Remove flex queue

Experiment failed. I am tired of having Mercy mains playing Orisa, tank mains griefing my games as Ashe. The idea is cute, didn’t work. At the very least make a MMR reset before doing such a thing. I have 50% winrate on every account because right now every game is fully decided by which side has the most people offroling/throwing. I’d rather keep my ~65% winrate and wait 10 min queue for DPS than wait 4 min for an insta win or loss where I have little say either way.


MMR reset would be better, but they won’t.


my theory lately is that Blizzard deliberately messes up matchmaking every patch through bad hero balancing or decisions like Flex Queue in an attempt to make people toxic. Toxicity gets accounts suspended (not only direct toxicity, but also false reports due to resent toward teammates who are not at their correct elo/are playing a bad hero for the situation); suspended accounts sell new accounts.


For flex players, it is great. I don’t want to waste 10-15 minutes in queue, it is boring AF. I rather play Apex or Warzone than waiting so much.
So this feature is great for me.
I am (or was) main support. I play tank sometimes. I enjoy playing dps…
So what is the problem? I never throw games. Why should I be punished and not the guys trolling?
Or… do you think that people are allowed to play just one role? You are wrong.

Keep flex queue. Ban the throwers.


I’m literally getting paid to play my favorite roles: Tank and Healer

The only thing that needs adjustment is the amount of passes you get for a win and loss.

Second thing that needs to be done more is punishment for the throwers (battle mercy’s, dps moira’s, etc)


the incentive of tokens is wrong because

a) you get rewarded for losing (encourages bad behavior, in fact I think queueing with the mindest “lose as fast as possible” gives you about the same tokens/minute as actively trying to win)

b) you get encouraged to flex and while you might be a flex player, some people wouldn’t flex otherwise. Basically it’s the same thing of “queue tank for a lootbox”, it might sound good on paper, but people who have no desire to queue or knowledge how to win on tank are better 1 tricking DPS, support or whatever role they play.

good that you mention it, I encourage everyone if you have the impression someone is playing badly AND they are offroling/don’t care about the SR on the role they are playing very evidently, report them for Gameplay Sabotage. If Blizzard doesn’t wanna do an MMR reset and is happy to make Masters tank players play DPS and have plat mechanics in Masters+ games, then we as a community must out these people and tell them that it’s not correct to queue a role they are not capable of playing, playing some 700 SR below your equilibrium SR is not fair, ruins the experience of 5 other people (arguably 11 other people) and in the end if someone wants to train DPS or tank and is too high rated on the main account, the way I see it they should buy a new account and train the role there.

there are 2 problems:

  1. people who queue flex just for the passes. They play support/tank very badly and/or without motivation to win.

  2. people who are actual tank players or support players queue flex. After they have enough tokens, they queue DPS with Priority pass and those normally also destroy games as DPS is a role that requires you to constantly train aim, be able to flex to multiple heroes and be able to clutch some 1v1s in very brief periods of time.


this priority pass thing can be great if they adjust loss win ticket ratios fast and give a MMR reset on both offroles next season but they wont zzz

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It’s a pathetic and hopefully temporary fix to the game’s queue times while they work on OW2. They needed to stabilize the game until they release OW2 and then come back and fix the real problems.

That’s my hope anyway. Regardless it does seem to be having adverse effects on some games.

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I’m loving flex queue. I used to queue for all three roles anyway but that almost always was the same as just queueing for tank. That doesn’t make me a tank main, though. I like playing every hero and now I actually get to play damage games without having to wait for a whole day off work to play a few of those.

