Rein doesn’t need a CC immunity buff

Lol the only good part about his entire kit needs to be looked at, and in your opinion, nerfed?

Uhmm no. Rein rn is just a better pick overall. Orisa can work but their are few situations where she’s actually better then rein

A matter of perspective then i guess.

I mean he used way more even in the pro scene, you know, where the best players play

You said only newbies wouldn’t know that Orisa is better yet the pros disagree

welp quite frankly i don’t care about the pro scene and what they say, they can play any strats they want.

I’m talking about usuall QP, you know where the most actuall player base playing, and there most Reins are suffering greatelly and way more often making mistakes they simply cannot make up for, Orisa can do way better if player just have some more awarness and dosen’t throw away her abilities like candies on halloween, and even if you make a mistake or two there is always a chance to reedem yourself and your team simply dosen’t suffer that much if you did something wrong.

Like i said a flashbang RP or shield bash is a death sentence for Rein and most importantly for some of his teammates as well becasue he can’t exactly keep the shield up while being stunned, Orisa don’t give a damn about the stuns in general if you manage not ot waste fortify on something else, but even if you do your shield isn’t going anywhere even if you die and you team can still make a use of it and of your ult as well.

So overall in a casuall situations with very little comunication and lack of sweaty tryhard gameplay wich i like the most there is no reason for me to ever pick Rein over her regardless of the map or a teamcomp he just never works the same way and defently way less fun.

rein doesn’t make orisa obsolete
orisa by design has different practicality than reinhardt

they’re not meant to be interchangeable and we shouldn’t make them interchangeable

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I can’t talk about qp because I literally never play it

welp just like i said, it’s up to personal vision.

I don’t think we need to be talking about balance in terms of qp as qp doesn’t really have balance

Well i didn’t say anything about balance lol.
I only tried to prove my point why Rein isn’t a 100% replacement for Orisa like you said, and that simply is my own opinion that has nothing to do with overall balance between those two.

But since you’ve mentioned it i’d say QP is exactly the place that should be in mind of balance team since most players and especially newcomers will be there anyway.

And better pressure, initiation, ability to claim space, stand up to Brigitte etc

as opposed to who though?

As far as pressure goes, he’s limited in that regard due to being a melee hero. His ability to claim space is no different than Orisa, who you could argue is even better, though both are main tanks and should have that regardless. Finally to stand up to brigitte? the one who can shield bash him through his shield? By all accounts orisa has him beat their too considering fortify reduces brigitte’s damage and negates her cc, she’s got range over brigitte, and the ability to pull brigitte away if she does get too close.

Reinhardt claims space better because as you’d aid he is more mobile. He offers protection during the transition between being stag instead and claiming space. He can claim more of it as he doesn’t need to bunker down. Orisa’s hole Premise is bunkering down and anchoring the team, which is counter intuitive when you want to be actively claiming space, which you have to have some mobility for.

Reinhardt can give off more pressure because he can get close while also getting his team close aswell. An Orisa can’t approach to create pressure and while her gun is good it doesn’t create the same pressure that a swinging rein with his team creates. Rein is more in your face and pressures the enemy more with his presence.

And rein stands up to brig because while she will run over the other tanks like Orisa and Winston, rein can hold his ground more. It’s why he is run agaisnt brig a lot more. Brigitte is better agaisnt bunkering, but rein doesn’t bunker down. He is a mobile bunker in a way that can also hold his ground. Brigitte can’t just barrel into him, he can hit her back, knock her around while also being able to bring the barrier up again

He would never kill her, but he would pressure her, that’s why is picked more agaisnt her

And hes picked more then Orisa in general for the other reasons

What a garbage video. I mean, the technique is solid, but why demonstrate it on a video where A) You died and B) You wouldn’t have gotten hooked if you just kept your shield up.

You’re forgetting about the slow push though. You’re right orisa’s better at anchoring, and once that space is claimed, it’s claimed. Rein by all accounts has to fight for that same space, which he cant do with shield up.

I didn’t make the comparison of pressure between rein and orisa. If you want pressure, Winstons the go too. Dive was a game of pressure that he was the king of. Rein can’t apply that same kind of pressure. He can’t even move in fast enough to apply pressure without the aid of lucio’s speed boost, a big reason why rein fell off so hard after lucio’s nerfs.

??? how. Orisa shoots her point blank in the face while fortified. Brig either has her shield up and isn’t doing damage, which will break quickly with that kind of damage going into it… or she’s swinging as hard as she can, teh damage is being reduced to orisa and none of brig’s cc’s are affecting her, so orisa has all the time in the world to shoot her crit box, especially at that range.

This isn’t even true. swing for swing a rein will win. It’s more dependent on who gets the jump on the other first though when factoring in abilities.

Orisa doesn’t really do a slow push

She does a slow advancement of bunkers, while rein actually pushes. Once that space is claimed it’s claimed, but Orisa can’t claim it as good as rein

Winston gives more pressure in the back line. Rein gives frontline pressure. Different styles, although rein is also picked more then him

Don’t look at the game as one vs one. When the two teams are pushing agaisnt each other, or fighting, it’s easy to wait for Orisa to sue her fortify. Brigitte can assist into pushing into Orisa better then pushing into Reinhardt

Again, this isn’t a one vs one. Rein isn’t going to go hammer time unless he wants to get bursted down. But he can get swings in and then put shield back up to constantly knock her around. He squares up to her better in a team setting

Are you kidding me you wouldn’t understand a thing about Reinhardt, or how much struggle it is playing him you don’t even main him that long plus he does have lots of bugs, and still broken with shatter he does too need a CC buff would help him a lot.

Bug fixes shouldn’t even need to be discussed, they should just be fixed

As for the struggle, honey I main sym, don’t talk to me about struggle

And I don’t see a reason in buffing the best tank in the game

He doesnt need CC Immunity i agree, he should be yelling at either his Offtank for not stoping it or his Healer for not healing through it

This is the exact same thing.

And this is arguable, but I don’t think we’ll find common ground on it considering the former quotes.

Depending the meta. For a long time rein was barley existent beyond low elo. It can also be said, every hero can give front line pressure. It’s practically the default.

This is blatantly false. Brigitte can literally shield bash rein out of his shield, giving the rest of her team opportunity to combo cc him down and clean up the rest of his team. Orisa still has her barrier up in that time, which has also cut off the back line healers from the enemies front line.

as oppose to just shooting her from a distance and breaking her shield, which practically leaves her useless?

Also should be noted with the scenario with rein, he’s still just the equivalent of a mobile barrier, that the enemy can bring down at any time.