Rein doesn’t need a CC immunity buff

Ppl act like getting stunned is the actual worse thing in the world. Sure if ur like zen or soldier yea getting brig stun is death. But as rein? You ain’t gonna die, and it don’t last very long. Orisa doesn’t stand up to brig, she just takes it, rein takes it and dishes it out, better then Orisa

I mean you would think running Orisa would be a popular strat agaisnt brig if it was good, but oh wait, rein is the go to

No, rein is actively pushing in with his bunker, while Orisa is setting up bunkers closer and closer to the space given. One is more effective then the other in terms of claiming space

Hint hint it’s rein

Agreed that it’s meta dependent. And rn it’s in Reins favour

What brig lets her shield die. Mine has yet to die in a comp match

2000 hp and he doesn’t have to keep it up constantly

thats true but considering this is their livelihood they’re obviously gonna play the best characters in a real match

Ive tanked and my teams like “REEEEE NO SHIELDS WHY” and im like, its not easy when i can’t control how i move my character help me a bit more then you might not have such a bad time.

Both Dva and Orisa used to run at full speed while jumping and holding fire, they both got fixed speed even while jumping as this was a workaround to the slow penalty.

stunned in teamfight will kill rein a lot of times. i dont know why people keep running 1v1 senarios for these things but a rein the frontline stunned out of his shield can die in a split second. trust me, ive tried it.

and just to clarify, most rein main are asking for him to be heavier when using his shield. not actual cc immunity. leave that to orisa.

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People don’t want immunity

They want Resistance.

Stuns last a shorter amount of duration, more crucially knockback distance lessened.

Orisa and Dva Lower Knockback based attacks whilst shooting, Rein is a Melee based hero and hasn’t got the luxury. At this point with the CC Power creep, Holding up the Shield should warrant Some form of protective passive. Hell it doesn’t need to even be active when the shield is down if it means there is protection at any given point in time.

But stuns is the counterplay to his barrier.
A knockback reduction would be nice though.

Maybe because this is a bug?

In a team setting rein will definitely not die because your team can heal him up especially with Ana running rampant now. And in a team fight rein is way better to pressure brig then Orisa

He never gona be fully fixed, that might make him to op.

he can die.
i dont think you get how much damage can be thrown at him by a coordinated team. that split second is enough to burn out a rein with or without ana.

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Okay and Doomfist needs something to help him mitigate stuns so he can keep doing his job.

Ana can save him, add another healer and a secondary tank and boom he’s fine

Again, if it was as bad as you say, why is rein run constantly against brig

because he works when he has a brig on his own team…but what does this have to do with brig?
im saying that a stun can kill him when a coordinated team follows up and you are saying it cant. not whether or not brig is OP or not.

I just use brig cuz she can stun him easily

A coordinated team can also save the rein with the supports and off tank

Again, if rein was so weak to cc

Maybe he wouldn’t be played as much

Huh ? Of course not. Is Blizz thinking about such things ? What is this thread ? :smiley:

dude…he is weak to it.
but has you yourself are saying

all im saying is a coordinated team can kill a rein the sec he gets stunned.
im not saying a cordinated team cant save him from it.
it can. by all means but you said outright:

thats all ive been trying to tell you.

Anything can happen

Can Isn’t worth discussing

then why have you been discussing it?

I thought your point was that rein consistently gets stunned and dies

my point was that rein is weak to stuns, that a rein that drops his shield unwillingly can die real fast if the enemy team is coordinated enough and that it happens more often then you seemed to acknowledge.