Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

s2 plat, s3 and s4 diamond(all maining rein btw, over 200 hours), quit during dive, s10 diamond(playing rein, brig, zen, mercy). I play at a diamond level and listen to master/gm/top 500/pro players/coaches. You should too.

Ive played more reinhardt in one season than you have over your entire game time

It’s still a lot, lot more than you accuse me of.

So please, tell us all why he shouldn’t be fixed first?

I mean, I know that you would have to have your main account and 6 other accounts dedicated to Reinhardt to have as much play time as I do on him. But as you said, I am not going to attack you as a person, lord knows there are far better examples of the nonsensical things you post which could. I will let all of that slide. You are a champion among men/women.

Why should he be nerfed before Blizzard fixes his bugs?

ill give you that benefit. But you clearly dont know anything about reinhardt, you can play 1000 hours of reinhardt, but if you dont play him seriously, its basically wasted hours.

If reinhardt was so op, was so good, get to higher ranks with him. I mained rein from plat to diamond and it took over 100 hours. That doesnt scream ‘op’ to me, even when i did this in s3.

Rank shaming isn’t the way to do it, but you must understand that the developers balance the game around higher elos (Masters/GM/Pros).

Watch a GM plays Reinhardt, than Watch another GM plays Hanzo for example and tell which one is op and which one is not…

Because his bugs aren’t actually holding him back. This isn’t Doomfist or Sombra level problems where they were/are actually unplayable.

LMAO. Are you kidding me, do you never get charge bugs, earthshatter bugs, etc? You clearly havent, because his bugs MASSIVELY hold him back, especially earthshatter ones. The only reason he isnt F tier due to the bugs is because his shield is the only good part of his kit at this stage.

Nerfing reinhardts shield would completely kill the character, maybe thts what you want, but thats not what anyone who plays this game at a diamond+ level want.

If it was just about his shield, and he was otherwise unplayable, where the hell is Orisa? Her kit actually works, and she blocks 30% more damage than Rein does. And she isn’t thrown around like a toy like you Rein players endlessly cry about.

I mean, sure I’ve seen plenty of Rein bugs, but I think I can count on 1 hand the number of times it cost me a match.

And this is where you are wrong.

Do you know how utterly dominant us die hard Reinhardt players would be if all his bugs were fixed?

Even with the bugs in place, as they happen, I still maintain a 58% win rate after 2500+ games as Reinhardt. That’s a large margin for any hero. I only went down to 58% after the dreaded 2017 Anniversary patch, before that I was between 66 and 62% win rate fluctuating.

If Blizzard fixed the bugs Reinhardt would be unstoppable. At that point, I could see looking into how his kit can be redefined to even him out, if it would be necessary, which I am not sure it would be.

Orisa is useless with Zarya and Hanzo, there’s your answer.

orisa unlike rein is more situational, she is only meant for defense or payloads. She is an anchor tank, she will never, ever be able to be on the same level of rein on offense unless reinhardt becomes 100% useless. Orisas kit is also countered by people that hold the W key, she is a character that if she doesnt keep people at bay will most likely get steamrolled. Orisa is also much more difficult than rein than you would expect.

Orisa does not benefit from the current ranked meta

I can’t work out what you’re telling me there, that his bugs are a big deal, or not?

Both of whom have been nerfed, in Hanzo’s case, repeatedly. Both are down to more ‘normal’ levels of play.

So the metas eroded, but here still stands Rein.

Orisa, much like Winston, are niche until a meta shift happens. Orisa became the most picked tank in owl due to the double sniper change and how good orisa/hog/dva was at countering it to an extent.

Reinhardt is easy to play in ranked, he isnt very complex, ofc he will be used more than any tank especially in this meta.

The meta shift is encouraging rein still, as ana who was one of reins oldest crutches, is getting more popular.

Then what happened to “easy heroes shouldn’t be so rewarding”?

Its still the meta in higher elos.

he isnt that rewarding by himself, he needs to be insanely enabled. You try playing him at a diamond+ level and do anything more than just holding rmb without someone enabling you. Youll die or get ccd faster than you can say OP if you are not enabled as rein.

For a new player his bugs are make or break.

For me, not so much, but they still define my win rate by about 10%. You want a nerf to a hero that only those with immense hours of play time can overcome. Do you think new players are willing to spend 200+ hours figuring out where all the places are that you can’t use Earthshatter? Will they play for 300 hours to overcome what may happen if you charge and knock back 11 enemy players without a pin solution, and what you have to do to mitigate your own death? Yes, I said 11 enemy players, When I do it, I do it to the max.

My point is no one in their right mind would pick up Reinhardt now for anything except the 2000 hit point mobile shield.


Reinhardt is both heavily enabled by other characters that are meta rn, as well as increasingly unfun. He has never been a staple of a meta, he was still the most used tank in ranked even during dive meta up till gm, due to how easy he is to play compared to orisa or winston

In s2/s3 Rein was meta only because of how brokenly overpowered ana was and how zarya is in the game, and how bad winston was outside of gm/top 500 at the time, and orisa wasnt in the game yet. s10 it was zarya + brig + hanzo, s11 its becoming ana again and still zarya

Again though, the meta is being eroded, we’re seeing more dive happen, but he’s still insanely popular in spite of a resurgence of dive.

In S2/3, Orisa didn’t exist yet to give him some competition to be fair, but still there were a lot more complaints then, than there are now he has more competition about his pick rates.