Reinhardt is actual [Removed expletive] now

I’ve been slept punched stunned, uppercutted stunned and punched again for a long time. Now Blizzard decides to stealth nerf him by not letting rein players shield their team, and in a double sniper meta no less where if you can’t pull up your shield you get destroyed instantly.
Basically a melee swing = you can’t cancel it with your shield. FUN. The hammer if you put it down to take another swing after a clutch block, just jutts on the spot and does absolutely nothing for a moment.
reins charge jump shield = CAN’T HAVE THAT.
His swings a lot of the time are going STRAIGHT THROUGH PEOPLE HARMLESSLY.
These better all be bugs. Otherwise say goodbye to ever playing Reinhardt because hes legit trash. got tournaments coming up and you just break Reinhardts flow completely. Better discount being able to play him there -.-

Fix when?

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct


I was just reading another thread on this topic and tried out Rein on the practice range to see for myself what was going on. I got completely different results from the videos posted in the other thread, which showed people on the practice range with 250ms+ latency having problems with Rein’s shield.

With only 38ms latency on the practice range, Rein felt exactly the same as he did pre-patch.

I don’t think Rein was nerfed, I think high latency just affects his kit badly.


Im on 50ms in game. His hammer is derping out hard after a shield cancel, and the jump shield is sluggish as all hell comparitively. Idk maybe you have to main rein to noitice the difference. But its definitely gone to the trashcan, his hammer when turning your screen to cleave, is just harmlessly skipping targets also of which it has never done before. He’s actually just a bad and more inconsistent hero than before thanks to these, now it’s not just his charge and shatter that have inconsistent results, it’s the whole kit.

At least that’s consistent, right?

Apparently he has more bugs now than before :sweat:, this is no good at all.
Please Blizzard, fix our hero Rein!

Rein: the weakest OP hero this game has ever seen. Oh, the irony.


This is the last thread to bump about Rein for now. :kissing_smiling_eyes:
Apparently he has more bugs now than before :sweat:, this is no good at all.
Please Blizzard, fix our hero Rein!

Literally the most picked hero at every skill tier…


He needs his bugs fixed but otherwise he is one of the best tanks. CC is a part of them game and if you are taking it that means your teammates aren’t. That’s part of your job to be the punching bag as the tank

Consider me a dps main until tanks can actually defend themselves again

Well well,

I was curious about what incite you may provide. I checked and you have a private profile, which as we all know is your choice. It didn’t take long for me to find your “old” profile on Overbuff to see what amount of time you had behind the shield.

h ttps://

You had, as of three months ago, about 48 hours combined play time on Reinhardt. I assume always at low latency. 290 wins and a 97% quickrank against all other Reinhardt players. That is decent.

Here is the thing. Most of us who notice the difference in the way Reinhardt performs live, breath, and die Reinhardt. We play at whatever our consistent latency is. Ever since May of 2016 my latency, or ping as it was previously was constantly between 75 and 95, with an average of 85. Blizzard switched this to latency instead of ping and now its higher and of a more extreme value. About 100 on good days and 130 on bad days.

Our observations come from hundreds of hours behind the shield. I just crested 450 hours of combined play time on Reinhardt. The changes you think do not exist are subtle in nature.

Ultimately, if you are not finding these changes then you are simply playing with blinders on. Most likely because you wish to see Reinhardt lose viability in favor of other heroes which you wish to play more often.


Let’s not forget all of the other problems he is having. New sluggish-ness aside

The shield flashing changes are small, but they’re significant enough to where good Reinhardt players immediately notice something is delayed. And don’t even get me started on those atrocious Earthshatter bugs.

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Nearly always at low latency. I’ve had past issues with animation delays and abilities not firing, but only during bad network conditions that were really obvious. As much as I hate Comcast billing and customer service, network latency has never been a consistent issue for me here.

By in-game time played in all modes, it’s 81 hours as of right now. I don’t claim to be the best Reinhardt, but he’s my most-played tank and my go-to pick when I have to fill that slot in Masters level competitive. If you’re looking at Overbuff, you’ll most likely be seeing an old rating of 3000 from a season where I stopped playing at let it decay.

I don’t doubt that you have noticed small differences in Reinhardt’s play on your specific hardware and internet connection.

On the contrary, I’m happy that Reinhardt is currently the most-picked hero in the game. He is everything that a tank should be, and has been one of my favorite heroes since I started playing despite all of his weird bugs and hit detection issues.

All I came here to do with my comment was try to help figure out what was causing your problems. I can watch the videos of other people having problems. I know what those problems look like, even when they are subtle.

The fact that these same problems did not impact my game tells me that it is a latency issue. I think these problems should be fixed, but I don’t think Reinhardt was intentionally nerfed. I think it’s just a bug, and all I came into this thread to do was help identify the cause.

I honestly don’t know how you got the idea that I came in here with some kind of anti-Reinhardt agenda.

Did you try reading the posts in the thread or did you stop at the title? No one was talking about his state in the meta, just his state as your avatar in the game.
Trying to control him now feels like playing with an extra 30ms of lag with all the delays you have to deal with. His shield is one of the few reaction based abilities in the game, especially in Rein duels with Earthshatter. There is no way to just ignore how bad it feels to see something coming, press the right button, and get hit anyway because the game said no.


I thank you for taking each and every point to respond to. Most people just pick a single statement and make an out of context remark.