Also, people putting time into more roles is a good thing. That Mercy main will be a better player after putting some time into another role. And their experience on Mercy helps them play tank, too. Learning other roles makes you better at every role.


due to how rank works, she will destroy thousands of games because let’s say she is like 3700 on Mercy and her tank is Plat, to derank to plat she might need upwards of 200+ games if not more.

no it doesn’t. If you don’t have experience as tank, you don’t have experience as tank, that’s the end of it. Tank has its nuances. There are certain timings you need to hit, whether to fortify or not to fortify, which tank is good in what situation and so on. People who 1 trick one role tend to do VERY badly on offroles, applies to every role (DPS mains for example do bad on support also generally speaking).


Why are you tired of this?

Orisa is Supposed to be a playable main tank


You see the finger but not the moon.

The problem isn’t people throwing using flex queue.

The real problem is people throwing for earn tickets.

Tickets must be removed not the flex queue.

Too much people want to use tickets, this system will never work because there will be always too much people in queue with tickets.

Even if you remove them from lose and make the win get 1, half of the players want to play dps will have at least a ticket to use, a situation like this can’t reduce the queue time.

You can’t speed up a queue when the population of the game isn’t balanced between the roles.

I see people want flex queue here, so you can keep it and remove the real reason people are throwing, the tickets.

Who would you rather have driving a racecar, a person who just drives cars or a person who has experience building, repairing, AND driving cars?

Perspective is important and one-tricking a role ensures you only ever experience one perspective.

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I’ve been playing flex queue and I’ve been playing with flex queuers and I have yet to see any throwers. I’ve played a LOT of hours over the past two weeks and I have not seen a single thrower. I have seen people make suboptimal plays every now and then but I throw them some friendly advice and ask how I can help them, and we usually clutch a win regardless, and the games are still quite close most of the time.

Not saying your experience is invalid but your experience is not universal. I’m finding that both being the flex queue player has helped me learn more, and I’ve been able to help others learn more while I get faster queue as DPS.

I feel like this is one of those things where if you hated the idea when it was announced, then you went into this with the “This is garbage and bad” mentality off the bat and you automatically hate it.


I uninstalled the Game, because of that.
The “Priority Pass” System combined with the F2p Weeks. It is literally to much.
Now the Community is beyond toxic und greavers und leavers in every 2nd Game. And the other half of Games is lost before the Game started, because there Team has blatend Cheaters or 5 Smurfs or my team plays Tank like Tracer, because they want a quick Pass and out.
I cant take it anymore, after the Game was in its best State since launch, they managed to mess it up so badly in a few weeks that I at least dont want to play or see this anymore, after 1600 h. And in addition i was a avid OWL and Content Creator Watcher.
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Mostly anyway.

Well, there’s nothing wrong with people offroling… Though rather than flex perhaps they could give passes for playing Tank/Support rather than the current worthless incentives. This way people can get their passes but actually pick the required role that they’re familiar with :thinking:

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the conspiracies get crazier and crazier

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Eh, I think it’s just a growing pains portion of it. I think it’s important for people to have perspective of different rolls. I run into too many dps/tanks/healers that expect something from their team that they would realize is unreasonable if they had played the other roll enough.

ex: dps spamming that they need healing on a flank where no one is near them.

so I think having people play those other rolls via flex que is doing more good than bad in the longer run

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An MMR reset would be the worst thing ever, you’d get GM players in the same game as Bronze players, you realise that right


I hate to break it too ya, but some of us, before the PQ, were already failing your games. Zero main players like myself would queue up as damage, wait our time and find stuff to internet on, and get in there to lose 58.3% of our matches (guess where I got that number from). You guessed it. My own spreadsheet. I took a long break, had my first 9 games in over a month and lookie here. (new sheet for a new time frame)

T Defeat Rate D Defeat Rate S Defeat Rate
50.0% 83.3% 0.0%
2 matches 6 matches 1 matches

I honestly do not know how to get better at this time. I point, I shoot, I figure a direction to go to try and be useful, and things just do better than me. It’s demoralizing but I tries because I feels like it.

This. I had thought of this idea long before it ever came out in some similar fashion to how it is now. It’s a needed system for a super long line and players who are willing to help out in other rolls