Reminder: I brought this up on the AMA, SYM needs to Switch to Support

Pretty sure it wouldn’t change anything at this point if evidence was provided.

We need to focus on the current future not the past.

Fair enough.

I think the problem with Sym is that she is still a hero in limbo.

She packs a lot of utility, by far the most out of the dps cast, but isn’t a support. She is in the dps role, but her dps is not great.

She has seen some play in OWL, and not just a TP-bot, but I don’t think Sym will ever get much playtime in OWL. Not when other dps do so much more damage so much easier without putting themselves in danger.

The only way Sym gets an actual competitive re-work is if they decide her role. If she is a dps, then she needs TP, turrets, and giant shield ultimate removed.

She is the only dps with a defensive ultimate.

That’s BS. what that’d lead to is

  • sym wasd chasing around teammates all day to heal with her short effective range,
  • remain heavily team reliant because she can’t catch up and need teammates to go to her rather than vice versa like many other supports
  • and then having extremely high down times just like now.

Yeah… I did change my answer later on…

But then Geoff has had years to figure out the best fix for this…

Surely he has an answer by now.

Those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes.

I’m talking on the hypothetical scenario of Sombra being classified as a support since her release, back in 2016. 2-2-2 was not even a thought at the time. If anything, I think that would help alleviate part of the pressure on Sym players because we could point out to Sombra to valid her place as a support character, and it would help Sombra as well since she would not be directly compared to Tracer as she was at release.

Under current rules, yeah, the devs balance the game now expecting two healers in the team. If we want Sym back in support, she need to heal. I just don’t understand why so many people suggest healing turrets instead of the good old Photon Shield. We even have the Photon Shield animations ready in reserve to slap back on the game!

I have my reasons to think otherwise, but I’m not really in the mood to talk about them right now. For now, let’s just agree to disagree.

Ok fair enough. By the way, the sky is falling down. Where your hard hat tommorow.

Looking at what Blizz removed from Sym is essecial to see why Sym 3.0 failed.

  • Non-ignorable utility that instad of demanding specific comps and specific behavior from your team, it merely enhances everyone equally. Removed.

  • Survivability in the form of extra HP and a low cooldown deploable shield. Removed.

  • Lock-on damage up close that excused her scaling damage, low range and squishyness? Removed.

  • Area coverage of 6 sentries? Removed.

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Oh I have study the past,… they just made a lot of mistakes.

I live on Brazil. Our sky already fell down around 4 years ago. :wink:

Meanwhile I live in Texas, and hurricanes just keep visiting.

One just came by and another one is possibly on the way.

Poor Lake Charles. It will be gone if the next one visits there… it will be the third one in a month.

I don’t think so. I’m not talking about making her vastly better, just a little. It wouldn’t make her any more frustrating than a regular effective DPS.

I would love for them to move her back to support. DPS don’t need her.

it doesn’t change the fact that it changes the entire direction of her gameplay. i.e. going from a dynamic tactical zoner to literally being a heal bot. every support in OW, has their gameplay heavily centered on being at the ready to heal allies at any moment in time. that fundamental change is an issue.

Her usage in OWL’s final means nothing as there are heroes who didn’t even get 1 second playtime…

Jeff doesn’t hace time to rework Symm, he’s busy making more flying shield-bursting DPS.

you’re definitely right, but I’d rather see attention sent to the real problems, hog’s heal and hook being ridiculously overpowered, torb’s turret and moira’s grasp crossmapping people, mccree’s stun being too long and allowing for easy kills, ana’s nade doing damage. And more.

Bastion says hi. Not even bunker saves Bastion anymore. He gets countered by so many things and what he gives isn’t worth it. At least you can do this tele play with Symm.

Two years isn’t that special when you consider most D.Va players still don’t understand how to play D.Va after over four years. Doing something wrong for a long time reinforces bad play styles.

It might seem weird but lots of streamers that dropped Sym dropped her because she’s more viable now than she used to be. Some people want to use the most off-beat strategies as possible for the sake of uniqueness. I can relate. For example, when I play Call of Duty, I don’t use guns. I find it boring so I go with weird builds that center around thrown weapons, melee, or explosives. It’s not rational because I’d do much better with easy automatic weapons but there’d be no point in winning that way for me.

Sym still has her niche but she’s more flexible than she used to be, though still relatively less flexible than most of the roster.

The last time she WAS a decent DPS, she got immediately nerfed into the ground 2 weeks later, pretty much undoing all of the buffs they did to her over the course of one year

They’re very quick to nerf Symmetra, but when it comes to buffs? Nah, they’ll just wait for a year or two before giving her a slightly faster reload and calling it a day

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