Remove Rez from the game

There is a sizeable portion of the Mercy player community that wants res gone in favor of more healing.

I work hard to heal and support my team. It isn’t fair that Widow can just kill them with one shot, it’s an overpowered weapon that needs to be replaced.

Did I do this right?

I’m not asking for a Widow nerf, calm yourselves!

I would love for rez to be removed from the game, but not for the reasons you listed. I think it takes up too much of Mercy’s power budget, and without rez there would be room for more fun things in Mercy’s kit.

Tbh as a mercy main I’m not against Rez being removed if she received substantial healing buffs and/or a new E ability somewhat like Rez.

At the same time though, current Rez isn’t horrible to play against. It’s one Rez every 30 secs.

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There is also a sizeable portion of the community who does not want any changes at all for Mercy

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I love rez the way it is. “Kom folau, oso na gyon op.”

And also Genji, Tracer, and Hanzo, kthx.

I’ve said this already on one “remove resurrection” post and I’ll say it again.
I agree, but not for the same reason.

I agree that resurrection should be removed for balance reasons.
For mercy’s balance and the rest of the game’s balance.
That being said, it would need to be thought out heavily and replaced appropriately with a new ability and maybe even increased healing to compensate.

I have nothing against mercy mains, I play mercy quite a bit myself. Just saying how I see it. I’ve thought this way ever since the third iteration of Mercy’s kit. Resurrection became more of a hassle that could easily be removed and replaced then banging our heads against the wall trying to find a suitable “balanced” solution. That being said I don’t mind mercy’s current iteration, but I still think it would be an overall benefit for the balance situation, if they didn’t always have to keep it in mind.

I agree, without rez weighing her down Mercy could be reworked to make her more engaging, impactful and hopefully raise her skill ceiling.

Maybe you should play easier heroes then, try Hanzo. or switch to a tank or maybe support.

While that’s true, I don’t think it’s really relevant. The OP suggested that res be removed from the game. The wording of their post indicated that they felt that Mercy mains would be upset by this suggestion.

All I set to do was to point out that the Mercy community isn’t single minded, and that a suggestion that res be removed is not actually that controversial among Mercy players.

As to my own personal opinion, I think that res has historically caused quite a bit of trouble with Mercy’s balance, and that there are several interesting Mercy builds that don’t involve it. It’s certainly the bolder and more interesting way of going with the character.

However, I am close to being very happy with the current build as well (and don’t believe that it will be changed much any time soon). I think all she needs is some form of healing adjustment so that she can do a better job functioning as a main healer in a comp involving two tanks and an off healer, across all platforms and ranks.

rez in its current form is perfectly balanced, no need to remove it.

My statement was in reply to the statement quoted with it, and as such, I think it was (and is) entirely relevant

You’re right for the wrong reasons.

I don’t even think that in it’s current state rez is that impactful, but that’s because of all the negatives they had to throw on it and the massive cooldown it has. I think it should go just so we can see mercy buffed in meaningful ways.

Here is a secret

While Mercy is frozen is place and unable to heal, move in.

Take advantage of the 4v6 bruh

There is a way how to rework a certain ability but keep what made it unique.

Change the how it applies/triggers.
For example: Mercy applies an effect on a certain ally and if this ally’s hp reaches zero while effect is active - he’s automatically resurrected. There might be some other things - resurrects with certain health percentage or he effect disappears when mercy dies, but you got the point

No. Rez is literally the only actual counter to one shot mechanics in this game. If rez is bad then so are the one shot mechanics

This post is 12 days old why are y’all digging it up from the grave, put it back in

You’d be needing to replace rez with something ridiculously strong interactive and unique enough and I personally have zero ideas on what it can be. Rez is her uniqueness, mobility might make her fun and consistency is an aspect but rez is her trump card. What will be her trump card to compensate losing rez? I don’t think such an ability can exist, it wont be mercy, just like sym 3.0 has nothing to do with sym 2.0 It would be too different

Can we stop this “Remove X hero/skill/basic mechanic from the game” trend already?
Its not helpful, constructive or 90% of the time making any sense at all.

There are many unfair things in the game but thats what happens on a hero/abilities based FPS mate, if you want “fairness” there are plenty of base “FPS war” games, like CSGO or Battlefield.

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