Reminder: I brought this up on the AMA, SYM needs to Switch to Support

I’m not opposed to her being re-worked into a support but I’d only want that if she fills a need in that role. I prefer her where she is because she’s very unique within her current role. Only Torb competes with her even a little bit for that area denial niche. Ironically, that uniqueness is what makes so many Sym players complain about her. Her role is not that of a traditional damage dealer and all the people trying to use her that way are going to continue to believe there’s a problem with her because of it.

That’s just called denial

So…you were able to climb from bronze to diamond with a worthless hero? Weird.

There is an entire Reddit wanting Sym as a Support for a reason

Reminder - I brought this up AFTER the ama:

You guys are reading way too much into his response…she’s not getting reworked again…let alone as a support

B) this whole concept of insulting… I’m sorry but they’re not trying to make everyone happy…they just make heroes…period…there is no preferential treatment…there is no favorites…there is no conspiracy

She’s just (clearly after 4 years) a difficult hero to get right…and it’s entirely because of design/concept (just like bastion)…any changes to her going forward will be done entirely done with that in mind

But it has nothing to do with “jester likes sym above all else and doesn’t like how she’s used in OWL…time to rework her”

There are no feelings involved

Kudos to Geoff for being forthright
With his answer…because he was being attacked/bombarded by the sym community that day

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Well for making a hero, they seem to delete that hero a lot.

I just want Sym to be used to the full potential of her kit.

And that requires her being a Support.

Just imagine Bapt not having any healing (no Grenade launcher or self heal), only his utility.

That’s Sym currently

Yes. Because I love Sym as a character, I endured That™.

Sym subreddit likes 2.0 which was a support in name only, and was literally Torb’s foil. There have been polls about this.

The thing is she wasnt even a support in the first place. She was closer to Torb that to any other support in all aspects, specially 2.0.

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Yeah I know…

This community is a trip.
So many of us wayyyy back in the day, at the very start, and in closed beta, tried to explain that every support didn’t need to be a healer, and etc etc.

You guys complained and cried SO MUCH to the devs that they did something they really didn’t want to do, and moved her to damage.


There’s also a whole subreddit about putting Sharpies in butts so I don’t know if that’s super meaningful.

I think the reason for the seemingly high number of disenchanted Sym mains is just that she’s drastically different than she used to be and not all of her original fans made the mental transition into her new play style. Sym is the only hero who has had every single part of her kit re-worked significantly. That couple with the fact that she was always meant to have a defensive niche has caused the disconnect between people who want to play her all the time and people who use her when it makes sense to. I wish Sym players could focus on what she is rather than what they want her to be. Lots of us like her where she is.

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To be fair, I never wanted her to change roles, just heal

It has been 2 years, stop with the ‘‘Sym mains dont know how to play Sym’’ garbage because its not true.

If Stevoo and many other high ladder streamers and players went into hiatus or dropped the character, its for something. Those are the same high ladder players that Sym players were told to go watch because we ‘‘clearly dont know how to play her, go watch Stevoo’’ for a year and half.

Sym is a hero unviable in ladder and even her loyal top end ladder players are dropping her.

They nerfed her orbs and Stevoo went MIA. For a year and half anti-Sym forum warriors used Stevoo’s name to dump on any kind of 3.0 critical discussion, but now that he dropped the towel he is suddendly not a factor?

Dont make me laugh.


If I could give you (your preferred drink) Right now, I would for that.

(Though it would be non alcoholic option if alcohol is involved Because just like that.)

She cant fulfill the DPS role like the generalists can do. U can play pretty much as we saw today, snipers and hvy damage dealers can be played pretty much everywhere. To get the same value, Symm needs to work with her team, and her team with her while pretty much most of current A-tier heroes minus sombra can do the same but does not need as much teamwork as Symm do.

Put her into Supp, give her utility and offheal capability, and enjoy Supp Symmetra. Also my favourite = give her overshield ability on high CD with shieldgating to prevent oneshots.

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Give her back the ability to stay at her intended range before shoehorning her into a role she never was part of in practice.

Looking forward to JUST TRY.

Not for OW. Support in this game is synonymous with healer.

You know, there was a manga that released recently about this difference be support and healer.

Where a team with a Support took down a Lvl 100 boss at Lvl 40 because the team wasn’t relying on the healer being a parasite keeping them alive.

Or something like that.

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Please provide a link/quote/anything to prove your statement.