The soldier was standing still before we both dropped down. The only thing that was moving was the platform he was standing on. Also I’ve never heard of that issue beforehand.
I don’t think you understand.
To you, he was standing still, but maybe he wasn’t… and it’s just a way Blizzard has figured out in working their servers, so we never see issues like some experience in games like COD, where it’s a lot more obvious.
Considering how many server issues there are, especially since last Summer (dunno why), Blizz has done a pretty good job of giving us a rather fluent game. I mean… I’m not dumb. I know when my Widow bullet went right through someone’s head and they weren’t hit… but what can I do? These are the network services they have available for now.
You just made my day so magnificent lack of soul.
he is better than people think he is. his ult is really good at getting 2+ kills and the self-proclaimed #1 reaper ‘spirit’ getting top #2 NA while onetricking him
Here’s a huge problem with reaper: his inconsistency.
A reaper could literally shoot in the same place twice; one time it deals 10 damage, the next time it deals my entire health bar. That’s a huge reason why Reaper is so frustrating to play against- you get these moments where he obliterates you even though that doesn’t seem fair with where he was shooting. Blizzard should definitely work on fixing his primary to work properly, both for Reaper and the enemy team.
This happens with many projectiles, not just Repaer. I noted a bug report about Junkrat where his mines and grenades failed to register.
People have noted the same regarding Hanzo with proof showing the arrow connecting and even sticking to the target but no damage applied.
There is something weird with projectile physics in the game.
Thing is… Reaper is a hitscan.
D’oh! I thought the pellets were projectiles. The more you know…
Perhaps it is an artifact of the pellet rng distribution applies the damage as calculated but the pellets themselves are particle fx. As such, some may “miss” and be calculated to hit and some will “hit” but calculated as to not hit.
In other words what it looks like is going on isn’t necessarily true to what the system says is going on.
Just a theory.
Your guess is as good as mine right now. Either way something needs to be done and it wouldn’t kill them to try and explain.
They should give shotguns static pellet spray like Quake/TF2. Prevents a lot of the randomness when trying to shoot people which can get really frustrating.
This summary is very, very true.
When you’re able to do 140 damage per shot up to 2 times a second, you need a big spread.
Just further evidence this is latency related.
Yeah because it’s not like every other hero can aim easier in closerange right?
I just love how reaper fanboys continue to use the fact he’s a shotgun hero against him.
I don’t understand why you love him so much if his spread is so horrible and it’s random pellet placement.
It’s almost as if that’s the point of a shotgun right?
It’s the point that every other shotgun is better.
- Better spread like
- Projectiles=easier headshots like torb/road/DF
Yes Reaper has damage potential, but it comes at an amazing risk.
I also love how you witchhunt every single Reaper thread with your ignorant opinions.
The last thing Reaper needs is a damage buff or a spread decrease.
The problem he has is that he only has one reliable ability to get in/get out. Which is terrible for flanker/close range heroes.
Take a look:
Tracer: Blink + Recall
Genji: Double Jump + Wall Climb + Swift Strike
Doomfist: Rocket Punch + Seismic Slam + Rising Uppercut + Meteor Strike
Sombra: Translocator + Invisibility
The problem with Reaper is not his damage or his spread, it’s Shadow Step. It provides absolutely nothing for Reaper during fights and is only usable outside of fights, which is a huge problem as it’s basically a waste of an ability slot. He needs something that can get him in and out of these close range engagements quickly and reliably to pair with Wraith Form. Wraith Form currently prevents any damage, gives him a speed boost, and auto reloads. This ability can be used as both an engagement tool and a disengage, so currently you have to pick and choose. Do you use it to chase down a hero trying to run away leaving you with no escape if you get into a sticky situation? Do you use it to run away to safety giving you no decent option of re-engaging with your team?
Either they need to rework Shadow Step or they need to replace it.
How to make Reaper a overpowered hero: Make his spread like Dva effectively increasing his damage 10x because it’s more accurate and can land more damaging pellets on crits.
It’s like you don’t understand that his spread is that way for a reason. It does up to 140 damage. Twice per second. Which is a lot for a single shot. And now you’re saying we should tighten the spread by over 50%? No. That’s just bad game balance.
The pellets have the exact same width and height as a Soldier bullet. Don’t like the projectile dimentions? Don’t play hitscan.
It’s ridiculous to continually ask for buffs that are fundamental differences with what the hero has.
You want a shotgun hero with low spread and non-random bullet patturns.
You want a hitscan hero with projectile sized pellets.
These are so contradictory to everything.
I’m not witch hunting reaper threads here. I find a post (because I’m somewhat active) and discuss things, even if I disagree with them. That’s why it’s called a discussion forum.
Also, you say my opinions are ignorant for no reason. Yet you want to make a hero do massive damage to everyone like a sniper except be a shotgun hero. You have to pick a side.
I also love how you write #BuffReaperNOW in all of your comments about him like it will do anything. It’s not effective.
that happens on every hero it shows a shot then doesnt do damage