Remove flex queue

I havent seen any modes die, personally…so I do not see this as support for the claim of the popularity of 222 vs role-less queue

They messed that up with the introduction of role queue though. I had never played much support previously on my other account yet my support got the highest rating out of all the roles after RQ was implemented.

Fair enough. Surely you saw LFG die though, or is that still working in some regions?

This whole idea that people using the flex role deliberately throw is completely baseless and without any evidence. A DPS main wants to spend as much time as possible playing DPS and that means winning in the Flex role because you get way more passes than losing. Throwing isn’t fun and wastes a heck of a lot more time than winning for said flex player. There is zero incentive for a flex player to throw.

Your games already had bad teammates before flex queue. All you are doing now is seeing a bad player and thinking oh it must be the flex queue.

it appears to be the same fully functional “we coulda used this instead of having everyone inflicted with 222, but were too lazy” component it has always been

For us, it is gone. Or rather there wasn’t enough people to use it, so you would queue forever, so no one is there. - it has been like this for a long long long time now.

There is no one there.

In smaller regions, the unpopular things (for that region at least) basically stop being playable.

Once they cross into the area of, Well I’ve tried to queue for it, but an hour later I didn’t get anything, then they just stop being played, because, with no one there, you won’t find games.

Just like if you LFG, here… you will be the only person waiting for a group, it will never be filled.

But yeah, if they didn’t 1/2 booty LFG, 222 could have been avoided, at least outside of the Goats problem.

No keep flex and fix it up to make it better.

Give no passes for loses and reduce the amount you get if you win.

Ive been a support player since I started. I play tank as well. I rarely ever get to play dps so freely with little wait time as I do now.

The only issue with flex queue is they didn’t release this the moment they came out with 2-2-2. If they would have then we would have seen much more flex players and perhaps the game would have been better balanced.

It will get better with time. I think it’s a good thing people are learning other roles. Good riddance took long enough.

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So in essence no flex queue just check mark tank, dps, support… how bout we reward the actual true flex players that kept this game afloat. If you only get a ticket on a win that’s a hell of a lot better than now. How bout blizzard fixes that first then we reevaluate.

Flex Queue is a success.
In the same way killing a sick patient relieves them of their pain.

As long as people queue for Flex Queue, then they help speed up the overall queue. The games may be terrible for some, because of throwers, lack of experience, playing out of role, etc., but the queue is shorter none the less. Success.

The only way it will be a failure is if no one queues at all for those flex roles as before, and queue times goes back up again. Then, you might see some movement to correct the deeper issues at hand that need fixing. Add more Tank and Healers to the roster that DPS players would be honestly interested in playing, and which serve those roles in a fun and interesting way.

Until then the community can only hope some of the DPS players trying Support or Tank, get bitten by the bug, and start to enjoy it enough to stick with those rolls/characters we do have, more often. Otherwise, it’s just a game of robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Again, this is a coping mechanism.
Thats how people’s memories work. They can have 50 matches, 4 throwers and they will still blame Flex queue and say the game is worse since then bla bla. If they disabled Flex Queue temporarily, they would blame something else.

It was made with a purpose and it works 100%. Sometimes works really well sometimes just a bit better than queueing without a pass. The match quality is on the players, not the system.

I agree with everything you wrote except this.

That match quality is in part on the system. It is possible to mess up the matchmaker and get garbage quality games out of it.

They are, because it is confirmed that the system heavily weighs your mmr against your highest mmr. This is done in a misguided attempt to get people to the rank they are supposed to be and not stomp games, however, the idea that a gm ana should be fast tracked to gm tank is misguided.

This is even a bigger issue when you have a plat ana playing plat games in other roles when he isnt anywhere near as good at those other roles.

[Citation needed]

tank will always be “boring” because it involves doing stuff that is boring for most people interested in an FPS, such as breaking shield, waiting on a flank and closing it, using your cooldowns efficiently and trading cooldowns well as well as playing the appropriate tank at the right time.

Furthermore, tank is the easiest role to mess up on, making what seem small mistakes on tank, such as misplaying your Halt! as Orisa, or missing Hook at a crucial part of the game as Roadhog has much bigger consequences than say missing Helix Rocket on Soldier as a Roadhog without hook is no longer a threat so the enemy tanks can just focus him down and (most of the time) kill him and get through the double pocket he gets. At the very least, even if the Hog goes behind cover in time, him missing hook results in a massive loss of space because their tanks can be aggressive while the Hog is forced to be defensive. Due to this, in high elo tank is perceived as the carry role and one on which blame is put very often, on top of playing “unfun” tanks that happen to be meta, like Orisa, Sigma, Ball etc.

Already now, tank shifted massively toward being a DPSeque role and that’s ultimately bad for the game as often DPS have no say in denying a Hog flank or a Ball stalling the point.

I am a mid-masters player, I made an account on January 1st, even if I am put in loser’s queue, there is no way I should have a 50% winrate in high plat. It’s flex queue for sure that gave me unwinnable games and people queueing for the lootbox. I play this game long enough to be honest with myself and know when I play bad and when I play well but lose. In Plat, even with the worse tanks, I win maybe 90% of games.

Oh hey, the Berserker way.

She’s right behind me isn’t she?

I haven’t seen any changes in the quality of my games. It’s the same it’s always been win or loss.

Im not going to go look around and find actual links for you, too much work compiling. Although the actual documents(streams, YouTube videos) are out there if you want to do it yourself. I will however TELL you and REFERENCE the evidence, to put you on the right direction.

First, there is overwhelming evidence out there of t500 streamers queuing off role and getting t500 in their off roll when they are clearly not there. People who come to mind: Flats, super, xqc, and many others. Like so many that it’d be hard not to run into if you look. This is why, for example, Flats has an alt account in diamond on dps and just doesn’t use his main.

More recently, the your overwatch guy has brought this up many times, has said he has voiced his concern in a creator discord (which the devs respond to), and I’m sure if he was wrong the devs would tell him and he’d tell us. And you know what, I still spent too much time on this, but it was easy enough to find the video so I’ll go ahead and provide the yourOW video Overwatch: Winter Wonderland Patch & SKINS! - NEW Role Queue Update! - YouTube

The funny thing is, I think actiblizz will stoop to that low.

You’re referring to people who played before role queue came out and their MMRs for all three roles were grandfathered in based on their rank at the time. That is completely unrelated to what you claimed and what you’ve stated is certainly not proof/confirmation of it.

I dont know, Ive gotten banned 3 times permanently, each time I bought new accounts each suspension when I had no alts/smurfs I bought some. You might be a conspiracy nut, but you might be on to something