Record broken - over 600 games

How is it NO ONE ELSE has this issue? I have a suggestion for you to try for a few games to win. I’d like you to try it. Just as an experiment. I think I can help you win a few games.

Pick Mercy, pocket a DPS or a tank. And only even heal other players between fights. And if it’s a Roadhog you’re pocketing, damage boost them only for the first bullet you see them fire after a hook. And no going idle. Five games

The idea here is to put the demand on you as low as possible, but still giving you a part that can be impactful. I believe the bare minimum on bronze should be enough.

ah yes he’s back



like this is just spam at this point


tbf, it doesnt list comp games won from any prior seasons, but that would still leave like 2500 games won minimum

Sure… and you count leaving as losses

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You’ve had more before……can’t even keep track of your own records


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Guys a prolific liar. What more can be said


May have shamelessly stolen this meme


^ Well it is a glorious meme :sparkles: Long live the ninja cake

(Apologies for the accidental double post while trying to edit for clarity hhhhh :sob:)


Oof. That was good.

I’ve watched some VODs of his and he just afks and instantly starts berating his teammates right from the start of every match. Also sends copypaste crap to the match chat at the start. It’s well past trolling. Just shows the sad state of mental health services.


Woot woot! I’m better than I thought at being bad at the game.

arcade on this account

More uninformed assumptions. I’ve said many times, this isn’t the account I’m talking about. Also your numbers are incorrect for that account, I don’t care where you got them - including Blizzard itself. That’s simply not the case.

600 games in a row?
This is not possible, Blizzard would not allow it.
I bet you can’t even manage to lose 20 games in a row.

Lolll it’s all good buddy

I’ve lost that many in under an hour. Other team just rolls mine EVERY game. Over half the time I get subbed in just before the loss. It’s easy. Barely an inconvenience.

I bet that just by doing nothing, I would still win 4 out of 20 games in arcade.
Let’s document it. Video proof is needed.

Ah, yes, the fictional mystical account that you’ve never shown anyone because the facts of the case are not with you.

Also, calling Blizzard liars sounds pretty TOS.


Have you ever considered the account doesnt exist

Lmao you have not lost more than 20 games in 1 hour quit lying.


I wish one of the staff would come here and be like

“you played 15 games yesterday and won 7” lol


Then Ethernyet would say that its not the account that has all the losses on

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