Reaper Is Even Worse Than We Thought

Sometimes when my internet is losing packets for whatever reason I get bullets not registering.

It’s even more funny on pharah when you fire a rocket, die, and then see the rocket disappear as if it was never fired.

Of course there could be other reasons than packetloss.

The real question is how was that a highlight. Also that isnt just a reaper issue, many heroes can get no reg shots, happens to hanzo pretty often.

I think there’s a lot of no register hits in OW.

That said rng mechanics are awful. The fact that his crit is an all or nothing mechanic is incredibly stupid. His average damage per second doesn’t change if they make it so each pellet that scans onto enemy head crits and each that hits body doesn’t. If they make that one simple change:

  1. Reapers damage is predictable for him. This means he can make better decisions and whether or not he wins a duel or gets enough sustain to stay alive won’t be in large part RNG.
  2. No one will get bs one shot as a squishy hero 8m away because Reaper got lucky and all those body shots mapped as double damage even though he only clipped your head with a few pellets.

It’s good for everyone and doesn’t change average dps. No idea why they have him set up in such a silly non-competitive way. Strong RNG mechanics have no place in a game like this

Making his spread as tight as D.Va’s, like TRI suggested, would make him overpowered. However, a ten to fifteen percent reduction of spread or making his spread non-random would not.
A good example of a balanced shotgun weapon that works like this in a game would have to be the Mastiff from Titanfall. It has great accuracy, very little range and rate of fire, but it is a killer.

I’m sure it’s not packetloss as I had a steady 80 latency at the time of recording, but unless the other guy had packetloss, then Blizzard would need to fix their servers and still fix how damage registration works.

I pressed F9 to save it as a highlight.

If this is true, Blizzard still needs to own-up and fix it.

Honestly this, this would make him a much better character while not breaking him.

In the OP defense. There is a such thing called a “no reg” which means a shot that didn’t register. There are youtube videos about this, showing first hand that it’s a thing.

Coach Jayne has a video of himself shooting a target as widowmaker, the hit indicater registered, but the actual damage did not. He called it a “no reg”.

You’re asking for a shotgun hero to not work like a shotgun.

I don’t know why this is such an issue.

My spread reduction suggestion was there to make it more realistic because, contrary to popular belief, a shotgun is an accurate weapon.
My non-random spread suggestion was to make it balanced with the idea that it’s ‘just a video game’.
I separated the two by an ‘or’ for the reason of balance.

I don’t know why you have such an issue with people who enjoy the game trying to balance a troll/F-tier hero.

Reaper is a trash hero even where he is supposed to be good, which is close combat.
Blizz seems to not care about this hero, it’s so frustrating.

A shotgun is an accurate weapon up to a certain range. But when you have a sawed off shotgun, it loses a lot of it’s accuracy and that’s what Reaper has.

Also, IRL, shotgun pellet spreads are random too.

You didn’t read the post

Reapers cannons are so inconsistent for me, it’s either chip damage or I end up 2 shotting someone, there’s no in between.

shotgun pellet spread is random but most of the time you can snipe a beer can from 30 yards out

Are you blind? He obviously hit him twice with near full body shots and the damage didn’t register.

I mean, what do you want me to say to that?

This is a videogame. The spread is made that way for balance purposes.

If any change needs to be implemented at all for Reaper (where the devs think it needs to happen), spread and damage are the absolute last things I’d touch.

Because he shot at his feet.

It would be nice to know that good aim with reaper would be rewarded that’s all

There are times when my aim is absolutely trash but the RNG of the pellets led to a victory

Why even bother with a crosshair if it’s not even the basis of where your damage goes?

So while yes, reaper does have extreme damage falloff, I feel like within 5 meters (you know, his effective range) good aim shouldn’t be a factor in losing a 1v1

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Didn’t matter where I aimed because it still hit, even the visuals show that it did, but the main opening point of my post was to establish that damage

Say it with me

Did :clap:
Not :clap:
Register. :clap:

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Sorry but good aim doesn’t get rewarded on a shotgun hero with large spread angles.

Does good aim get rewarded on Roadhog with his primary fire? No, it doesn’t.

The entire purpose of a shotgun is so you can have lots of near misses but still hit the target. It allows for a more generous aiming patturn. But it needs drawbacks (lack of damage at range specifically).

The whole point of the spread is that it’s able to 1 shot someone if he gets close enough and is extremely effective against tanks. That’s what reaper is good against. Tanks.

It’s not our fault that developers refuse to change armor so shotguns can work better against it. It’s not my fault that he does so much damage per shot up to 2x per second.


  • Draw back fire rate
  • Decrease spread
  • Increase damage at range

You get to pick one of the last 2 while keeping the first.

It did.But because of spread.Not all pellets hit.Then when he was right in front of you and you shot him in the guts you finally killed him.

You literally saw the pellets collide with his body, aiming at his feet is irrelevant, stop trolling.


None of this is new. People have known for a long time the shotguns in the game are bad. All the pellet-based weapons in the game are unreliable as hell.

Shots that don’t register, damage that’s nto being calculated correctly, even just the fact they have severe range limitations when they do about the same damage in close as weapons that work better at range.

This had been pointed out MANY times, but it never gains traction or developer attention.

To comment on the specific video, the first two were solid hits. Even if only HALF the pellets landed, and far more than half looked like they did, it still should have done around 140 damage to the 200 hp soldier. But his health bar only registered around 30 damage, which matches with the Quick Melee.

And no, this isn’t “high latency” or some rare issue. This is TYPICAL. This is standard for shotguns in the game. Hog has similar registration issues. D.Va and Doomfist’s weapons do even worse at times.