Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

It’s repeated ad nauseum by his defenders in this very thread.

Orisa literally exists because this problem happened from launch.

Well, yeah, so apparently we still need more barrier tanks.

The reason Rein wasn’t picked much in the Seasons prior to this one and the last, was because the Meta didn’t favour him. Rein was everywhere when Ana was broken af, because that meta did favor him. I think Rein is probably one of the most balanced heroes in the game (or would be if he wasn’t so buggy)

There’s actually a lot of people who always pick Rein even in situations when he’s useless, so his pick rate is not really a good indicator for hero balance.

He is just the most reliable damage absorber. And like Brigitte, he can be powerful if he can get close. And has a unreliable oneshot ability.
But also he has many weakness.
The high pickrate is because

  1. GOATS is powerful. And also Anti-Goat comp can use Rein too. It isnt stick to Wrecking ball or Orisa.

  2. He is easier to pick than other tanks in comp.
    In GM the pickrate of Zarya is actually almost same because GM tanks actually know how to use her.

Rein will never fall under average pickrate at least, because he’s the only true mobile shield, added with a massive CC who is easy to farm. He’s basically as others said the most reliable protector by design. So at times he will be at the top, sometimes lower, but always prefered tank.

If you want to change it, they’d have to bring another mobile, shielding tank.
But what would be the point in just cloning Rein’s utility ? Besides putting a new paint coat ?

To the OP of this thread: You’re borderline trolling at this point.

All you’ve done is repeat the same things you’ve said while MULTIPLE people have shot down your arguments.

Get a better argument or get out.

Winston, rein and orisa are main tanks. Winston isnt great in defence. Orisa doesnt have CC or scary damage when close range.

A lot of the time, rein is the best option until we get a new main tank.

He is a must pick because the meta may not favour him, but it favours him over the other tanks.

The meta doesnt favoir tanks at all right now, so rein is the obvious answer because he is easy and has the easiest impact on a game.

Plus, whats more fun than Orisa? Reinhardt. Its a lot cooler to get potg with an earth shatter and hammer swing to net 3 kills than pressing q as orisa and getting 6 assists. Its just more fun.
Done. Stop arguing

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You have to see from blizzard’s perspective with this. If they nerf rein into the ground, the community will get upset, but if they buff orisa, she completely outclasses rein. Its hard to make two tanks of competitve power without one dominating the other, and with hanmond hey tried to make a niche main tank to replace rein in some scenerios. If they buff hammond, rein and orisa are gone, and winston gets buffed. There is no perfect balance

Still quoting an unreliable website huh

so the middle class isn’t the middle class because there’s a giant gap in the economy as the 1% has its own sort of separate class

T500 isn’t separate its still in gm.

Then why does it have its own rank and its own rewards?

I said lower TIER not skill rating. Out of all of the tiers, from bronze to t500, gold is closer to bronze than it is to t500. And even if you didnt want to count t500 as a rank, my point still stands. Sure, gold is the center of the PLAYERBASE, but its not the center of the RANKING SYSTEM.

okay frist off the tier system is

Bronze: 0sr-1499sr
Silver: 1500sr-1999sr
Gold: 2000sr-2499sr
Platinum: 2500sr-2999sr
Diamond: 3000sr-3499sr
Master: 3500sr-4000sr
Grandomaster: 4000+sr max is 5000 is still in the center of the tier list (high gold low plat being dead center)
2. Are you saying there is zero rewards in any other kind of sport or game for those in the top 100 because there is. And to make it even simpler think of the T500 a sub rank to GM you are still GM in top 500 you still have the GM icon you just get a 500 beneath it and the sprays, its a constant nonstop battle anyone with a 9-5 job with the skills to hold that rank would be unable to keep it because the 500+ people who only play the game nonstop would keep kicking them out of it by simply playing the game more.
4. Any counter arguments that equate to “your not masters therefor your opinion doesn’t matter” can be slapped with the counter counter argument “why should we listen to the few”. Jessika is wrong for trying to nerf a buggy hero that is only in meta for literally one reason and thats because he does his job, im probably a lower gold rank than he/she is but I still disagree with them.

Rank has nothing to do with this argument

Rank has absolutely everything to do with this argument. It is signifigantly easier to play tank in lower ranks. Im saying that players in gold, which is the majority of players, dont feel the pain of tank players in higher ranks. Im not gm, but im high plat - low diamond, and Ik how hard it is to play at higher levels. Because of season 10, i got to diamond with zarya. But now the meta is shifting, and ive dropped to around 2800 because of how the game works right now. I don’t have anything against gold players, but people need to realize that on different places in the ladder some problems are better or worse.

This would only be true if you won every game. Sometimes a streamer or other high level player can play for 10 hours straight but go down in rating. And the player that wasnt playing during that time is now higher than them.

what did I just say

no it doesn’t all it takes is a reaper or another tankbuster to focus or disrupt riens shield and that tactic is even less effective because riens equally skilled teammates will still have a hard time shooting the assailant

Your right and wrong at the same time, characters that require high mechanical skill would make sense but heros with heavily forgiving escape moves, large attackboxes, or all around low mechanical skill requirement in general are the same throughout all ranks, it’s a very minor difference the only difference is your team can actually be of little more help. A big difference is how co-operative your team is going to be and you will drop if your team refuses to work with you.

two six stack groups fighting each other with the same skill level of gold would have as much trouble as two 6 stack masters, this is why the rank argument is invalid especially in a case like this where accuracy isn’t much of an issue (giant hitbox, hello)

Two things.

  1. You just contradicted yourself. “Rein’s equally skilled teamates will have a hard time shooting the assailant.” Wut. If the team is the same skill as the reaper then its down completely to hero selection, in which case almost any dps can kill a distraced reaper.

  2. Isnt this whole thread because of someone thinking rein is op? Beating rein isnt as simple as pressing f and switching to reaper. Its a team effort, and teamplay happens more at high ranks. If someone can win a 1v6 against a gold rein then they should probably be in gm.

Two words. Game. Sense. A rein with good game sense can easily climb, by doing things like making calls, tracking ults, making space, and planning pushes. A rein with low game sense holds lmb and the team does its thing.

Exactly how? Based off pick rate or winrate? His winrate is nothing compared to other characters that you say are nerfed and no longer viable. (Brig, Zen, Torb, Sym, Doomfist all have a 52+% winrate.)

Who has a bigger hitbox Rien the giant tank or reaper the tank buster? wraith form or turning your shield away from the enemy team for a second getting killed by them because of a lapse of judgement. in the meta a tracer would be assisting rien or killing the mercy very quickly. if they are of equal skill in low rank they are going to have a hard time hitting the smaller hitbox compared to the big one.

the enemy team would have equal game sense for that rank (your argument) this point is moot