Rejoice! Paris is disabled!

I personally have not had it in my rotation but I see others have. I’m wondering if this was some cruel trick, and if so, why?!?!

Be sad, it’s back.


It will be back in the game soon enough, and all the haters will be playing exactly as much 2CP (albeit on other maps) in the meantime.

I’m convinced that so many people dislike Assault maps because the attackers are forced to group up to capture point B, and a huge swath of the player-base has issues with grouping up, so they view this scenario as being more frustrating than it needs to be.

If you lose a few guys, back up, wait in a safe position, then go in as a full 6. Assault is actually a lot of fun if you don’t just trickle in futility for 5 minutes.

Cool advice. Doesn’t make Paris any more enjoyable though. Like I knew it wouldn’t!

I’d rather play Paris than Hanamura.

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Oh la la! C’est Magnifique!! muah!

Its one of the best maps for hammy, and people get so defeatist about it, it seems easier to win because of that.

Paris got bugfix and it’s re-enabled. Finally!



  • UPDATE: The issue with the Paris map has been fixed and the map has been re-enabled.

And the crowd goes mild

It says a lot about toxicity within the OW community… It’s kinda sad.

I hope devs don’t release any new maps for a long time, we simply don’t deserve any considering how spoiled and bratty we are.

Another example of somehow allowed toxicity among the community :

127 likes to someone unashemedly admitting they’ve been leaving on purpose so a match on Paris would be canceled. It’s against the CoC and the game’s rules but well…

Can’t believe Blizzard didn’t take any actions against this person and those who confessed having done the same thing.

I guess the population must be very low on OW since forced role queue so that Blizzard would not punish these bad seeds for their behavior.

If people can’t even put up with a map they hate, no wonder they can’t stand being countered by a hero they hate and proceed to ask for nerfs based on their personal feelings…

When I look at this community, I more and more think Overwatch is doomed if people don’t fix their attitude.

dude you’re acting like a wet blanket

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For what ? Telling the obvious ?

Having a hard time looking at yourself in a mirror ?

The game is fine, Paris is fine. People are not and they’re the only one responsible for the game reaching a miserable state.

Don’t blame devs or the game and reconsider the community’s action for the past 3 years.

more like telling the subjective

subjective yet again

if you’re gonna try to convince anyone to defend the devs, at least explain why we should. otherwise this just comes across as whiteknighting

back to this, you do know that you can’t counter a whole map right?

and nobody cared because the consensus on the forum and on reddit is that paris is a garbage map. you just happen to be one of the 0.01% that like it.

and you’re mistaking toxicity for player behavior along with bashing the community in this weird unfunny self deprecating way. You know that most high ranked players draw on assault maps right? does this make them toxic despite nobody wanting to play them to begin with?


All of your answers only confirms my point : toxic players are dictating the rules on Overwatch now, devs lost control of their game, sadly.

The community decides what’s best or not for the game even if it’s breaking the core of the game.

Just because there are a lot of toxic players that gather together and create some kind of consensus between them doesn’t make it right nor does it stand as some kind of fact.

Liking or hating a hero or map is subjective and therefore can’t stand as a fact, period.

It’s completely disrespectful to the devs to bash their hard work like that. Overwatch didn’t cost a lot of money to begin with and there hasn’t been any DLC so far and people still manage to complain every day on these forums.

It’s completely unbelievable you can’t even realize how problematic our community has become throughout the years.

Devs have done everything to please all of you, whiners (2/2/2 is the perfect example), and you still manage to blame them for the game being broken when it’s actually your doing, only.

I guess we can’t have a discussion as we don’t agree on anything. No need to answer furthermore, won’t be replying (save yourself some time).

it was 60 dollars at launch, now its 20 because diminishing playerbase

this is probably possible, but they can take it right back if they bothered to step in more and talk to the community. otherwise, the players do run this game

i havent even played for a year yet

i never wanted 2-2-2 to begin with, dont assume

isnt having two dissenting opinions how discussion happens in the first place? you can shrug me off and not bother to reply but thats taking the low road just to get your point across, turn tail, then run before someone comes back with a better argument


And some other letters

It’s easier to see changes when we take action instead of just talking.
I have no problem getting banned if the post raises enough awareness for the devs to make changes that improve the game. I don’t waste my time just pointing fingers to other people like you do and I don’t care about being politically correct.
We know these things happen, I only left once and if 90% of the people in that match were happier because of what I did then it was worth it. If you judge what I did being wrong because it’s written on a paper somewhere you aren’t using what you have inside the skull.

Liars, it’s not diabled, i just played on this garbage map