Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

“The tanks are fine”

Now i know you are just a troll

No wonder Blizzard ignores the forums.

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s1-3 Rein before dive went full effect was must-pick, current Rein is just popular. Same deal with Mercy, she’s at a 9% pickrate but I expect that to go back up to Rein level once the nerf settles, and that’s fine.

Factors that go into this:

  1. Rein is the easiest main tank to get value from.
  2. The best counter to shatter is your own Rein shield.
  3. Reputation: Rein is THE shield tank. When players ask for shield they mean Rein.

Reinhardt is a problem insofar that his synergy with certain heroes, the map design, and the payload objective is unrivaled to the point where even a theorethically superior alternative lacking this synergy is going to be a less desirable option. We’ve talked about this, it can’t and shouldn’t be ‘fixed’.

Your nerf demand is exactly like wanting DVa nerfs because of her synergy with Winston or Zarya nerfs because of her synergy with Hanzo.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

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Funny how before Season 10, Winston was the most played tank at least in Master+. After Season 10, Reinhardt became the most picked hero in Master and GM. Literally nothing was changed to Reinhardt and all of the sudden people are complaining that he’s too OP?

Reinhardt was picked more often in lower ranks because he’s pretty straightforward and easy to pick up hero, in my opinion.


You literally just advised me to be dishonest if I was a “smart” Orisa. I think that has a lot more bearing on why they’d ignore them.

Other than her entire kit is based around a strategy that runs against how Overwatch was fundamentally designed. Nothing wrong at all!

Orisa is very niche. Winston is less niche but still niche. DVa is an off-tank. What main tank options do you therefore have outside those niches? I’m waiting.

Principle difference: Widow was buffed, Reinhardt was not

Reinhardt was given Orisa to compete with, and Winston buffed also to compete with him.

Except that those are both niche picks. Please use Winston outside of Dive and tell me how successful you are. Use Orisa outside of Pirate Ship/2CP and let me know how that goes for you.

Reinhardt does not have any real competition in the game outside of those two scenarios in which–well, you guessed it, he’s outshined by both characters.

There’s only two wall tanks to protect your team. Him who is more aggressive or orisa that likes to say at a distance. Is this really a surprise? We need more actual main tanks that can defend the team. We don’t have a lot of variety there.

Orisa outside of pirate ship and defending 2cp? 75% win rate, thanks.

Dive didn’t exist below Masters, but Winston still had success there.

Widow was a niche pick until less than 2 seasons ago, incidentally. And at most ranks, still very much is. Do you not remember the “Get an early pick with her and switch” discussion, that went on long, long after her buffs.

Ah yes there’s Jessicka again, as insightful as ever… oh wait.


Wow, one Orisa player in Gold really disproves all those players from Bronze to GM :roll_eyes: She’s the least-picked tank above Silver, and least picked overall. Maybe, just maybe, that’s because she’s not actually that good out of a handful of scenarios? Or if we use your pickrate logic, she must be UP, but no, no, you already stated otherwise… not very logically consistent on that point, but in any case, you’re an outlier point. That part is irrefutable.

Not really true on either point, though Winston certainly wasn’t used for Dive below high Diamond, and really he wasn’t used very much at all. He only broke a 5% pickrate in Diamond, having a comparable pickrate to Zarya to that point (only consistently above Orisa) and falling behind both Roadhog and Reinhardt. He very much so is stuck in the Dive niche, and he does not show evidence of reliable success outside of that niche

Yes… and then she was buffed, and became extremely strong. Reinhardt has not received any such buff, and he has also cycled between being meta and off-meta. That’s a pretty dang clear difference

I find Rein to be the most balanced of heroes.

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When has Reinhardt been a bad pick then? Even when dive was meta a year or so ago, his pick rate was at worst a solid 4%-5% and that was only in the very top ranks. In lower ranks he could still compete toe to toe with when the meta supposedly was against him. Even at his worst, Reinhardt has been an OK pick and there was never a time when he didn’t see a decent amount of play, much like it is for

Now when CC supposedly hurts Reinhardt, funnily enough he is the barrier tank that sees play on the ladder and not Orisa, despite her having tools to counter CC whereas Reinhardt does not. Winston and Zarya are losing picks when they are out of meta, that has never been the part of Reinhardt.

And it’s not that I think Reinhardt functions independently of his team or something, but it’s worrying there are people who would downplay his role as an enabler to the point of claiming he’s the one being enabled. Yes, Reinhardt will lose a fight with no one to support him. However, the people who’d need his shield but don’t have one don’t get to have a fight at all. Playing Reinhardt you should know what happens when a Reinhardt can’t muster the courage to push a choke point or charges deep into enemy backlines and dies prematurely. A Genji dies on a flank and the 5 others can still push, albeit with worse chances.

It is still a team effort and no one’s sole responsibility, but tanks do typically dictate the flow of battle.

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4-5% is low enough to be off-meta, but also, the Dive meta was unique in that it decreased in potency and prevalence as you stepped down in rank. It basically didn’t exist at all through low Plat, and high Plat and low Diamond only had partial dive comps. Therefore, no meta was “against” Reinhardt in those lower ranks.

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reinhardts never been a bad pick, but thats because hes a unique tank, easy in ranked(even with all his problems he and orisa are the easiest tanks) with reward just for holding rmb.

Reinhardt is not a bigger problem hero than mercy, at least in terms of strength, reinhardt if anything is getting more and more unfun and now starting to get more and more worse gameplay, see

Reinhardt is not overpowered, not needing of a nerf, given that he basically got neutered last patch. Please do not think reinhardt is overpowered just because hes highly picked.


Since season 1, Rein has never been meta without some busted hero (Ana& Stunbot Brig) enabling him or something making his shield necessary(Hanzo and Widowmaker) for the game to go anywhere. He actually got neutered last patch too.


Try an entire year during dive meta where I was flamed and reported for playing Reinhardt in Grandmaster. He was actually unplayable at the very top level during that time. Anyone who claims otherwise was not in GM during that time. There is a reason the pros never picked him until this most recent patch (and even then he was still the least picked main tank in the OWL). That is not an accident.


as the two above me said. Reinhardt has never been overpowered, he has never been meta defining, this is reinhardt in a nutshell.

Absolutely useless without at least two crutches to keep him up. Zarya is always going to be one of them, s2/s3 was ana hence why rein died meta wise/gameplay wise from s4-s9. He is only meta when he has an enabler. Enablers are the following: Ana/zarya in s2/s3, Brig/zarya in s10, brig/ana/zarya in ranked s11.

Rein does not deserve to be nerfed

dive was used significantly less because the mobile delete everything shield was nerfed

dive is still used but the main point your missing is that it wasn’t dominant with their long shield that protected them gone it was easier to take down the kings/queens of mobility. that reductions certainly made dive useless on control maps.

hey what happened april 2016? that’s right roadhog took a giant punch to the face with the gun damage nerf, prior to that dive’s flankers were kept in check by roadhog because he can pull them out of d.vas DM range and very quickly off them, don’t get me wrong that fact he had an easy kill button was still bull but it was the reason why there wasn’t any complaining.

hmmm something that ouright removes the ult and can be spammed very easily Or something that can’t, can be broken and takes a long time to comeback, or can be very easily circumvented gee I do wonder why a flank tank whose only reason for DM was to help said flank tank make a fast push that’s not intended to go from point a to c. DM was be abused there was no punishment for constantly having it out and eating anything that wasn’t a laser or a hammer literally only three characters could effectively fight through the dm, as d.vas would just boost away before the freeze affect took place and dm wall a friendly attacking the mei when they get frozen stopping her alt fire.