He’s popular for playing a game. What does that have to do with him knowing about game design? Regardless, its not Flat’s that’s the issue; it’ll always be the “this streamer with no game design experience said it, so it must be true and now I’ll repeat it” that’s the problem.
Back to your initial question though
The overwatch community doesn’t want a fun, engaging TEAMWORK ORIENTED game; they want to shoot stuff. Like it or not, the game is only going to reward hog MORE because he’s the easiest tank to turn into a brawler for 5 v 5.
Its not the overwatch I want, and its not the overwatch the community wants. All signs points to everyone wanting OW to have tanks that play like traditional tanks, but no one wants to come out and say it.
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She is only the worst because they refuse to trade her dmg and or range for some more defensive capability.
Its holding her back rn. range or dmg must be sacrificed for a defensive buff. Unless they go all heavy handed and just a pure buff into outrage like per the usual. 8 months later tho of course.
See I kinda prefer slow melee weapons cos it feels like it has weight and impact too it perhaps it could be faster swinging but have a longer backswing to compensate.
Tbh I wish the melee only heroes had a bit more effort put into how their melee behaved. Let me do Siegfried like moves from soul calibre or something
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but if you don’t group up in this game it’s literally GG 9/10 times
Shatter works if you’re grouped up to the point of basically being single file. You can be grouped enough to help each other, but not enough to have shatter ruin your entire run.
Most consistent to die first
I used to love playing Rein when I first got the game. I have over 160 hours on him, but I no longer want to play him at all.
You know what did it? Solo queue.
Rein is made for premades. But if you’re not on a premade, he’s just terrible to play, because you will never ever ever get the support you need to be successful against a Rein of similar skill in a premade.
You’ll have Hog, and they’ll have Zarya or Dva.
If you both have Zarya, they’ll have Ana and Lucio rammed up his backside 24/7 and you’ll have a Zen who never healing Orbs and a Mercy too busy pocketing their friend to heal you and you only see them when they do a suicide rez.
You feel helpless, it feels hopeless, and it only gets worse when you’re the sole target of enemy fire and your team just refuses to shoot the enemy Rein as he walks wherever he wants.
If I have Hammond I can escape and reengage when I get a chance. If I play Hog, I can at least provide a little sustain for myself. As Rein? You either have all the agency in the world or you have none. And I hate it.
If you were to have the overall stats of EVERY region (Overbuff doesn’t have Asian stats) and looked at GM, you’d find Rein would be down the bottom with Orisa in terms of PR
The reality is, Rein doesn’t offer much, Sigma provides a shield AND keeps damage at the same time, Rein can only provide one and has to be right in-front of a target
Don’t get me wrong Rein can seem strong, in low rank games he doesn’t get a lot of pressure put on him so he can walk right up to a team and shatter, in higher ranks you have to be more creative or you will just get melted, as you higher in Diamond you will start to see Rein’s weaknesses more and more and while climbing to Masters on Rein is definitely feasible, you probably won’t go much higher than that and will start to feel his weaknesses big time
assuming you are PC and If stats are correct, At diamond Rein and Roadhog are the most picked tanks and beyond you might start noticing Rein not being as viable and the game being dominated by Sigma, Dva and Ball.
so it might be best to not play Rein and learn to outplay with those 3 at lower ranks otherwise you will hit master+ and get demolished by the people playing them.
Back in the day when i was playing every day tank, i could block rein ult as orisa or winston well enough to make other team rein swap or leave game. It will take time, maybe even you playing rein a little more, but you can notice at plat-diamond lvl when rein want to shatter a lot of times. People for example try to get best value out of it, so they try to place themself in middle, or push out of blue more forward than before, small hints of potential ult going in.
I think people overreact with how you “need” rein to block his ult, there are others who if they time it right can do it, at least thats plat view on it.
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Issue with shatter currently is that if you do it close enough to get the damage bonus it pops bubble, THEN it does earth shatter… making bubbling it pointless at close range
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Reinhardt is the easiest tank to counter n shatter is one of the easiest uults to avoid.
Learn other shield tanks or play high mobility tanks.
Lol even zarya can block shatter consistently.
Can you then tell why HLC and Paris are still in QP then despite it being hated by the community as well causing plenty of leavers on these matches.
I dont believe you guys havnt noticed the numerous thread on it, so what’s the reason its still being kept in game if you guys have communicated this to devs.
I’m not a member of the team, and I can answer that. If they start pulling maps, that will not be seen as a positive, it will be used to claim the devs are killing Overwatch outright.
It will mean they still care about the game no love will be lost if these absolutely disruptive maps are removed, it’s the most leaver backfilled mess.
Not only that these maps keep repeating more than other maps cause of leavers, your more likely to be put in these in qp.
Except for the 10 people on the forum going through teen rebel phase no one likes it.
I’m a Rein/Ball two-trick and I’ll tell you that the options for avoiding Shatter or shutting it down are endless from a team. It doesn’t have to be on you as the main tank to stop it. It just requires you to Ult track and an ally to provide the necessary CC. That said, do you really trust your Diamond teammates to CC a Shatter, or would you rather do it yourself?
Rein is only viable on a consistent basis in < 3k SR. Even here, he has major reliability on his supports and off-tank to enable his aggression. Mirroring only works if your off-tank is as good as his and your supports are as good as his. Otherwise in that SR range, he’ll just get pumped full of heals and beat you even if you’re the better Rein.
In that situation, I’d just ignore the enemy Rein and go for his backline. This will likely require you play something like Ball or Monkey, but at every rank, Rein is useless without his supports. On the flip side, if you feel like you can frontline against him, just play Hog and mirror him all game. Just stay out of hammer range and yoink him around corners, into rooms, and out of his team’s LOS so you can reliably 1v1 him.
Like others have said, getting Shattered is a team positional issue. If you know Rein has it, it’s best to spread out and play wide angles where he’s not going to knock down 6 with it. Also if his supports are dead, it won’t really matter if he Shatters. Just saying…
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I love this. I work in game design (specifically a programmer) and it’s great when there’s a good collaborative community within the dev team. It’s one of the best things about where I work now, I’m realizing more and more it’s not always the case.
this happened to me but I got banned until 3020.
This feels like a question to ask how we feel about 5v5 vs how we feel about Rein. Since you’re asking, 5v5 is the worst thing that could happen to this game.
Taking away a tank and the extra dynamic that creates will just make the game revolve around the one tank we have instead of at least having a chance to hold a point after a tank dies.
Just my 2c.