Recent stance on one tricks

The developers state that they allow one tricking but do not encourage it and urge against it believing it goes against the design of the game.

They also say that their decisions for not implementing hero bans have nothing to do with one tricks and the further changes will most likely not consider them.

So for the record:

One tricking is allowed
Blizzards urges against it
Believes it causes meta issues
Goes against the games design

I wouldn’t consider that saying blizzard supports one tricking

Title Edited by the Moderation Team to remove Developers or Players that were called out by name.


For the record… he said that they are okay with it… but don’t want players to encourage it more.


I didn’t read the “more” part. I read that they flat out don’t encourage it


I don’t see the issue with One tricking exactly can you explain why it seems to be such a issue


I’m sure you can find another thread arguing about it.

But you seem to be against it, surely you are able to tell me

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They don’t encourage it but they don’t consider it bad enough to be a reportable offense, fair enough.


You can report everything in an automated system

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It would be a bad business decision to tell customers that they can’t only play one thing. The developers can’t control the player base even if it’s going against their desired design. So they have to tolerate it but they don’t need to support it and will advise against it because they believe it’s not the right way


They don’t like having 1 tricks, but still feel wrong to punish players who enjoy 1 tricking. So he is begging us to not 1 tricking in nicest way possible


Some heroes are designed to do certain things - for example, moira is designed to hit fast moving targets. If you pick a fast moving characters into her, you’ll have trouble. That’s where your problem comes - you’re stuck, you only play 1 character and you’re being countered, what do you do?

Mostly, you let down your team and play into something that’ll smash you.


They aren’t supporting it, but they’re also saying it goes against everything they created.

This is the most on the fence thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m not throwing, I’m just going againts the games design.

I don’t agree with it but I’m not sure what the point of this thread is.

it ruins other peoples games when you refuse to swap to something needed because you one trick


Widow on last point defensive scramble. :put_litter_in_its_place:


Yet the game mechanics encourage it, and discourage swapping your hero out.

doesn’t stop me from one tricking so :woman_shrugging:


Because some heroes are countered harder than others. If you have a Torb or Sym one-trick on your team all the enemy has to do is play heroes like Pharah or Hanzo and if you don’t have anyone else on your team that can play something to take them out, you’re boned, all because one person thinks that their desire to play a single hero is more important than the needs of their team. Some one-tricks are better than others though, depending on the meta. Like nobody is really going to complain if you one-trick Orisa right now, but should the meta shift away from her, you’re gonna get more complaints.

Because what makes a good overwatch player is someone who can analyze a situation and switch to the best hero for that situation. You just need to be aware of your counters and people who refuse to switch off a hero when they’re getting hard countered by multiple heroes on the enemy team, are doing nothing but feeding.