Reminder: I brought this up on the AMA, SYM needs to Switch to Support

Repeat from July: "Symmetra is mostly used in OWL just for the teleporter. Have you considered reworking her into a healer in the future? She’s already being picked like a Support. If not this, what do the developers think Symmetra needs? "

Geoff: "I touched on this in another answer earlier but the tldr of it is: We tried it once, and it didn’t work out very well. That said, the door isn’t fully closed on this yet, its possible we’ll re-try her as a Support (healer) in the future. "

My response: “Looking forward to just try.

October: OWL finals: Sym is still only used for the teleporter then switched out:

And it’s become very questionable what Dev’s are currently doing with the PTR/ExC, Last one only has a single recoil change for 76.

I am tired of Sym being considered a joke.

I don’t have to explain why this is insulting do I?


This is why I’m convinced they hate her. They clearly know she needs help, but they haven’t talked with us in months and aren’t testing ANYTHING that the players can try. It’s like they’re saying “We’re looking at her… lol” before going back to pretending she doesn’t exist.


At least Sym got her use, there are plenty other heroes who were completely absent from the finals


Sym being used for the teleporter today still means she was still used more than 2/3 of the damage roster. OWL will always go through phases of heavily using certain heroes (not necessarily a meta) and mirror matches are likely no matter what the team comp.

Sym not being used this week doesn’t mean much, especially since she was straight-up meta on certain maps throughout much of this OWL season.


She isn’t being used for damage though.

That’s the main issue.

If she focused for her supportive abilities

Then she needs to be a Support


Or they could just make her a competent damage dealer so she fits correctly into her DPS role.

All it would take are some buffs.


(Sarcasm) And McCree could be a healer

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They’d have to give her a gun that goes pew pew first.

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I dunno, Zarya has a beam and is permitted to be good.


Even Sombra highlights in OWL Involve eliminations.

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She was being used for area control and damage often this season when team comps made sense for it. Just not this week. I think it’s fine for there to be different types of damage dealers. Sym isn’t meant to be consistently cranking out as much damage as most of the roster. She’s meant to be able to do a lot of damage up close when people come into her territory, which she does. That just happens to be pretty useless against long-range heroes like Widow/Hanzo/Ashe, which is mostly what we’ve seen from them this week. Sym’s good at what she does but what she does isn’t what they need right now. There was also zero Reinhardt/Brig/Reaper play during the finals because they weren’t brawling at all.


Unfortunately this is exactly why she’s a DPS now. Back in the day when she WAS a support, people said she was only used for damage, and thusly moved to DPS. She’s this weird middle ground where even the devs don’t know what she is, nor do they care to give her a defined place in the game. Her shield generator is what made her undeniably a support, and their solution was to rip that out.


Sym has never been used otherwise in OWL.

I have weeks(months and Years) of OWL highlights to prove it.

Tanks are afforded those methods of damage without being called low skill. Why? I have no idea. Give a dps/support Winston’s primary and see what happens. Hell, give a support a melee primary…


There were no main tanks for her to really play with and double sniper was prevalent due to BossHog. Why should she have been played??

People like to act like she never gets OWL playtime outside of spawn TPs, but her playtime is comparable to a hero like Junkrat. She’s not nearly as bad as people make her out to be, outside of frustrating bugs.

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I think she is that bad after the recent nerfs (which I’m not sure are active in OWL). She was ok before them, but after them she’s decidedly weak.

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The only way Sym will improve if her turrets, Teleporter and Alt Fire…

Heal instead of damage

I watched most games this season (not just highlights). For weeks in the middle of the season, literally every team was running Sym on Lijiang and Nepal. For whole rounds, too. Not just for her TP. She’s especially good at defending Night Market, Control Center, and Village.

If you go to the OWL site statslab, you can sort hero picks by map. Sym was the fifth-most-picked Damage hero on Lijiang for the whole season, which includes all the times she wasn’t meta.

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Until a pro team can counter her. (That’s not how heroes should be played.)

Also she the 5th picked DPS because she was consistent used as a TP bot this season

There’s nothing wrong with a hero being comp- and map-dependent.
Pick rates account for time played, not number of times picked.