Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

He’s absolutely not fine. He is broken. His ult often doesn’t hit targets, charge works weird 9 out of 10 times, and he can’t cancel shield and mellee, as he used to.

He plays so slow now…

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Lmao he’s clearly not OP and has his share of bugs, but saying he’s in the worst place right now is simply false. You can’t go wrong with a Rein pick.

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Rein is one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

He’s designed to work with other heroes he’s designed to increase his teams power why do you think he can’t attack while shielding because he’s meant to work with his team orisa is the one with the problem her hitbox is the size of Mount Everest and only has 400 hp and some slow projectiles rein is slow while shielding and vulnerable while doing so please educate yourself


Rein is not op, just meta👌

And his bugs are so stupid, that alone ruins him😭


I’m genuinely surprised this thread has made it this far, and more shocked that new people keep responding to this.

I guess what they say is right, stupid threads gets more attention than serious ones…

Only 3 people replied today, and yet here you are keeping it alive.

Thanks for that.

For me, this is a serious thread. I’m literally stopped playing comp a couple of weeks ago and now stopped playing at all because I’m sick of being asked to play Rein.

The darling of OW is OPAF and no one cares, because big macho German man. Meanwhile D.Va, Mercy, Brig, Ana get anywhere near those numbers, everyone loses their mind.

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Imagine being a Rein main and being asked to play winston or dva for the last 2 seasons!

Imagine the fact that any “non-meta” hero main goes through this regularly!


It’s almost like you’re not special :scream:

Back when Dive was dominate, I got asked a lot to play Winston instead of Reinhardt and Orisa. I love Winston but I don’t want to play him every single game.

Now I will ask you a question, did Winston get a nerf or deserved one just because people asked me and many other tank mains to switch off the other tanks? Doesn’t sound reasonable, does it?

Also I stopped playing all together too, because my characters (Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Sombra) doesn’t function properly like the 25 other characters. And Orisa isn’t that fun to play 24/7 , so I’m left with only Winston and Ana…

Winston wasn’t anything like the must pick Reinhardt is. And D.Va did get repeated nerfs at that point. And as a D.Va main, I generally accepted they were warranted.

Dive was a must pick in my elo, and the only map I got play Reinhardt was Kings Tow and Orisa was Elios.

Winston didn’t get nerfed because of how strong the other Dive characters were, and it’s the same with Reinhardt. Plus Reinhardt+Zarya are much more beginners friendly than Dive, so it’s more popular.

But this time they have nerfed all the other deathball/brawl heroes and it hasn’t shifted Rein from the meta even though there are now a lot more viable DPS, and Brig has slipped to fourth on Support picks.

How can it “be the meta”, when the meta has been so heavily eroded away?

Hun, it’s still Hanzo’s meta…

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He’s not nearly the mandatory pick he was, he’s in line with a few others now.

And don’t call me ‘hun’.

…And I don’t know if you noticed, but that resulted in Dive being meta for over a year as they nerfed and/or reworked literally every non-Winston part of dive and it still didn’t topple it.

Not a great example.

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Ok, but Reinhardt got an identical Pick rate to Ana. Does that mean she’s a must pick too?

What do you want to nerf in Winston? He’s fine now, he simply go carried by and Tracer during Dive the same way Reinhardt got carried by Zarya and Hanzo now.

Winston and Reinhardt are symptoms of the meta, Winston didn’t get nerfed and neither will Reinhardt.

We’ll see, she’s been there before, but we know from 3 tank it was all about the effective health of certain tanks cough Reinhardt cough that made her that way then.

Still they nerfed her, and when Rein went away, she died horribly.

??? are you blaming reinhardt for the triple tank meta, are you seriously blaming reinhardt at all for that. Do you know ANYTHING about reinhardt when involved meta wise.


Rein went away when they buffed Winston.