Reinhardt Mains still waiting for dev comments

too much to do to care for your playerbase?


It was to be expected. Theyā€™re basically opening the gates to throw Rein out of the must pick seat, and let the triple tank dive meta dominate until D.Va gets nerfed to the floor.

It really is odd how much Rein can randomly change. Like, one update he gets more animation cancels, next update he gets none. One update he has his charge worth reduced to zero, the next update itā€™s his firestrike.

He must have some odd ties to the gameā€™s code, because heā€™s always getting these odd random changes.

Theyre too busy dickin around with their precious OWL to give any sort of crap what we think or want.

I had a ā€˜proā€™ smurf today (in Plat) tell me that Rein is so OP and broken. This happened when someone asked who had gold kills, and I said I had both gold kills and gold damageā€¦and then the guy began to rant about how broken and OP Rein is and has always beenā€¦first time Iā€™ve ever heard that. He was so earnest.


Is he not one of the most counter-able heroes out there? Does he not have a ā€˜knock backā€™ issue which needs fixing?

Are the devs seriously going to nerf Rein? I hope not.

Well, Reinhardt is definitely broken, lol. But it has nothing to do with his kit or ā€œbeing OPā€.

What that player said is retarded. Rank doesnā€™t always mean that person instantly knows what theyā€™re talking about. Rank just correlates mostly with mechanical skill and situational awareness, not necessarily comprehensive knowledge of each hero and common sense.

You can be in Bronze, but still read a bunch about analytics, hero tutorials, and whatnot to better your knowledge, but your mechanical skill may just be that of a Bronze player. Doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t sharp. In other words, rank is not a direct reflection of intelligence and knowledge of the game.

Developers wonā€™t nerf Reinhardt. He hasnā€™t changed since day 1 besides being riddled with more bugs than ever. Heā€™s just constantly a subject of his environment.

Ughā€¦sorryā€¦got ranty there. The only thing that triggers me is instantly seeing or hearing ā€œReinhardt is OPā€. Iā€™m just always like:

Donā€™t fret, heā€™ll probably be useable in a few years.