I will however sum up how this affects those of us who are not in your circumstance.

Your personal hero selection was brought to light not to shame you, in fact I gave the most flattering stats you had in my own review of your non hidden profile time. I used this as a base line to determine if you were “that guy”. Three hours of Reinhardt time talking about how “he aint broke, git gud”.

Imagine if you will. You are Reinhardt and running a 2/2/2 comp. Enemy team is running displacement with a Pharah, Junk, Doomfist. You are standing on point A and you hear Rip Tire coming your way. Firestrike misses even though you watch it travel right through the tire. You stand with your Shield held high and when Rip Tire explodes in front of your shield you die. On the kill cam his Rip Tire was just past your shield when it was triggered, but because the Junkrat has half your latency you die anyway.

There is no “git gud” in this scenario. There is move to a better location so you can play Overwatch at a higher level. What Reinhardt players had instead was this. You could shield juke a Rip Tire and hope the distance you had after jumping at full speed would counter the negative latency you experienced. Blizzard then comes out with a patch giving ZERO explanation as to why this was changed. Reinhardt players come to the forums and ask politely for Blizzard to tell us whether it was intentional or a bug. After almost a month we sit and wait for them to give us an answer.

While we wait a player with better latency then I have ever had, you specifically, says “the cake is a lie”. I am sorry but even though your observation comes from a good place, it helps none of us.

I live in Anchorage Alaska. A state in the United States of America. I shouldn’t have 130 latency, but I do. Reinhardt was the one hero in the game, that to me was almost latency proof. Now he isn’t. So for me, if Reinhardt isn’t fixed, I may as well keep playing other video games that are not so latency driven.

Best of wishes to you fellow Reinhardt player.

That’s… interesting. I’ve tried this sort of thing before to try to juke the rip-tire, but in my world it always seems to still go straight into the middle of my hitbox on both my screen and the kill cam before it explodes, where it is impossible to shield against. Playing as Junkrat, I cannot remember ever failing to kill a Reinhardt with a rip tire that was not destroyed before I reached my target.

If you can use latency to juke the rip tire, that actually sounds like latency is giving you an advantage that a lower latency player doesn’t have. I mean, latency sucks… I feel for you, but I don’t think that’s the way you should be avoiding death by a rip tire that was meant specifically for you. Imagine being the Junkrat with a perfectly placed tire in the middle of Rein’s hit box, only to have Rein… not die?

I think you should be hitting rip tire with the fire strike, like most players have to. If latency makes the fire strike harder to hit, then that is really unfortunate, but that’s what really needs to be fixed in that scenario.

You’re right to be upset with the lack of communication on these changes from Blizzard. If you can demonstrate to them in video format that fire strike can go through a rip tire without dealing damage, perhaps they will fix that. Video bug reports seem to get some of the best responses, and since there are already videos of Rein’s animation delays I have hope that your problems will receive attention. It’s just a matter of when, and knowing Blizzard that means “Soon” :tm:

I have to drive my grandmother to a doctors appointment, but before I go I will leave you with this.

Juking a Rip Tire was not 100% effective. It was a last resort to get Junk to detonate early. Not to mention I have no idea what the Junkrat’s latency is, I only know mine.

When Blizzard released Overwatch they throttled RTT for EVERYONE. This gave high latency players a more even playing field then any game had ever done. Those players that live closer to the servers cried foul and Blizzard changed it. They explained that I pay $XX.xx for internet and I should automatically have an advantage. Well in Alaska I pay $175.00 a month for the fastest internet available and still get 130 latency. Yes, if anything I should be fighting to have that changed, but as you may already have inferred it effects very few people therefore the time fighting this would be wasted.

A questions to you;

Why is favor the shooter a thing for all heroes, except Reinhardt?
Shouldn’t Reinhardt’s shield be favor the Reinhardt as it is his main reason for being there?

And yet none of his weaknesses matter, because he’s still a mandatory pick.

teh real question is,

why does the mod write [remove expleitive] inestead of fixing the title to make sense :v

That’s the million dollar question of online game design. Should it be favor the shooter, or favor the defender when a defender is using an active defense? There is no right answer, because on one person’s screen the bullets hit, and on the other person’s screen they didn’t.

Reinhardt isn’t the only one who has problems like this. Genji’s deflection ability can actually go off, triggering the cooldown and playing the sound an animation only to have Genji die to a projectile hit from the front.

Zarya’s bubble has similar issues. Tracer’s blink. Even Brigitte’s heal used on allies sometimes hits them on Brigitte’s screen, visually refilling their health bar before they suddenly die as if it never happened.

Latency isn’t just a Reinhardt problem. It’s an issue that plagues all heroes in some way or another. While graphically Reinhardt can now be a bit slower to raise his shield, consider that before the change it was possible to get hit by something after raising Reinhardt’s shield.

Would you rather get hit through your shield when you first raise it, or would you rather see your shield raise when it is actually blocking damage? Of course from your point of view, the ideal would be to have your shield immediately raise and block all damage… but if the game favored the defender, you’d have to also watch Genji on your screen deflecting your fire strike after it already clearly passed through him.

The best answer is nearly always a compromise that leans toward favor the shooter, but does not give the shooter 100% of the favor.

I think Rienhardt needs some sort of passive. Something that blocks CC when using Ult, or having his Shield Up.