Rein doesn’t need a CC immunity buff

In fact rein doesn’t need any kinda buff apart from bug fixes

He is being picked a lot and Rn he is the best main tank

There is no reason to buff the best main tank especially when he already makes Orisa obsolete

Just because he gets stunned doesn’t mean he is underpowered or that he is somehow countered by heroes like brig


Get rid of the shield jump exploit. it severely penalizes symm trying to feed off him, if you allow him to run at normal speed with his shield up you’re allowing him to break the balance in the game.

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What shield jump exploit?

I don’t think of it as an exploit, but… It is jumping forwards, with the shield up whenever he is in the air. It means he can get full speed, and have the shield up 90% of the time.

I consider that tech more than an exploit…


I think if they got rid of it, Rein would have the same knockback resistance as Orisa and D.Va do when they fire their weapons.

Sounds like a pretty fair trade-off imo.

Reinhardt would be an unstoppable MUST pick with CC immunity. Not to mention Rein vs Rein would get really silly!


As long as DF Mccree and Brig exist he dosen’t lol, he just way more simple and straight forward plus being a simply most popular and beloved hero in comunity makes it look that way.
In my experience she is way better and can do much more if not being played by a complete newbie who have zero idea whats he doing.

- YouTube

From your cheesy rein expert RichieC.

There was already a thread made about this topic. I think we get it.

We’ll have another one then, what’s the matter?
It’s a serious issue. :robot:

Ever been the Reinhardt on the receiving end of a CC volley?

Shield bash > Uppercut > Rocket punch > Lucio boop to keep airborn > Hog hook > SHIELD BASH.

I’ve LIVED it, and I KNOW he doesn’t need CC immunity. He needs a team competent enough to not let them TURN REIN INTO A VOLLEY BALL!


legitimately whose been asking for cc immunity.

I ask for anti CC. That does not = only cc immunity. This can = cleanses, cc resistance, etc.

Rein does need something anti cc to help him vs all the cc running amok rn.

I think the frontline hero with massive barrier that protects his teammates should have more counterplay than trying to burst his shield alone. Stuns is this counterplay.

I wouldn’t mind him having a knockback resistance when he has his shield up though.


This is a bug. They aren’t supposed to have knockback resistance.

What rein needs to do is switch because he is being countered .


I’m aware, but I think it’s the way that Rein keeps his momentum with shield if he jumps that makes the difference, as D.Va and Orisa don’t have the same properties.

Hell, it might even go the other way with Orisa and D.Va being able to shoot and hop for full speed as well.

i really hope they don’t fix this tbh… it would hurt one of orisas main niches over rein and her viability on maps like well or sanctum and the reason rein ISN’T picked on maps like that

I mean, the only reason is being picked a lot is 'cause of his barrier. That doesn’t mean he’s in an alright spot by any means. He’s the equivalent of a mobile barrier.

Have the barrier looked at then, I think the recovery rate is too high, specially after EMP.