Reminder: I brought this up on the AMA, SYM needs to Switch to Support

If Sym is being play as a Support more then a DPS then yes That’s a problem and not fine.

I could do that with Mercy or Ana on certain maps.

Hell, Lucio is known for his boop locations.

Not true.

Like bastion, she’s a hero that’s extremely hard to balance, cause her entire kit just forces her to be such a situational pick.

They just don’t know how to balance her, hence why she’s hardly talked about.

We all know blizzard would rather stay silent than admit mistakes.


You’re saying that as though every single hero should be played at least once in each pro match, which is completely unreasonable.

There are 32 playable heroes in Overwatch and only 12 players in a lobby consisting of 2 tank, damage and support heroes each per team. In a class-based game, there is always going to be some kind of meta whether you like it or not.

Some heroes will be picked by both teams. Some games will be complete mirror matches. And as more and more heroes are added to the game, we will see an ever increasing number of heroes that don’t see play time. That’s a problem that can’t really be solved in a game where people want new heroes to be added to keep the game fresh.

She was an utility Support. IMO, Sombra also fit that, but for some reason the devs preferred to stick her into the Offense role. I still believe the general reaction to both Sombra and Symmetra would be better if they both were simply categorized as non-healing supports.

I think she can work if the devs just try out a mechanical change to shields to make them counter high-damage bursts in the same way armor counter chip damage. I go into details here, but that alone would skyrocket Sym and Zen viability (immunity from sniper shots), and if Sym go back into granting shields, she can also shield an ally against sniper shots as well.

They need to look back at shields in general, and return Sym to her original role as the shield-granting support.

No I understand why some heroes won’t be used in OWL, what I don’t understand is why Symmetra mains act up because they the pros didnt stick with their hero.

That makes more sense lol, they way you worded your original statement made it seem like you were implying that every hero should see some play time

Ah no, I m more of the opinion that each hero caters to certain playstyles and each invidual skill levels. I love playing McCree, but I understand that if you are that good at clicking heads, Widow and Ashe are naturally the better choice most of the time. The same for OWL games, most of them dont have Sym specialist, why would they even use her for extended period of time.

yeah i feel like at this point she would work better as a support

hopefully they try to make her current kit be more supporty inestead of going for another ctrl alt delete


Hell, give a support a melee primary…

Brigette exists. She has proven your point. Carry on.


Because many of us were perfectly fine with her never being used in pro play, as long as she was still relatively competitive in ladder. They deleted her anyway on the excuse to make her more viable to OWL, so we like to point out that she isn’t played enough in OWL, and her stats on ladder dropped from a cliff.

Since most of us are not OWL players, the drop in viability in ladder have more impact on our opinion than the dim spotlight she gets from OWL.

I don’t think they ever reworked Sym so that she can be played in OWL.

Why would they, OWL would be a meme if we ever see a Sym-meta.

I absolutely agree, but the problem is that if they are moved to Support, in the case of 2-2-2, you will ALWAYS have people screaming that they’re a throw pick because they don’t conventionally heal. This is a case of a simple change that just wouldn’t work purely because of community backlash. If they were moved to support, nobody would be able to play them without getting yelled at. I absolutely agree with Sym being a shield support and I love that for her. This is something that will need to be worked out carefully and methodically by both devs and community in tandem lest we self destruct on ourselves again


you know what needs to happen…

But waiting for people to catch up.

It’s like time is literally going the the speed of nanoseconds of nanoseconds.

Do she really have to heal in order to be “support”? I thought support comes in different forms

I agree but enough people complained about her lack of healing back when she was a support that they moved her to the defense category. Supports are more than healbots but I don’t think Sym would work as a support in 2-2-2 unless she was re-worked.

try telling that to the community that insists supports exist SOLEY to keep them alive when they do something stupid. The second any mercy/moira attacks someone, they’re throwing, when really they were just defending themselves. That’s what this game is now lol

I disagree, I can easily see her working as a Support.

Imagine the teleporter had a AOE heal when used.

Then imagine her alt fire gave an ally a bubble shield.

Well, yeah if you re-worked her to include those things. That’s what I’m saying. There’s plenty of non-traditional changes they could make to make her a support.

I’m just gonna point out, I repeating the sarcasm of what Dev’s said.

Devs Admitted Sym should be a Support.

Wow, this community is backwards, I bet the ones who complain don’t even play league of legends or paladins, usually those games have 1 healer or 1 non healer support. I hope blizzard will split the roles into 6 categories in OW2: Tanks, Bruiser, Damage, Flanker, Healer, Support. Overwatch Dear Jeff Kaplan - Improving Hero Select and Roles - YouTube