Rein doesn’t need a CC immunity buff

High pick =/= Good spot
High pick =/= Fun to play
High pick =/= Balanced

The above are just a few assumptions that people make. Yes, Rein is picked a lot but that doesn’t mean that everything is ok. Its very frustrating to play against CC and get thrown all over the place. How can you do your job as a main tank if you’re constantly being thrown around like a rag doll?

I’m not sating he should be completely immune to CC, but should have some significant resistance to it.

Buffing him would make him super op, sure maybe he’s not super fun, but buffing him to make him more fun would totally make him unbalanced

He’s obviously doing his job if he’s being picked so often

I think your missing the point. The problem is not that he can’t do his job, its how difficult it is to do it with the presence of CC. It’s like when the brand new mercy 2.0 came out, super high pick rate but not fun to play against.

Giving him CC resistance would not make him super OP, especially if its a small amount (50% to 75%) and especially if it only applies to when he holds his shield up. Meaning when he puts his shield down, CC would be just as effective as it is now. The CC resistance is only for positioning and keeping your shield where it needs to be. Really don’t see how that can be super OP.


every other tank is worse than rein rn due to the synergies rein has. Rein is really the only character you do not want swapped.

Every other tank except orisa/zarya is also hot garbage vs cc, orisa has nowhere near the synergies rein has, and zarya can only be played with rein viably.

If you can’t think of any possible way to win other than relying on Rein then perhaps you don’t deserve to win.

Not using a meta tank when every other tank isnt as good as him. I would think youre the one that deserves to lose, and thats probably why youre the rank that you are.

I see that you are just an immature, elitist child. Goodbye.


cant come up with a comeback lol.

theres a reason theres something called meta.

Why would I need to think of a comeback to a child’s whining.

you mean making a comeback when i call you out?

Reinhardt is the meta and if you dont pick rein you will have a bigger chance of losing.

So your saying that even though Rein is getting shut down and being useless to your team because of getting stunned so much then you won’t switch because if you do you will lose. So the team that didn’t have to rely on the meta heroes doesn’t deserve to win.

reinhardt isnt being made useless if hes getting stunned, hes literally doing his job.

Firstly, playing rein isn’t super mega hard. It’s tough but it ain’t that bad. And making him easier would be making getting value out of him easier and therefore he would be getting more value, making him better, which is not good when he is already getting a lot of value

If it was so hard to get value out of him, maybe he wouldn’t be used as much because the value isn’t as reliable

The only time a hero has this level of pickrate is when they are easy to get value from, or no other hero that does same job can give enough value to warrant picking them. In either scenarios. You do not buff the hero that is dominating.

To me, it’s simple, you buff the heroes that are having a hard time getting value, and aren’t very useful. You don’t buff the ones that are always being used because they bring such good value.

I mean, why don’t we just buff Ana at this point, let’s buff all the top tier heroes who outshine everyone in their role, it only seems fair

This is going to accidentally kill a bunch of players, since it’ll make concussions from Junkrats and Pharahs launch Orisa and D.Va TOWARDS their enemies, increasing their damage and shortening a time to kill.

Buff in disguise.