Remove Rez from the game

Look at any anti mass rez thread.

I wouldn’t want Resurrect to be removed from the game, but I do believe it should be thought with risk and strategy in mind, I would recommend mechanics such as making Mercy unable to move when resurrecting, or linking a resource meter between healing beam and resurrect so that Mercy has to compensate resurrect with healing resources and achieve a balance, heroes with higher health pool will take longer to resurrect and/or higher resource points. The cooldown can stay but reduced.

Ok so with the addition op made in his post I don’t even know what to make of this anymore.

So what you’re saying is that… people who dislike rez dislike rez?

That’s a good point actually.

If you hate this single target super easily interruptible rez you would have loved the original one. If you can’t stop Mercy while she stands there like a statue for 1.5 seconds, that’s on you and your team.


regarding the subject line of this thread - nah, lets not

Well, I it is true I support Mercy mains in all of their endeavors in trying to get their hero changed. That is something this great nation was founded on: If the party above you is doing something you do not like you have every right to rebel against it. I 100% support anyone who wants changes to the game that aren’t totally drastic.

Ok, well… that’s a nice mindset to have.

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I am a Mercy Main and I support this thread :+1:


Forgive me if the post seemed trolly at first.

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And don’t Forget Dva has Unique she has Two Lives

It’s cool, I’ve just seen a lot of troll posts about Mercy recently.

I agree to remove rez to give more space for tuning mercy. Please do it blizz.

Note: 400 hrs mercy main.


Sym lost teammate shields and torb his armor. The primary dmg done is all that was kept. You can lose Rez and keep everything else. Rez isn’t what defined mercy, consistency and mobility is.

Bringing people back from the dead isn’t preventing it.

I’m absolutely for it. Rez was fine on her ult, but it’s “unfun” and Rez in her kit is out of line in her and game design. Just remove it.

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I agree. I am actively working on an essay that was going to have the same title lol.

Rez has no place in her current kit and with to gone, nothing matches it. Just remove it and make her better elsewhere .

Nope, it’s the ultimate antithesis of death.

That’s why Mercy is an Angle.

That exactly. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea or how it even made it to launch.

If they remove rez from the game, they should remove the possibility to get oneshot by an enemy aswell, because that feels just as unfair as getting rezzed. I get it, that oneshotting heroes like Widow and Hanzo require skill to be able to oneshot people constantly, but so does rezzing if you think about it, Mercy is very vurnerable during rezz because it’s slow… they need to consider or figure out when is the right time to rezz.

In my opinion Mercy’s problem is her ultimate rather than her rez. I use the ult yelling “Heroes never die” but they do die almost all the time.