

While this is my initial response, it’s absurd to have a rez mechanic in a fps game to begin with.

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Several Mercy mains are typing…


This is honestly terrible bait :frowning:


Not from the dead, it’s one thing to heal it’s another to bring someone back into play. It’s unfair.

Citation needed.