Reinhardt is the problem

So you have access to pickrates, winrates and all the other data collected ingame that is relevant to balance?

So when you imply that Reinhardt isn’t a problem, you base it off your intuition only or is it your intuition backed by data?

Yup! I love the group of people working with gameplay insights data. They are too cool!

But they are one piece of the puzzle, right? Game dev is a science and an art. I’m stoked to see how your opinions on Reinhardt will change with the future of Overwatch. I know it can be frustrating right now, but we have some really cool stuff coming down the road.



my bad

I apologize if my post was perceived as gatekeeping, it was more of misplaced irritation based off wrong assumptions

as for my ideas, I think that reinhardt is the only other tank who is a good choice against a good reinhardt

because no other tank has flexibility at defending shatter and pushing vs a rein with a shatter as a rein has

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Don’t worry about it, man! It’s all good. :blue_heart:

I sincerely don’t mean to diminish anything that anyone here is feeling, but I do empathize with your frustration. We want to share everything we have with you guys as much as you guys want to know! It’s just taking us time, collaboration, and a LOT of hard work to get there.

I’m pretty confident playing tank is going to change dramatically when we move to 5v5, and I am interested in how that will change perceptions on Reinhart when we get there!


5v5 in general will ruin the tanking experience to me

purely due to tank kit synergies and tank ult synergies disappearing :frowning:

The only reason I like tanking now, like as zarya for example, is because I can step back and have my co-tank take over, and I watch his back. Then I can sub in when he’s feeling the heat, etc.

When you’re alone on the frontline permanently, and whole team is behind you counting on you to always make space/take objective, it’s a different, lonelier dynamic that I don’t think I’ll be partaking in anymore when OW2 releases


honestly hes a huge problem hes gotten a massive overbuff along with mccree/cassidy but that likely only came because of demands of OWL i feel like there is no reason why they should of gotten there kits massively buffed again without nerfing something in return its not right

If they have Rein and your team doesn’t- you should not be getting shattered (at the very least not as a team) period. Their Rein should only be an issue if they have Lucio as well. Then you should be more cautious.

The best counter to Rein has been, and will always be a combination of range/cc.

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My one and only issue with Reinhardt is that conceptually speaking, he is a perfectly balanced hero.
The problem then is the devs can’t make another tank similar to Reinhardt because it will ultimately break the game.

We’ve seen this with Orisa when she was a semi-contender and was a viable replacement to Reinhardt for some time. But as soon as people realized both of them make for an indestructible wall they had to nerf Orisa.

Can people who actually enjoy OW keep playing OW1 instead of it being deleted when OW2 comes out? #saynoto5v5 #pleasedelayOW24ever

Reinhardt is the least viable tank above diamond.
Watch some of the top main tank players and you will notice they rarely if at all play Reinhardt anymore.
Even when they try playing him they very quickly switch heroes.

Also earthshatter is one of the easiest ults to counter and avoid.
Play dive, double shield or long range heroes and you will never have to worry about it.

There is so much long range spam damage that his entire shield literally melts in a second rendering him useless.
He has very low mobility, a very high reliability on team composition and specifically requires that you run lucio for him to be able to reach anything at all.

I would even dare to say that Rein actually needs a buff and not a nerf.
Maybe a buff to the movement speed while holding the shield or something to help him close the gaps more consistently.