I truly believe rein is holding the rest of the tanks hostage. The main culprit is earth shatter. I shouldn’t have to mirror rein to reliably block his earth shatter. I know I’m bad and have only gotten to diamond, but I still feel like picking anything besides rein is just me asking to be shattered. I’m not saying remove shatter but to give other tanks more reliable ways to block it.
1.) You don’t. If you aren’t grouped up, Shatter isn’t nearly as effective.
2.) Reinhardt is the only true tank in the game. I’m half surprised and half not surprised in the least to see someone say "Welp, all the tanks have been turned into DPS characters. The next step is to remove the last tank in the game.
Have you tried playing Hog and hooking Reinhardt? The fact is that Rein is a low ranged hero, one of the two in the game with no gun, so I’d expect his ult to be extremely effective, right? Otherwise, what would be the point in playing him?
People don’t seem to consider this; they just see things they don’t like, but don’t stop to ask “why is it like this”. Why does McCree do so much damage? Why doesn’t Hog play like a traditional tank? Why does Tracer get to be so effective?
No one asks “why”, they just decide its wrong and suggest garbage changes that would make the game worse.
But Rein’s ult isn’t even the most powerful tank ult. Flux, Grav and even Supercharger can get more value, I don’t understand your point.
I understand the value of Flux and Grav. Flux is easier to avoid and Grav you can still use your ability while you are in it. If you get shattered there is nothing you can do and if you were to say block it that would put us back at the start of the post.
Play long range poke (which is already the meta) then you won’t even need to block it
I wouldn’t really pick Hog to counter shatter… I mean, if you are already playing him, sure! But to counterpick him? Eh…
I wouldn’t pick Hog to counter shatter specifically. Hooking a Rein who’s about to shatter can work, but Hog counters any Reinhardt who’s trying to protect their team. Hog himself makes Rein have to choose between blocking hog’s team, or just roadhog himself.
Half the rank roster is just flat out better than Rein.
The only thing Rein holds hostage is that beer stein, terribly expensive and low quality build that thing is, come on…
NGL reinhardt and winston are one of my least favourite tanks. The only time reinhardt is tolerable is when I have lucio (speed boost) and ana (nano boost) on my team. But all other times, he feels too slow and clunky to play. I wish he swung his hammer a little bit faster. And winston with his no aim weapon just doesn’t suit my taste.
All other tank heroes though are fun to me in their own way. Although I do have favourites, which are zarya, wrecking ball, roadhog, orisa and d.va in no particular order. Sigma is a-ok, he’s not the most boring hero, at least not as boring as rien, but not my favourite either.
It’s Hammer not need to Buff, it is really Insanely Strong.
Blizzard: So what you’re saying is… We should (unintentionally?) buff Earthshatter to go through shields?
I’m talking about how the character feels to play. If damage was the issue, they can always reduce it and make the hammer swing faster. It would be pretty cool if the hammer swung faster or did slightly more damage whenever you moved your mouse to the left or right in the direction the hammer was swinging.
he already whacks people away from him during his main damage ability.
Reins is the biggest elephant in the room from the tanks that nobody talks about.
Reinhardt is literally the worst tank.
Reinhardt is literally the most consistent tank. The worst tanks are arguably roadhog and zarya. I know people on this forum love crying about how roadhog is OP, but they are all bronze and silver, reaper and moira are also OP there.
We had Orisa for the job but they nerfed her to the ground not leaving us any real option… Hog’s hook might be optional but it depends on both sides reactions.
Overall, in the game as a whole and tanks as well there’s a pretty repeating triangle of dive>poke>brawl>dive
Brawl is more defensive making it hard to beat but gives up the consistency to reach its targets
Dive gives up defenses and some damage to reach their target more consistently when they want
and poke gives up mobility and close range effective damage in order to play safer with high damage from range.
In theory all you need to beat Rein’s shatter is play on high ground. But in reality the only consistent way to do so was using Orisa with any medium range tank you want for assitance. Now that Orisa is a bad pick in most ranks at least as a poke tank, your only options are either brawl or dive, 2 options that run into earth shatter.
Overall you can use the 3 other barriers or the bubble to block earth shatter but if you want something else, that’s more on your positioning.
Agreed. Revert all his changes, so we get a real tank back.
I don’t know about solo queue, but I know in group queue Rein is pretty useless right now without Lucio/Ana supporting him, and maybe a Zarya as well. There is just so much high damage poke in the game right now that he can’t get to where he needs to be to get value without the right composition.
His new buff may be changing that equation a bit, but he still can’t compete with the poke of a Sig/Hog/Orisa or the mobility of Winston/D.Va/Ball, and Zarya works with both him and dive.
I could see how in the chaos of solo queue, the stabilizing element he brings to the game can be big, but in a coordinated environment he’s struggling, especially in maps that don’t favour him (long sight lines or lots of high ground).
I also think he’s one of the easier tanks to intuit, in spite of the fact that a lot of people who play him need to have their shift key thrown into a woodchipper.
Zarya I get but roadhog is hands down one of the best not even a question
He’s everywhere in the T500 leaderboards and he actually picks up in pickrate the higher you go up the ranks and gets played less in the lowest