Not trolling.I just saw what I saw.
I’ll keep this thread alive until I see that orange post if I have to. This is unacceptable for them to let this go on, what others make it seem like, since day one.
I’m talking about lack of damage withing 5 meters
if you think they should be that spread out on THE shotgun guy maybe reevaluate how you consider balance
What are you talking about the lack of damage within 5 meters? It still does the full 140 if all the pellets hit.
Also, do you know how far away 5m is in game? That’s practically next to them. Ridiculously close. If you cant hit atleast 75% of the pellets at that range, you’re the problem.
Also, yeah, the entire hero shouldn’t change. Because you aren’t taking into consideration the fact it can 1 shot a lot of the roster if it hits crit enough.
Balance is important. You don’t seem to understand it in the fact of damage + spread = balance.
Go and play reaper and you’ll see that even if you have god like aim most of your pellets miss, he’s only strong against some tanks
that 2nd pic is really dope looks like some kind of anime ability
I think that’s with every shotgun weapon in Overwatch currently not only with Reapers.
Iv’e experienced it with Doomfist and Roadhog too.
We got the Reaper expert over here, with 0 seconds played as him.
“Symmetra is so trash that got reworked 2 times already”
“Hey but someone got top 500 as her, so she’s not trash”
That’s the logic behind your comment.
It’s all the pellet based weapons, sadly. D.Va, Torb’s right click, etc.
All except Tracer, it seems, because her pellet count is set to 2.
feels bad. reaper is my fav hero but he definitely a lot weaker compared to other dps =(
his ultimate ability doesnt even feel like an ultimate ability lol =(
i dont know what other hero to play… none of them interesting to me
Not in real life. In real life they’re a mid-range weapon. Dude, go watch some shotgun videos on YouTube. Doomfist’s primary attack is the closest thing to real shotguns we have in the game (in terms of spread). Reaper has some weird blunderbuss with horrible spread no one would ever use in real life. Heck, no one would use it in any other game. It’s practically a melee weapon.
True,but he can still one shot you with a headshot.And there ain’t much you can do.
I feel you. Reaper just feels so irrelevant right now. I remember being able to obliterate the enemy team with a well timed ult or even comboing with Reindhart’s Earthshatter or Zarya’s Graviton Surge. Now, if I get 2 elims with his ult, I feel lucky, especially if I’m playing against the most disgusting Hero of the game called Brigitte.
As a Reaper main, I tend to disagree with what most people are saying about his Shadow Step being useless. I think having good map awareness and knowing where to shadow step can result in some strategic flank positions. He just needs to be carefully re-worked to render him a threat once again. His escape strategy would be a great place to start, possibly increasing his health steal and maybe increasing his clip size to 10.