Reinhardt's unmentioned nerfs

I’ve recently hopped on OVW to see what the new patch had to offer and noticed a change right away. Holding Reinhardts shield and then switching to melee has a animation que to where you cannot swing your hammer. Why does this exist? A full 1 second of to where I cannot use my melee weapon. That’s a huge nerf to Reinhardt.

Pretty much the one thing that made Reinhardt fun to make use of his shield and switch between melee is what made him strong and to close the gap while capable of dealing damage if needed.

As for someone whom has 70% of his time into Reinhardt and noticed the change right away and i’m going to ask, why?

Nobody asked for this change, a LOT of people asked for his ultimate to be fixed to be more accurate and reliable but that’s still not the case.

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Devs still haven’t said a thing about it…
I just hope they really aren’t stealth nerfs but I won’t bet my hand on it. Lately Blizzard has been eerily silent, wondering what they are doing so important to ignore bugs so big. :sweat:

I’m here to boop as a flex player :grin:, hope it will help!

Did I miss the response?