Remove moira auto lock

but you can expect every hero to require as much skill to kill them as ty require to kill you

posted a reply but deleted it by mistake, between the 2 videos

Not really… its paper-rock-scissors game.

thats what seagull asked to be changed and thats what the devs agreed to be bad for the game

Yep, its not best game design… but deal with it, activision is too lazy and incompetent to rework that huge part of the game.

Its large. Larger then the actual silhouette of any character. Which means it is effectively the easiest attack in the game to hit with outside a rein hammer or brig flail.

i play cod
cod isnt paper rock blabla
its a pretty high skill game
but not the same kind of game and i realise that am out of context

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Making Moira’s succ a straight beam wouldn’t fix anything about her, but just make her worse.

Although it is not exactly ‘‘auto-lock’’ it kind of feels like one. I understand its thick beam with ilusion of locking onto target, but you don’t really have to be precise while using it. So I don’t see a problem with calling it "soft-lock or auto-lock’’ in the first place.

What do people want to achieve by constantly getting mad when somebody called Moira’s succ an auto lock? XD Telling everybody it is A THICK BEAM doesn’t change anything since it is easy as heck to aim with. And this comes from Moira main.

Using the right vocabulary is pretty important in any conversations. You can’t call it a lock because it’s not a lock. Just because it is easier to aim doesn’t mean it’s lock.

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thats not how the game works, this isnt a 1v1 fps basis, this a teamwork game with counters, you get affectedt by the nature of a heroes kit, no matter how good you are… but it doesnt mean you cant kill them, thats where skill comes into play.

this isnt a 1v1
then we should remove all damage from all healers since their team will 100% peel

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so how do you expect supports to protect themselves when they get attacked?

yup but not have an ez time removing dps

what does that mean I dont understand? Moira lacks utility and requires damage to recharge herself, zen lacks mobility and relies on his discord and good aim, ana has no mobility and again needs aim to dmg or sleep a target, mercy is well just mercy… bad dps will always be deleted pure and simple just as bad anas, moiras or zens

zen relies on good aim
moira on holding a button

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That’s actually not true. Like Moira, Zarya projects a cylinder shaped “beam” forward until it intersects with an enemy target, then it stops there, dealing damage ot this target.

This is updated… I think 20 times a second? So actually in a way the game fires discs forward, checking whether they hit a target. The discs deal X damage.

The actual numbers differ of course. Width of beam, damage per second, etc. And what crucially differs is the graphical persentation. Zarya just shows a beam. Moira fires a beam, but shows a spindly spiraling beam arcing to the target in a curved manner.

But that display is not how the weapon works mechanically. It’s nothing like old Sym beam, for example.

Yes, Zen can also kill a Tracer before she dies of old age. Moira cannot, she just outlasts her - badly aiming - enemies.

An important distinction why presice language matters here is that lock-on weapons in FPS have one truly crucial quality: The lock-on precision required of you is higher than the drop-off precision.

That is to say, you might have to precision-hit a target with a narrow beam to get it to stick, but as long as you don’t let go of the button, you can then turn quite a bit away and it’ll keep firing and locked on. Think of old Symmetra.

A beam weapon is a constant always-forward beam. There’s no leniency, no nothing. At all given times, it projects a cylindrical shape forward to find whoever is the first target in its path (or in same cases multiple targets).

Listen im getting tired of going around in circles. Zen needs more skill than moira, zens ult and discord provide more utility, Moira has a lower skill requirement but pays for that in her lack of utility. What youre saying is you want all supports to require the same skill like ana or zen, but Iv told you before that cant exist in a game designed based on counters. A tracer or a genji with half decent aim can kill moira even though she counters them. You cant expect winston to be able to kill reaper with the same ease as reaper killing winston.

Simple beam with 70 damage instead of “”"""“lock-on”""""" would be nice, except you’d whine about it too because it’s actually better. Lucio’s projectiles are equally as dumb and it’s quite easy to get more than 50 dps out of them, if Lucio had a 30 self heal while shooting he’d easily be the best 1v1 hero.