Reminder: I brought this up on the AMA, SYM needs to Switch to Support

I don’t see a point in giving her TP a heal when its already one of the most powerful non-ultimates in the game in a coordinated setting. But yeah, Suppmetra should come back, and there is a lot of potential for her abilities.

There are multiple ways to apply a healing factor…

Just want to know which Devs have decided on or tested

There’s a reason the only two utility damage heroes are Sombra and Symmetra. They’re incredibly hard to balance, and are either OP or UP.

This is a very naive thought. Symmetra’s kit, as it is now, is far too frustrating to play against when good. A 180dps beam that charges on shields, auto-aim turrets with a slow, a TP that completely skips a choke point, a barrier that splits the map in half…

She would need to have her gimmicks removed from her kit if she was to remain in the damage category. They’re holding her back.

But moving her to the Support category allows them to keep the gimmicks (albeit altered) because Supports are balanced around their utility/healing rather than damage.

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She has. Surefour used her and stuck with her before. So not “never”

Not to say she couldn’t use some changes, but lol

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Reworks take a lot of time as were not talking about just making her turrets heal and be done with it.

Were talking about several phases of planning testing, swapping out functions retesting. Maybe her primmary/ secondary should heal, maybe her allow her to put down multiple teles. What else could the ultimate do? Etc Etc.

This stuff takes months of planning coding and testing. Then when it’s all done they then have to create new animations, new voice lines/soundeffects to go with them.

And at the end of it all. they have to do a little Kap talk explaining all of it all.

TLDR: It’s most likely going to have to wait till OW2.

Not that again, she adds nothing supportive to the game, so ofc she isnt in the support role. And even back in the days when she was, she wasnt a good one and got played like a dps with some 25 useless shield.

And i doubt you can change her into a healer without, once again, reworking her entier kit to the point where sym mains will cry about her not feeling like the version they liked the most.

(Also I am insulted by the fact that the Autism hero is treated this way.) (living with Autism isn’t easy, I should know.)

What has that to do with anything?

[Edited for language - Blizz]

(High school bullying flashbacks.)

A lot actually

Feels like Discrimination

But it isnt, it looks more like blizz just dosnt know what to do with her.

Yeah but they haven’t known what they want to do with her for a while, And the autism part was revealed after the fact…

So you can see why I partly Think this

No one cares.

It doesnt make Sym viable in ladder or even QP, while every hero that went unused is way less of a chore to use in ladder that Sym.

OWL is a worthless metric.

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It’s true that OWL usage doesn’t make her viable on its own. But Sym is viable on most of the ladder right now in most situations. You can play pretty much any hero you want in plat and below and see results if you play them well. Those ranks just happen to be bad at playing Sym so she doesn’t see great results.

Why limit her to Dps when there are better options?

If she can support when there aren’t much supports

Then she should be worked as a Support

She needs to focus on her role That she does well

She isnt. She is quite literally the worst dps hero right now, and people dont use TP at all to excuse picking her. Your team will team report you before team pocketing you.

As someone that climbed from bronze to diamond with her - she is quite literally a worthless hero in all ladder because she doesnt have any dps impact and team TP gimmicks are unviable in ladder because either people outright dont know how to use them in lower ranks, or because your enemies already know how they all work and can easily counter them in higher ranks.

Every popular hero in bronze and silver literally annihilates Sym no questions asked. Junkrat and Pharah alone make Sym completly worthless and they are in every match.

The idea that Sym is somehow a noobstomper and ‘’‘’‘’‘‘oppressive’’‘’‘’‘’ or even just viable in lower ranks is a myth.

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Because she has never been a support and never will unless you destroy her entire identity and base it around a broken gimmick no Sym main likes.

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Her entire Identity has already been destroyed

Bring it back and make her again the defense dps hero she always was.

If you want a new support ask for a new support, but this idea is as stupid as making Mei a tank (which is just an excuse to nerf her ability to punish dps player mistakes).

Remove team/construct TP and buff everything else, including Sentry amount and bringing back Photon Barrier.

Never said nerf, why do people bring that up every time