No it would not, have you ever used a bow and arrow in any other game that does not OHK to the head? No, bc then why would you use a bow over a gun if it was worse than a gun in every scenario? OHK removes the use for Hanzo and Widowmaker is going to be a troll pick. OHK is a necessary evil if snipers exist in any game
why would his arrow need to be bigger in this scenario? People are already complaining about the arrow size
It doesnt have to be. Players die a lot in matches without one shot heroes - they are not necessary for the game to function.
But on the flip side, one shots make healing useless. So they break the game more than they improve it.
edit: ill add a note that i’m not saying just to nerf hanzo and widow to the ground now. I’m merely more talking about the general design of the game and what to me makes sense about it and what not.
I dont expect blizzard to remove one shots from widow completely.
This is an utter joke hanzo counters sombra so hard. Because god forbid a sniper be weak up close, hanzo is actually most reliable and best point blank. It’s dog**** idiotic hero design and he desperately needs a rework. A sniper that’s anti-dive? Brilliant game design!
Some have suggested a reverse falloff for hanzo. I think it could work but would feel very unintuitive for more casual players
No, it wouldn’t work. For most DPS heroes, they’re balanced around TTK and potential. Hanzo/Widow have more potential as they can oneshot, but they have longer body shot ttk and need to charge. If you remove oneshot from hanzo, his optimal ttk dramatically increases.
You can’t really justify it. Becuase there is always going to be one question: why don’t you just play Cass/Ashe or even Mei? Unless you increase his fire rate by a lot, to Torb/Cass level, that makes him a Torb with faster projectile and no turret. Even then, similar heroes are bad for the game in general.
So let’s just have high healing with no counter play outside of Ana? One shots are fine, you’re just not happy it’s “unfun” to die to.
Skill issue.
Skill issue about what? Why even bring it up, it has no relevance to anything besides make you sound like you’re upset.
Your problem is that you can’t think creatively enough. IMO the very concept of a projectile sniper is utterly idiotic game design as projectiles inherently have an element of randomness. So I’d rework hanzo to be purely anti-dive. maybe Hanzo can still 1HKO at point blank, but his arrows have hefty falloff and lose their headshot multiplier when they fly far enough. To make up for this, give hanzo some interesting utility, like blocking off tight spaces with a less broken scatter-arrow-like ability that’s very effective at preventing flanks from tight corridors. Furthermore, his arrows could slow targets if he hits them in the legs or something. Plus, if we want him to be the “simple geometry” character, let his primary fire bounce off walls once, since he’s not gonna be one shorting with that anymore anyways. And if he’s still underperforming, give him 225 or 250, and rework his ultimate to be something a little better. Maybe he can control the dragon’s movement a bit after firing them.
It’s honestly not hard to think of ways to turn hanzo into a fair, fun, interesting, not dog**** designed character
Oooh a gaslight now. Funny enough, you’ve been trying to gaslight people this entire thread about Hanzo being broken, when he isn’t.
This is a true skill issue, both in game and overall.
Where’s the gaslight?
If half the high ELO Hanzo/Widow players quit tomorrow, it wouldn’t matter.
Heck, they’d probably gain players off of that. Because there’s a whole lot more of everybody else, than Sniper players.
If your only input is insulting, it shows how upset you are. I’ll leave it at that.
I highly doubt Hanzo is causing people to be quitting the game in droves. It’s all the same bluster and crying that the forums do. They claim and claim and claim, then when challenged on it… It’s nothing but right back to the grind with the nonsense they claim to hate so much. Don’t see them quitting.
Says the guy who’s spent the last four hours trying to convince people how broken a hero is when you’re just getting owned for most likely being predictable.
You like to convince yourself over nothing it seems. No one has owned anything here.
It’s okay, Hanzo isn’t haunting your real life or anything, it’s a game.
I highly doubt you know more about that, than the TF2 devs who designed the character Widow and Hanzo are based off of.
If it was solely Hanzo causing people to quit the game as you’re trying to insinuate, why is the game pop steady? Why isn’t it declining like you’re saying it is?
Sorry that I don’t believe any of these people crying about Hanzo are actually going to quit the game if he’s not changed.
And we’re talking about the game. So there. You dont have to participate in the discussion if you dont like to.
Stop whining about being disagreed with, the adults over here will be speaking.
The Team Fortress 2 devs specifically stated that poorly designed Sniper counterplay lead to very measurable reductions in playerbase retention.
Which is made worse by a hero that can see through walls on cooldown, and can output more raw bodyshot burst damage than a Sentry Bastion or Reaper.
" When we started working on TF2, 22 years ago, we decided to examine the things that affected how players felt about their deaths in TFC. Our starting theory was that, for death to be a positive experience, players had to feel like they could have avoided dying if they’d done something different. We found two factors that seemed to be important in light of that theory:" “The first was whether or not you understand what killed you. If you don’t know what killed you, that death is failing in providing you the feedback it’s supposed to, and you won’t be able to figure out what you could have done differently.” "The second was whether you felt you were actually engaged with the person who killed you. Dying to someone you weren’t engaged with, especially when you were already engaged with someone else, was aggravating. Even worse was dying to someone who you couldn’t have engaged with, even if you chose to. “Unsurprisingly, we saw that these deaths were highly aggravating to players, and in sufficient number caused new players to stop playing entirely.”