Remove moira auto lock

She is not given a pass though, shes the one support that dps should be scared of and how is that bad? Why do supports need to be weak? At higher ranks she becomes irrelevant as she loses utility. She all around is one of the most balanced heroes in the game. If she was that big of an issue she would be nerfed, youd see Pros complain and drag their feet. Its not a hero design fault its the fact that players at lower ranks dont have the skillset to tackle her and I understand why thats annoying but the key to this is getting better and not try to 1v1 her if you cant do it.

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Zarya doesnt have this issue though, as hers doesnt lock on.
Cant break a continuous beam.

Neither does Moira. Being a single target beam does not make it a lock on.

Moira doesn’t auto lock. Non-issue isn’t an issue. Wowzers.

Doesnt matter how you define it the end result is the same a large hitbox with and animation that centers on the target. Just like old sym and mercy the only difference is moiras wont wrap around her back

Actually the difference is that it doesn’t lock on at all. It’s really quite a simple concept but do you need it explained again?

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Jeff, am I in 2018 again?

January 20th 2019 :slight_smile:

Were clearly not gonna agree. It’s a lock I’m not sure what else to say.

Yeah if you’re just gonna make up your own definition of the word that has nothing to do with what a lock on actually is I guess that’s true. I’m looking forward to your next post where Moira’s RMB is an AOE attack

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There is a difference between disagreeing with someone and refusing to believe a fact.


Yet you aren’t complaining about Winston who takes even less aim than Moira.

which is garbage game design

which is garbage game design again

i’m plat
i cant aim at a small moving hitbox while my life is being drained and her life is healing, if i manage to land ennough shots, she fades and heals,
if i fail to get away, she bursts me down with orb
and taimou has been dying the same way and he’s a owl player

moira isnt a free kill, that’s great, but having her deal damage that easily while being hard to kill is cancerous

It is in no way a lock on.
Ever play a tab-target MMO? That is the functionality of a lock on.

You don’t need to keep line of sight, the character can continue attacking the target regardless of movement and not require the mouse / recticle at all once the attack begins.

A soft lock is an aiming system that allows the player to pre-select a target, check out other targets / move around etc, before activating the action key for attacking at which point the character snaps to the locked target.

Moira’s beam is literally a cone. The animation you are seeing that “loos like it locks” is just that - a “looks like” animation.

Moira’s beam can be be broken by moving out of her line of sight. If can be broken by having another enemy pass between her and her active target. Even though it is a generous hit box, the player does require tracking to maintain the attack.

At the expense of this generous hit box, she has a high tick rate which is countered by armor. She cannot crit. And Moira has the lowest dps in the game.

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you cant expect every hero to be high skill though, thats a fact, Moira is lower skill hero for lower ranks and a hero that has a balanced kit and wont die as easy as the other supports, hence why she is highly picked, if you cant aim then its your issue, brig was an issue in higher ranks and look what happened to her, if moira had a hitbox like zarya she would be way harder to use cause she needs the damage to recharge herself, the notion that supports shouldnt do this or that is flawed, a good ana or a good zen who require alot more aim will still survive if they are better than you

Again, the setting for your cursor is too small. Change it to the setting I posted and you’ll see that what you say doesn’t happen. There is no mechanical lock.

Or just watch this video, that shows you what I’m talking about. I’ll even time stamp it for you.

T: 3m40s Moira’s non-locking beam.

Yes you can, and it happens anytime anything walks into the beam for Zarya or Moira.

T: 8m40s it shows beam is interrupted immediately with anything crossing the beam, because there is no lock.

T: 5m07s Zarya’s non-locking beam.

T:6m20s Winston’s non-locking cone, which works also the same way.

By comparison, the video shows actual lock-on targeting.

T: 1m56s Mercy’s lock-on

T: 2m54s Old Sym’s lock-on

The video also shows many other things in the game right now that have visual lock-on but no mechanical lock-on, same as Moira’s attack.

T: 11m13s

Zarya’s beam cannot hit more than one person at a time.


The comparison is made because mechanically they work exactly the same way. How much more physically demanding it is to aim Zarya beam vs Moira beam isn’t relevent when comparing mechanics. No one is arguing Zarya is just as easy to aim; You’re talking about a different topic.

Its a broken mechanic and its too good at low tiers and not good enough at high, that simple.

Just for reference when people say “just shoot her”, they really do mean it. Here is a clip where a Lucio, Moira, and Zen got melted by DPS as they were all healing each other and Moira was actively life-leeching.

and its simple that not all supports need to require skill like ana or zen, low rank players cant deal with it, its their own fault, they need to get better, its not broken its just below average players cant kill her, thats not a design flaw or broken mechanic, as you get better you realize how easy it is to kill moira and how much more utility higher skilled heroes provide in the support class

Also for people comparing Moira’s beam to Zarya’s… when playing against a good Zarya, they’re going to knock you into the air with a particle bomb and laser you while you’re stuck in the air and keep repeating that to throw your aim off so you can’t fight back well. You’ll pray you were fighting a Moira when you run into a good Zarya player. Zarya can also easily kill a Moira in a 1v1 because Moira’s damage is so pathetic, life leech/coalescence or no.