Remove moira auto lock

It’s not an auto lock. I do however support removing anything that has auto lock besides when they are ultimate abilities, additionally I support the addition of moira having an ammo cap because she has no reload time unlike the rest of the cast hanzo can be assumed to have an ammo cap because he has time between shots.

Even the devs thought it was to powerful that’s why it’s gone :man_shrugging:

May as well be

I’d settle for this if I had too.

Clarification: Blizz didn’t remove the lock-on with concerns of the function itself being too powerful. Blizzard removed it because the combination of lock-on with damage increase from the rework would have been too powerful.

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Thats just excuses though, you can kill her its not hard. If she is so OP as you make her sound like why isnt she the most picked? An average dps can do it.

bcz other dps heros have utility
and btw
shes picked alot more then peoplebmight think, now ofc on owl u have the best of the best (even thou i watched taimou getting rekt by a moira as mccree all through a game)

Even if that were true, nothing you’ve said has anything to do with lock on, you know except for the continued blatant lie that it is a lock on. I’m confused as to why you keep bringing up hitbox, as if that has anything to do with an attack being a lock on.

Her pick rate is higher in lower ranks though shes easy to play and most players at that skill level dont have what it takes to kill her, she doesnt have much utility other than healing. Ana is a goddess at higher ranks, yes her skillset is way higher but so is her utility. People in lower ranks have issues with Moira as it comes down to how well can you aim, where are you positioned? You do not want to 1v1 a moira if youre not confident you can kill her. A support is not a free kill but Moira is designed in a way that hurts her utility the higher up you go.

you move the cursor away and the beam stays locked on, how is this not a lock on?
surely moving the beam away would at least move you from the centre of mass on that target? Unless, if was locked on.

That’s a confusing if not misleading statement, Zarya hits everything in her beam range, Moira does not.

It’s hitbox padding. Take literally any hero to the training range, hit the bots, then start slowly moving away from the model. Every single character will be able to deal damage once they have moved off of the actual model.

Let me ask, why should Moira be given a pass on a low aim mechanic which also heals, and often has an orb doing damage on top?

thats not what im saying

the beam stays locked to the centre of mass, which Zarya’s does not.

They’re vastly different because one of them has a soft-lock

Yes, the visual representative of her attack stays centered. That doesn’t mean the attack locks on. It breaks the instant los is lost, or when something comes between the beam and target, and the hitbox size of Moira’s rmb does not increase once a target has been hit

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What kind of reach?

breaks what? :wink:
Breaks the lock on?

unsure what this is meant to… do?

People trying to make this comparison to Zarya’s beam make me truly laugh… the hit-box for Zarya’s beam is far, far smaller than the absurdly large one Moira has, and even if the initial placement area is the same, its obvious Zarya has to work a heck of lot harder to keep it on and get damage out than Moira does any day. Only people who apparently play just Moira believe this myth.


Breaks the beam. Remember how old sym could lasso someone? Moira cannot

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“Its not like syms so it’s not a lock on”

No, it doesn’t connect when los is broken, the hitbox range does not get larger once it hits, and is not harder to break than connect so it’s not a lock on.

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Still closer to lock on than real aiming. Therefore soft lock

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Not auto-lock.
Just a big beam.
Also, it has low DPS- if you’re throwing the ‘orbs’ in your argument, then delete your post. You’re adding more to your argument without actually contributing to your original statement.

All you’re saying is ‘Orb and Grasp together are really annoying, nerf Grasp’- even when any form of teamplay helps to make her damage-dealing useless.

As someone said before - get better before coming to the forums to voice your complaint.

Also, when you try to start an argument- state your point first and form a basis on ‘why grasp is op’ like you intended- not ‘grasp is op with orb…’

Aaaand if you or anyone else think the ‘range’ is a problem- keep in mind the farther the target is, the more you have to aim. Don’t complain about someone track-feeding you because you’re not utilizing LoS well.

Not really. Hitbox size has literally nothing to do with whether or not an attack locks on. An attack could take up literally the entire screen and not lock on or be a single pixel and lock

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