Recent stance on one tricks

Yea but thats when hero bans come in. So its all on you if a hero ban comes your way. I suggest spreading your wings a bit

nope iā€™ll just leave you wonā€™t get penalized for leaving during the preparation phase
and jeff also said that hero bans isnā€™t coming

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The last paragraph of his post said he wasnt in favor of the new system. Not that it wasnt coming from what i read. But i could be misinterpreting.

Who cares? Let people play who they want!

Iā€™m not even a one trick, and Iā€™m getting sick and tired of posts attacking one tricks. Why should people get flamed for playing the hero they enjoy?

Do I get annoyed when I come across a one trick in my games? Of course I do. But if I see a one trick, at least I know theyā€™re not throwing the game and trying their best, unlike others who pick these heroes just to throw because theyā€™re saltier than the Red sodding Sea.

I would rather have a Torbjorn one trick playing Torbjorn than having my team go ā€˜Oh my god, we donā€™t need a Torb, just switch! Nyghh!ā€™ Not only is it tilting, but its also childish. Its a game. Play it to have fun. If youā€™re really that upset about a one trick, just avoid them and leave. Itā€™s your Sr that gets docked, not theirs, not mine, yours. Iā€™d rather re-que than deal with petty drama in a VIDEO GAME.

Peace out.


he basically said ā€œwe have a new system that makes it so that we can have balance updates more quicklyā€
my little theory is that theyā€™re gonna make balance changes server side (at least the ones that are just changing some numbers) this is very likely since hearthstone started to doing that exact thing to avoid dealing with app store verifications and jeff has mentioned in the past that consoles are the reason why patches are like a month apart (bc of xbox and ps verifications)
but yeah i might be wrong who knowsā€¦

He also reconfirms that itā€™s not a bannable or reportable offense. Itā€™s not supported, but theyā€™re not going to forbid it either.

You can tolerate something without supporting it.
From what Iā€™m reading, future changes that they might make to the game, they will not consider problems one tricks might be exposed to.

They arenā€™t doing hero bans but if they did, the problem one tricks would have faced, they would not have cared about

Daddy Jeff wants you to learn to press H. :heart:


He said ow is game of mastering many heroes which I find funny because a meta exists. Why learn many heroes when only 6 is ever meta at a time. Everyoneā€™s roster is constantly cut in half.

So why learn menu heroes when you can master 1 that always in meta, like mercy or rein. Itā€™s only when someone is one tricking off meta thatā€™s a issue, you have underperforming heroes that get reports before the gates even open, this is the biggest issue imo.

This game is designed?

ā€œI prefer to think that OW allows you to be creative which is different than forces you to be creative. I donā€™t want to watch the best Genji player in the world play Zarya ā€“ I want to see him/her play Genji. And also, seeing how many of you ā€œmainā€ heroes because you love them, I donā€™t want the game ā€“ or your opponent ā€“ telling you youā€™re not allowed to play that hero.ā€

  • Jeff Kaplan, not so long ago in the old forumsā€¦
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The whole point of his post is that they have developed additional systems and a new plan for balance patches that will hopefully force meta shifts or at least make such meta play less advantageous. His whole post was about how they value multiple hero mastery and why he doesnā€™t feel hero bans help with that goal because one-tricks or mainers can simply ban their counters and similar maladaptive behavior.

The desire to play and master one hero and have him/her define their overwatch gaming experience is what some people pay for. I can respect that, and am so disappointed to hear so much resentment against them (popular twitch streamers included).

Welp, as long as you try to win, that long its fine for me that someone is one tricking :man_shrugging:
And its propably what was refered there, you dont throw by plaing what you like to. And role q actualy reinforce people to one trick, if they would say play multi role heroes.

Thatā€™s all good in theory, but when I fire up the game today I donā€™t find a lot of 1 tricks and when I do they play meta and meta is like 6 heroes every single game. I have serious doubts that anything will ever change.

He never said he didnā€™t like it. He is just saying they donā€™t encourage it. But they are okay with it.

Most of the pro players ā€œone trickā€ a hero.

You can have doubts but donā€™t misrepresent whatā€™s been said. You can have problems with stale metas but even the heroes you listed havenā€™t been meta for a bit.

Mercy hasnā€™t been meta for quite awhile and Rein fell out the moment 222 was introduced. By your logic any given player needs to master, at a minimum, 2 heroes per role they play. A tank player needs to master both Rein and Orisa, and now Sigma. Thatā€™s almost half the tank roster. Off-tank players have it even worse; they need to master the off-tanks AND the main tanks they synergize with.

Supports have it even worse. Three supports were necessary for GOATS, so a non-OWL player needed to be at least competent with three different support mechanics to remain viable. Once 222 rolled out that support lineup has flexed a lot, going from Moira to Zen to Lucio to Baptiste etc. Again, thatā€™s over half the roleā€™s roster you need to be competent with.

Talk about the problems you have and talk about them honestly, donā€™t strawman a dev post when theyā€™re actually trying to talk about problems.

I think thereā€™s enough context clues in the post to see that heā€™s not a fan of it.

Nope. He has posted previously that they are okay with it. Role Queue pretty much reinforced people doing it too. He is just saying they prefer not to encourage it. But, many pros do it too so, for the simple fact that a player who ā€œon tricksā€ gets naturally better at that hero due to the hours on that hero, then a person playing multiple heros and trying to reach the same skill level.

To be fair I think thereā€™s a big difference between ā€œI donā€™t want to swap yet because Iā€™ll lose my ultā€ and ā€œI refuse to swap everā€. Thatā€™s actually a big mistake a lot of people make by not swapping before they use ult even though it might be a smarter move, but thatā€™s part of the depth to the game.